Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

Berula erecta
Baldellia ranunculoides, in Dutch called stiff swamp plantain or small water breegwee, is a ground cover, rosette-forming aquatic or swamp plant. The light green leaves are narrow ellipsoidal with a pointed apex and wedge-shaped base. The plant flowers from June to August with whitish pink flowers in pyramidal, paniculate inflorescence. Baldellia ranunculoides likes a position in full sun or partial shade and can be planted both above water along the bank and up to 15 cm below water in a neutral to calcareous soil. Stiff swamp plantain is moderate to good hardy, attracts butterflies and bees, tolerates sea breezes but dislikes air pollution.
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Caltha pal. 'Multiplex'
Caltha palustris 'Plywood', syn. C.'plena', in Dutch called dotterbloem, is a low-growing, clump-forming marsh plant that often grows natively along ditches, streams and on moist meadows. The leaves are shiny, fleshy, kidney-shaped, colored dark green and have a slightly serrated margin. This double-flowered marsh marigold flowers from March to May with double double, usually single flowers, often followed by a second bloom in August or September. Marigolds do well in the swamp area around the pond, but also in other moist locations. The plant likes a position in full sun or partial shade, has a flexible pH and does well in any moist soil.
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Calla palustris
Calla palustris, called serpent root in Dutch, is a native swamp or riverbank plant, which has become rare in Belgium and the Netherlands, with an upright and creeping habit. The leaves are glossy, medium green, ovate with a heart-shaped base and acuminate at the apex. The main bloom of snakeroot takes place in the months of April to June, often followed by a rebloom in the fall. The flowers consist of a greenish-yellow spadix enveloped by a bright white funnel-shaped bract, they are faint and unpleasantly fragrant to humans. Calla palustris likes a spot in partial shade and a water depth of 15 cm to +10 cm, it prefers an acidic, mineral-rich soil.
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Cyperus glaber
Cyperus glaber forms tall triangular stems where the dense racemes of yellow-green round flower spikes bloom at the top.
Requires moist to wet, fertile soil.
It is an attractive riparian plant for a clear water system
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Dichromena colorata
Dichromena colorata, called star grass in Dutch (white), is an evergreen cypress grass native to North America. The leaves are long, linear, light green, somewhat drooping and grassy, stargrass flowers mainly in June and July with striking white star-shaped flowers with beautiful green tips. Dichromena colorata likes a position in full sun or partial shade and a slightly acidic to neutral, moist to wet, humus-rich soil. It can also stand in shallow water. This plant is moderately hardy, sea wind and salt tolerant, good disease resistant, has little problem with pests and can also handle some air pollution.
P9 are sold per 4.
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Eleocharis palustris
Eleocharis palustris, called common water rush in Dutch, is a widely distributed water and oxygen plant. This plant spreads smoothly in width. Eleocharis palustris flowers from May to August with oval, green-brown to brown terminal spikelets. Waterrush likes a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade, is ph flexible, and does well in any fertile, wet to moist soil. The plant can also be planted under water from 0 to 30 cm deep. Eleocharis palustris is hardy, sea wind and salt tolerant, is also good disease resistant and has little trouble with pests. Coniferous grass is air pollution tolerant and has a good water purifying effect, it removes pollutants from the water and the air.
P9 are sold per 4.
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Hottonia palustris
Hottonia palustris, called water violet in Dutch, is an aquatic plant that occurs in the wild in large parts of Europe. The plant is also native to the Netherlands and Belgium and can be found in still or gently flowing, cool and not too hard water. The underwater leaves are grey-green, feathery, comb-shaped, dissected and on up to 1 m long stems that branch above water to produce flower stalks. Water violet flowers in May and June with pale lilac to pinkish, delicately scented flowers on stems that usually tower about 20 - 30 cm above the water.
P11 are sold per 4.
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Houttuynia cord. 'Chameleon'
Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' was named after the Dutch botanist Martin Hottuyn, and is also known as leidsplantje or marsh nemoon in Dutch. It is a deciduous herbaceous plant with a vigorous ground cover form and attractive heart-shaped aromatic leaves that are green, yellow, red to pink tinged. This variegated marsh anemone flowers from June to August with small creamy white, fragrant flowers. Houttuynia likes a position in full sun or shade and does well in almost all soil types. The plant prefers a moist soil that is not too rich, but also thrives on dry soil, where it will proliferate slightly less.
Iris louis. 'Ann Chowning'
Iris 'Anne Chowning', called red water iris in Dutch, is a tall, clump-forming and rhizomatous perennial. The evergreen leaves are sword-shaped and colored emerald green. This iris blooms in May and June with large, velvety cherry red, orris-like flowers with a golden signal. Iris louisiana 'anne chowning' likes a position in full sun or light shade and a neutral to acidic, humus-rich, moist soil, it can also be planted with its feet in water. This iris is hardy, pest free and disease resistant, in addition it tolerates sea wind and air pollution fairly well.
P9 are sold per 4.
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Juncus conglomeratus
Juncus conglomeratus is very similar to Juncus effusus but the stems are clearly striped and rough, also flowers 3 to 4 weeks earlier.
The flower consists of a brown squat inflorescence, standing on the sides of the stems.
They can be found throughout Europe in moist to very wet places among the grass, on nutrient-poor to moderately nutrient-rich soil.
Are sold per 4.
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Lythrum salicaria
Lythrum salicaria, also called loosestrife, is an upright herbaceous perennial with lanceolate, medium green to gray green leaves and a clump-forming habit. This loosestrife flowers from June to August with pink-red to purple-red, star-shaped flowers, grouped in long, terminal flower spikes. Lythrum salicaria likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any moist soil type. The plant has a low drought tolerance, is hardy, sea wind and air pollution tolerant and disease resistant.