
Vinca minor 'Alba'
Vinca minor "Alba", called "little white periwinkle" in Dutch, is a semi-shrub, often classified as a perennial. It is a low growing, ground cover evergreen with small, elliptical and glossy leaves. The plant has dark green leaves and five star-shaped bright white flowers. The main bloom is in April and May. This vinca minor is very hardy and requires a position in full sun, partial shade or even shade. This vinca is very flexible in terms of soil type and, unlike vinca difformis, also tolerates dry soil.
Are sold per 24.
Price is for 24 pieces.
Vinca minor 'Argenteovariegata'
Vinca minor 'Argenteovariegata' is an excellent garden plant for difficult places. It forms an evergreen and densely vegetated ground cover that blooms in spring with numerous small, light violet-blue star flowers.
The leaf is glossy, leathery and yellow/white variegated.
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Price is for 24 pieces.
Vinca minor 'Aureovariegata'
Vinca minor 'Aureovariegata' is an excellent garden plant for difficult places. It forms an evergreen and bushy ground cover that blooms in spring with numerous small blue star flowers.
The foliage is glossy, leathery green-yellow.
Are sold per 24.
Price is for 24 pieces.
Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea'
Vinca minor "atropupurea" (syn. "rubra"), called "little red periwinkle" in Dutch, is a semi-shrub, often also classified as a perennial. It is a low-growing, ground cover evergreen plant with small, ovate and glossy leaves. The plant has dark green leaves and five star-shaped purple-red flowers. The main bloom is in March and April. This vinca minor is very hardy and requires a position in full sun, partial shade or even shade. This vinca is very flexible in terms of soil type and, unlike vinca difformis, also tolerates dry soil.
Are sold per 24.
Price is for 24 pieces.
Vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyll'
Vinca minor "Gertrude Jekyll" called lesser periwinkle in Dutch is a semi-shrub, often classified as a perennial. It is a low-growing, ground cover evergreen plant with small, elliptical and glossy, dark green leaves and five star-shaped bright white flowers. The main bloom is in April and May. Vinca minor is very hardy. The lesser periwinkle requires a position in full sun, partial shade or even shade, this periwinkle is very flexible in terms of soil type. It is well tolerant of sea winds and also tolerates air pollution and drought.
Are sold per 24.
Price is for 24 pieces.
Azalea jap. Orange
An Azalea with the second name “japonica” basically belongs to the deciduous Azaleas, but they can still keep their leaves in mild winters. The flowers appear in spring and are chalice or bell-shaped and are very similar to those of Rhododendrons but are somewhat smaller.
Rhododendron 'Marcel Menard'
Rhododendron 'Marcel Menard' is a medium-sized, evergreen, rhododendron with a broad upright bushy shape. The leaves are medium to large, matt-gloss, oval and medium green. This ponticum hybrid flowers mainly from May to June, with funnel-shaped, dark violet to purple flowers with a yellow-green marking in the throat, the flowers are grouped in loose racemes of 9 to 18 flowers. Rhododendron 'marcel menard' likes a position in filtered sunlight or partial shade, sheltered from harsh winds and with a shaded root zone
Rhododendron 'Dreamland'
Rhododendron 'Dreamland' is a small, evergreen rhododendron with a bushy, compact and round shape. The leaves are thick, matt green, ovate, with indumentum (woolly hair below). This yakushimanum hybrid flowers mainly from May to June, with frivolous light pink flowers with a slightly darker color at the flower margin, the flowers are grouped in open, loose, racemes with 22 flowers . rhododendron 'dreamland' likes a position in filtered sunlight or partial shade, sheltered from harsh winds and with a shaded root zone, with extra watering it can also be placed in full sun.
Rhododendron 'Golden Torch'
Rhododendron 'Golden Torch' is a low shrub with compact racemes of bell-shaped soft yellow flowers that open from soft pink buds.
Rhododendron ponticum
Rhododendron ponticum ' is a medium - sized evergreen , rhododendron with a bushy , widely spreading dome - shaped habit . The leaves are narrowly elliptical, dark green with a creamy white to light yellow margin. This rhododendron species flowers mainly in May, with bell-shaped lilac to mauve bell-shaped flowers in racemes. Rhododendron ponticum likes a position in filtered sunlight or partial shade, sheltered from harsh winds and with a shaded root zone. It requires an acidic, moist, well-drained soil that should never dry out completely, needs little pruning and is very hardy.
Allium fistulosum
Allium fistulosum is a valuable aromatic ornamental onion for the border and rock garden with umbels of small green-white flowers.
It is a slow spreading bulbous plant that can also be grown as a vegetable with edible, upright, fine hollow, blue-green leaves and edible, white bulbs ready for harvest about 6-8 weeks after sowing.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Armoracia rusticana
Armoracia rusticana, called horseradish in Dutch, originates from southern Europe and was introduced in the Low Countries as a medicinal plant as early as the 16th century. Now this perennial is usually used as a vegetable, both the young leaves and the root can be used for culinary purposes. The plant has large, elongated ground leaves and smaller deeply dissected stem leaves, it flowers (rarely) from May to July with small white flowers in broad, terminal panicles on stems up to 1m long.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.