Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

Hedera helix
Hedera helix, called common ivy in Dutch, is a vigorous, evergreen shrub that can be used as a climber or ground cover. It has three to five-lobed, dark green broad oval to heart-shaped leaves with a yellow-white vein and small yellow-green to green-white flowers in umbels on non-climbing branches. After flowering, which lasts from September to November, small blue-black berries follow. Hedera helix does well in full sun as well as in partial shade or even shade. The plant is undemanding to the soil and is hardy. This hedera is fairly sea wind tolerant, as well as air pollution resistant and attracts both butterflies and bees.
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Hedera helix 'Goldchild'
Hedera helix 'goldchild', called ivy in Dutch, is a variegated, evergreen shrub that can be used as a climber or ground cover. It has small, three to five-lobed, grey-green broad oval to heart-shaped leaves with broad butter-yellow to golden-yellow leaf margin on non-climbing branches. After flowering (with green-white flowers), which lasts from September to October, small blue-black berries follow. Hedera helix 'goldchild' does well in full sun, partial shade or even shade.
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Hedera helix 'Green Ripple'
Hedera helix 'green ripple', called ivy in Dutch, is a decorative, evergreen shrub that can be used as a climber or ground cover. It has small, five-lobed, gray-green heart-shaped leaves with creamy white veins on the climbing or creeping branches that turn purple in late autumn and winter. The leaves on the adult non-climbing branches are unlobed. This ivy flowers from July to September with inconspicuous hermaphroditic green-yellow flowers, followed by small blue-black berries. Hedera helix 'green ripple' does well in full sun as well as partial shade or even shade.
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Hedera helix 'Ivalace'
Hedera helix 'Ivalace' is a well-branched variety with no blooms and dark green glossy small leaves with wavy edges.
Can be potted to grow over the edges.
It is hardy but can be damaged by cold winds.
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Hedera helix 'Marg. Elegantissima'
Hedera helix 'marginata elegantissima', called white-variegated ivy in Dutch, is a vigorous, variegated, evergreen shrub that can be used as a climber or ground cover. It has small, three to five-lobed, grey-green triangular to heart-shaped leaves with a broad creamy white margin. It flowers from September to October with small, inconspicuous green-yellow flowers on mature non-climbing branches. After flowering, small blue-black berries follow. Hedera helix 'marginata elegantissima' does well in full sun, partial shade or even shade.
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Price is for 24 pieces.
Hedera helix 'Yellow Ripple'
Hedera helix 'Yellow Ripple' is a yellow variegated ivy with deeply dissected leaves.
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Rubus tricolor
Rubus tricolor comes from China. It is a wide spreading ground cover with red hairy shoots.
The leaves are glossy green and hairy white below, shallowly lobed and heart-shaped.
Blooms in summer with racemes of white flowers followed by edible raspberry red fruits.
Requires moist but well-drained soil.
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Vinca major
Vinca major, known in Dutch as the great periwinkle, is a semi-shrub, often classified as a perennial. It is a low-growing, ground-covering evergreen plant with heart-shaped, broadly ovate pointed, dark green leaves and five star-shaped violet-blue flowers. The flowering period is quite long, from April to the end of October. The large periwinkle requires a somewhat sheltered position, in full sun, partial shade or even shade, this periwinkle is very flexible in terms of soil type.
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Vinca minor 'Alba'
Vinca minor "Alba", called "little white periwinkle" in Dutch, is a semi-shrub, often classified as a perennial. It is a low growing, ground cover evergreen with small, elliptical and glossy leaves. The plant has dark green leaves and five star-shaped bright white flowers. The main bloom is in April and May. This vinca minor is very hardy and requires a position in full sun, partial shade or even shade. This vinca is very flexible in terms of soil type and, unlike vinca difformis, also tolerates dry soil.
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Vinca minor 'Argenteovariegata'
Vinca minor 'Argenteovariegata' is an excellent garden plant for difficult places. It forms an evergreen and densely vegetated ground cover that blooms in spring with numerous small, light violet-blue star flowers.
The leaf is glossy, leathery and yellow/white variegated.
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Vinca minor 'Aureovariegata'
Vinca minor 'Aureovariegata' is an excellent garden plant for difficult places. It forms an evergreen and bushy ground cover that blooms in spring with numerous small blue star flowers.
The foliage is glossy, leathery green-yellow.
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Price is for 24 pieces.
Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea'
Vinca minor "atropupurea" (syn. "rubra"), called "little red periwinkle" in Dutch, is a semi-shrub, often also classified as a perennial. It is a low-growing, ground cover evergreen plant with small, ovate and glossy leaves. The plant has dark green leaves and five star-shaped purple-red flowers. The main bloom is in March and April. This vinca minor is very hardy and requires a position in full sun, partial shade or even shade. This vinca is very flexible in terms of soil type and, unlike vinca difformis, also tolerates dry soil.
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Price is for 24 pieces.