Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

Rosa 'Hotline'
Rosa Rigo-Rosen 'Hotline' is a well-flowering spray rose with semi-double flowers. The color is intense pink, paler at the base of the petals and golden yellow stamens in the center. The flowers are rain resistant.
After flowering, red hips appear.
It is an upright bushy shrub with soft glossy, dark green leaves.
Is odorless but very disease resistant.
Rosa 'Lemon Fizz'
Rosa 'Lemon Fizz' is a repeat-flowering rose with small racemes of large semi-double, intense golden yellow flowers with golden yellow stamens in the center.
Forms an upright shrub with glossy green leaves.
Not fragrant but very disease resistant with an ADR label.
Rosa 'Morsdag'
This rosa 'Morsdag' is also called sexton rose. This is a special group of roses that stand out because of their stocky habit. In terms of size, the double flowers are somewhere in between the miniature roses and spray roses. Flowering is very rich and lasts well even without cutting off spent flowers. The low growth height makes this sexton rose ideal for groups at the front of the border.
Rosa 'Orange Morsdag'
Rosa 'Oranje Morsdag' is a sexton rose with small spherical, filled orange florets.
Rosa 'Pomponella'
Rosa "pomponella" (syn. "korpompan") is a medium-sized floribunda rose introduced by Kordes in 2005. This floribunda rose has a bushy, upright form with medium-sized, dark green, dense, slightly glossy leaves. It blooms in summer and autumn with small, double, dark pink, pompom-like flowers (4 cm dia.) that are grouped in small racemes of 5 to 7. Rosa "Pomponella" likes a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very permeable soil.
Rosa 'Snow Ballet'
Rosa 'Snow Ballet' blooms with small cup-shaped double white roses.
The small leaves are glossy dark green.
This softly scented rose can be used as a ground cover.
Are sold per 10.
Price is for 10 pieces.
Fargesia denudata 'Xian2'
The Fargesia denudata Xian 2 is an elegant, non-invasive bamboo that is suitable for tubs and the open ground.
The height of the Xian 2 is between 300 and 400 cm and has smaller and more graceful leaves than those of the Fargesia denudata. The leaf is fresh green in color. The stems are green in the beginning, later light yellow in color, but can turn red if it is placed in a sunny place. In winter, the Fargesia denudata Xian 2 also remains beautifully green.
Fargesia nitida 'Gansu'
Fargesia nitida 'Gansu' is similar to Fargesia nitida 'Vulcano' but more refined. Is also smaller (3m) and grows more compact, the shoots grow close to the mother plant.
The stems are dark green in the first years, but from the 3rd year they turn dark purple (almost black) which is very beautiful with the narrow grey-green leaves.
Not rampant.
Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder'
Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' comes from the Sichuan province of China. It is an attractive, medium-sized bamboo with an upright, clumping, non-invasive habit. The leaves are long and narrow, medium green in color and on erect stems that are purple at first and deep olive green when mature. The bracts of the culms are a beautiful orange-brown. This bamboo likes a position in partial shade, shade or full sun and a fresh, well-drained, airy and fertile soil.
Pleioblastus auricomus
Pleioblastus auricomus is a slow growing, evergreen dwarf bamboo with a compact upright, slightly arching habit. The leaves are broad, lanceolate, variegated, colored light green with golden-yellow stripes. They stand on thin purple-tinted culms. This bamboo likes a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and a moist, but well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Pleioblastus auricomus is very hardy, but still prefers a sheltered place. It is only moderately drought tolerant, dislikes direct sea breezes, tolerates air pollution and is virtually unaffected by disease or pests.
Shibataea kumasasa
Shibataea kumasasa is often used for dense planting in boxes and the like. Can be planted in a tub or in a group. The plant also does well under the shade of trees.
Can also be used very well as edge planting and low hedge.
Geranium macr. 'Czakor'
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Czakor' is a semi-evergreen, medium-sized cranesbill with an upright and strongly clumping habit. The leaves are light green to medium green, round lobed and aromatic. In autumn they turn a beautiful orange-red. This geranium flowers profusely in June and July with small single dark pink flowers. the plant likes a spot in partial shade or light shade, but also thrives in full sun or shade and is happy with any well-drained, not too fertile soil. To prevent too much sowing, it is advisable to remove the flower stems and seed pods after flowering. Cranesbill is hardy, sea wind tolerant and air pollution resistant.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.