
Artemisia absinthium
Artemisia absinthium, called absinth or wormwood in Dutch, is a semi-evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a broad-growing bushy shape. The particularly decorative leaves are downy, grey-green to silver-grey, bipinnate and aromatic. This wormwood blooms from July to September with white-haired, yellow flowers in branched racemes. This plant likes a sunny position and a light and well-drained soil that contains sufficient lime. Artemisia absinthium is hardy, drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution without any problem and is aromatic in all its parts.
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Chamaemelum nob. 'Ligulosum'
Chamaemelum nobile 'ligulosum', called Roman chamomile in Dutch, is a small, ground cover herb with aromatic, fern-like, light green leaves. The plant flowers from June to September with double white flowers with a yellow center. Chamaemelum nobile 'ligulosum' likes a sunny position and a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. The plant is hardy, but our wet winters are sometimes too much.
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Rosmarinus off. 'Capri'
Rosmarinus officinalis (Prostratus Group) 'Capri' is a beautiful creeping plant that is best grown in a pot as it is not completely hardy.
Especially nice if it can hang over the edge of the pot.
Blooms profusely with light blue flowers in spring and autumn.
Often used in Mediterranean cuisine for meat, fish, poultry, pizza, etc.
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Rosmarinus officinalis
Rosmarinus officinalis, or common rosemary, is a relatively small, upright, evergreen shrub from southern Europe. The glossy, dark green, almost needle-like leaves are very aromatic and have downy hair on the underside. From April to May, the plant blooms with lilac, light purple, to sometimes almost white flowers. In the coastal region the flowers are usually smaller. Rosemary likes a sheltered position in full sun and preferably not too acidic, well-drained soil. The plant is moderately hardy, very drought tolerant, also tolerates sea wind and air pollution well and does not suffer from diseases or pests.
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Rumex acetosa
Rumex acetosa, also called sorrel or sorrel, is a deciduous herbaceous perennial with a clump-forming habit and thick, elongated, medium green leaves. Field sorrel flowers from May to August with reddish brown flowers on slender spikes, later followed by brownish red seed fruits. The plant likes a spot in partial shade and a well-drained soil with an acidic to neutral pH. Rumex acetosa is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, usually does not suffer from diseases.
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Thymus citriodorus
Thymus citriodorus is called lemon thyme in Dutch. It is an evergreen perennial with a bushy, creeping, ground cover habit and lanceolate, dark green, aromatic leaves. This thymus citriodorus flowers in July and August with small, lilac-colored flowers in round flower heads. The plant likes a position in full sun and a well-drained, not too fertile, fairly dry soil. Thymus citriodorus can be pruned back in early spring and light trimming is also recommended after flowering. This plant is hardy, drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and is virtually unaffected by pests or diseases.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Verbena officinalis
Verbena officinalis has a round habit, richly flowering on long, little branched stiff stems with bright purple long spikes.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Aponogeton distachyos
Aponogeton distachyos, in Dutch called Cape water lily, water spike or water candle, is an aquatic plant native to South Africa. The leaves are elongated oval, leathery, medium green and float on the water, between the flowering periods they disappear under the water. Cape water lily flowers from March to May and then again in October and November with strongly vanilla-scented white flowers with purple stamens. Aponogeton distachyos likes a position in the sun or partial shade and a water depth of 30 to 90 cm. The plant is fairly hardy if planted deep enough (40 to 50cm), good disease resistant.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Nymphaea 'Aurora'
Nymphaea "Aurora" is a beautiful, orange-colored water lily for small to medium-sized ponds, which has the special property that the flowers change color during the growing season. The rather small, round leaves appear purple and then turn dark green with brown spots during the season. This water lily flowers from June to September, with small, delicately scented, star-shaped flowers. Cream-yellow flowers with a yellow center at first, after a few days the flowers turn copper-coloured to orange. The diameter of the flower is about 6 to 12 cm. As soon as the flower has finished blooming, the seeds sink to the bottom.
Nymphaea 'Black Princess'
Nymphaea 'Black Princess' is a water lily that is very suitable for a medium to small pond with a water depth of 40 to 80cm.
Blooms with peony-shaped dark ruby-red to black flowers with a yellow center. The color is really unique!
The round leaves are initially red but later turn dark green.
Nymphaea 'Fabiola'
Nymphaea "Fabiola" is a profusely blooming, pink water lily, which is especially suitable for medium to large ponds. The plant has large, almost round leaves, which emerge bronze-colored and then slowly turn green. This water lily blooms from June to September, with large, pleasantly scented, cup-shaped to peony-like, pink flowers, with a yellow center and almost white outer sepals. As soon as the flower has finished blooming, it begins to sink to the bottom, after which the seeds can germinate. Nymphaea "Fabiola" likes a position in full sun or partial shade, a water depth of 0.50 to 1.00 meters and a nutrient-rich soil. The plant is very hardy, attracts butterflies, bees and other insects, tolerates sea wind and slightly brackish water and is also tolerant of air pollution.
Nymphaea 'Joey Tomocick'
Nymphaea 'Joey Tomocik' is a richly flowering water lily that is very suitable for a medium to large pond with a water depth of 30 to 80 cm.
The round leaves emerge with a light green marbled finish, but become even green later in the season.
The small star-shaped, soft yellow flowers float on the water between the large leaves.