Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

Marsilea quadrifolia
Marsilea quadrifolia, also called cloverleaf fern, is a small, deciduous aquatic or marsh plant native to central and southern Europe, plus part of Asia. This fern has a floating and creeping habit, it spreads via rhizomes. The green leaves are composed in four parts and resemble a cloverleaf. Spores develop on the land leaves (above water), which are collected in bean-shaped spore boxes. Marsilea quadrifolia likes a position in full sun or partial shade and a well moist to wet soil, which is submerged at least part of the year.
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Mentha pulegium
Mentha pulegium, also called polei, is a deciduous riparian plant with a low, broad-spreading shape. The leaves are oval and downy, dark green colored and strongly aromatic. Pennyroyal flowers from July to September, with pure white flowers, grouped in a whorl-shaped inflorescence. Mentha pulegium likes a position in the sun or partial shade and a, preferably, slightly moist soil. The plant is hardy, sea wind tolerant, tolerates air pollution, is reasonably disease resistant and is not bothered by vermin. Pennyroyal can be used to flavor sauces, desserts and drinks.
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Mimulus 'Bonfire Red'
Mimulus "Bonfire Red", also called red mask flower, is a low-growing swamp plant of hybrid origin. The plant spreads via rhizomes and has round to ovate, irregularly toothed, light green leaves. It flowers from June to the end of August, with striking, red, axillary flowers with red-purple spots on the yellow throat. Mimulus "Bonfire Red" likes a position in full sun or partial shade, in places where it gets some shade in the afternoon, flowering lasts longer. Red mask flower likes any moist to wet soil and can also grow in shallow water. The plant is moderate to good hardy, attracts butterflies and bees, is reasonably disease resistant and air pollution tolerant.
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Myosotis pal. 'Ice Pearl'
Myosotis palustris "Ice Pearl" (syn. M. Scorpioides "ice pearl"), also called swamp forget-me-not, is a low-growing, deciduous swamp plant with elegant, pure white flowers with a yellow center and small, lanceolate, glossy, green leaves on rough, angular stems. The flowering period extends from May to August. Swamp forget me not likes a position in full sun or partial shade and prefers a moist to wet soil, it can also grow with its feet in shallow water up to 15 cm. Myosotis palustris "Ice Pearl" is very hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution well, attracts bees, bumblebees and butterflies.
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Phragmites austr. 'Variegatus'
Phragmites australis "Variegatus" is called variegated reed in dutch. It is a tall, tall, deciduous grass with broad, yellow variegated, nodding leaves and a colony-forming habit. Variegated reed flowers from July to October with brown-red to brown-purple terminal flower panicles that can be 20 to 40 cm long. Phragmites australis "Variegatus" likes a sunny position and a fresh, moist to wet, nutrient-rich soil. This grass is very hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution well, rarely suffers from diseases or vermin and is a good food plant for butterfly caterpillars.
P9 are sold per 4.
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Pontederia cord. 'Pink Pons'
Pontederia cordata "Pink Pons", called pink pike herb or marsh hyacinth in Dutch, is a particularly rewarding water plant for small to large ponds. With its special appearance, oblique habit and pointed heart-shaped, dark green leaves, combined with the beautiful pink elongated flower spikes, it gives the pond an exotic look. Pontederia cordata "Pink Pons" likes a position in full sun or partial shade, a somewhat loamy soil and a water depth between 20 and 60 cm. If you plant the plant at a minimum of 30 cm, you do not need to take extra protection measures during the winter.
P9 are sold per 4.
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Pontederia cord. 'White Pike'
Pontederia cordata "White Pike", called white pike herb or marsh hyacinth in Dutch, is a particularly rewarding aquatic plant for small to large ponds. With its special appearance, oblique habit and pointed heart-shaped, dark green leaves, combined with the beautiful white elongated flower spikes, it gives the pond an exotic look. Pontederia cordata "White Pike" likes a position in full sun or partial shade, a somewhat loamy soil and a water depth between 20 and 60 cm. If you plant the plant at a minimum of 30 cm, you do not need to take extra protection measures during the winter.
P9 are sold per 4.
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Potamogeton lucens
Potamogeton Lucens, called shiny pondweed in Dutch, is an oxygen plant that occurs all over the world. These plants are indispensable for the medium to large pond, they provide a good hiding place for fish and salamanders, fish lay their eggs on them and they have a high water-purifying effect. Glossy pondweed has yellow-green to bronze-colored, almost translucent, glossy leaves that can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) long and three inches wide. Potamogeton lucens blooms during the summer months with 5 cm large, reddish brown, above water flower spikes, the flowers are hermaphrodite.
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Rorippa amphibia
Rorippa amphibia grows in most of Europe in moist to wet soil, along ditches, ponds, swamps and pools with yellow clusters of small yellow flowers.
The leaf is edible and has a hot taste, can be used in salads
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Sarracenia maroon
Sarracenia maroon, also called pitcher plant, is an attractive carnivorous plant with a clump-forming habit. The plant blooms very early in spring with large, fragrant, ruby-red flowers, which are mainly fertilized by bees. Once reproduction is guaranteed, the special leaves of the plant appear. These funnel-shaped cups are colored reddish brown. The tube rim is very slippery and the strong scent of the nectar attracts insects, the funnel lid prevents escape and the highly digesting enzymes in the cup liquid ensure that the insects can be absorbed as food. Sarracenia likes a position in full sun
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Sarracenia psittacina
Sarracenia psittacina, also called pitcher plant, is a small carnivorous plant with a broad, almost horizontal habit. The plant flowers very early in spring with large, fragrant, brown-red flowers, which are mainly fertilized by bees. Once fertilization is a fact, it is time to produce plenty of leaves again. The leaves here do not consist of erect, broad funnel-shaped beakers, but of oblique, horizontal beaker tubes with a parrot's head. Through the small opening in the head, the insect is lured within the spherical space. The wide horizontal tube then seems to be the right escape route, but it becomes narrower and smaller and the many hairs prevent a return. This sarracenia likes a spot in full sun
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Sarracenia stevensii
Sarracenia stevensii, also called pitcher plant, is a carnivorous plant. The plant blooms in early spring with large, maroon-red flowers, which are mainly fertilized by bees. Once reproduction is guaranteed, the special leaves of the plant appear. These funnel-shaped cups are narrow and bright green at the base, higher up they are wider and deeply red-brown veined. The funnel lid and the funnel neck are white with thick red veins. The tube rim is very slippery and the scent of the nectar attracts insects, the funnel lid prevents escape and the highly digesting enzymes ensure that the insects can be absorbed as food. Sarracenia likes a position in full sun.
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