
Schizophragma hydrangeoides
Schizophragma hydrangeoides is a member of the hydrangea family and resembles the climbing hydrangea (h.anomala petiolaris) particularly well. It is a vigorously upright and self-adhesive deciduous climber that blooms beautifully in summer with fragrant, flat white umbels. The leaves are large, dark green, toothed, heart-shaped and pointed. This hydrangea does well in partial shade or shade and requires a well-drained, not too dry soil. It is extremely hardy and self-adhesive. This plant can also tolerate sea breezes, attracts bees and butterflies and is quite disease resistant and pest free. The plant is very well suited as wall planting or ground cover.
Trachelospermum jasm. 'Star of Venice'
Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Star of Venice' grows much more compact than the variety with a longer bloom of small white star-shaped, fragrant flowers.
Forms climbing stems with oval glossy dark green leaves that turn red in autumn.
The star jasmine can also be used as a ground cover in a sunny place.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Trachelospermum jasminoides, often called Italian or Tuscan jasmine in Dutch, is an evergreen climbing plant with a high, twisting, climbing habit. The leaves are dark green, oval to lanceolate, glossy and sometimes turn a beautiful deep red in winter. This star jasmine flowers from June to September with a lot of strongly fragrant, star-shaped white flowers in hanging racemes. Trachelospermum jasminoides requires a sheltered position in full sun with a southern orientation and good winter protection. The plant requires a well-drained humus-rich soil, is fairly hardy, fairly sea wind tolerant, tolerates air pollution, is well disease resistant and produces striking legumes up to 20 cm long in autumn.
Vitis coignetiae
Vitis coignetiae, called "Japanese vine" or "decorative grape" in Dutch, is a very decorative, deciduous climbing vine with a powerful upright shape and large, three to five-lobed, rounded leaves that turn a beautiful bronze to scarlet red in autumn. This vitis flowers in June and July with inconspicuous greenish fragrant flowers and in late summer followed by small black to purplish black berries. Vitis coignetae likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation and prefers a neutral to calcareous soil. The plant is hardy, drought tolerant, attracts bees and butterflies and is suitable for wall plantings, trellis and fencing.
Vitis vin. 'Purpurea'
Vitis vinifera "Purpurea", called "vine" or "decorative grape" in Dutch, is a very decorative, deciduous climber with a powerful upright form and large, three to five lobed leaves that display brilliant foliage colors during the spring, summer and autumn . This vine flowers in June and July with inconspicuous greenish fragrant flowers followed in late summer by small dark purple grapes. Vitis vinifera "purpurea" likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation and prefers a neutral to calcareous soil. The plant is hardy, drought tolerant, attracts bees and butterflies and is suitable for wall plantings, trellis and fencing.
Wisteria fl. 'Alba'
Wisteria floribunda "Alba", called " wisteria" in Dutch, is a vigorously upright, deciduous climber with light green to olive green feathery leaves consisting of 9 to 15 oval leaflets. This wisteria blooms in May with abundant white, pleasantly fragrant flowers in hanging racemes of up to 60 cm. Long. Later in late summer followed by velvety green legumes. Wisteria floribunda "Alba" likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation. The plant is hardy, very drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and also gives a decorative golden yellow autumn color.
Wisteria fl. 'Honbeni'
Wisteria floribunda "hon beni" (syn. "rosea") is a vigorously upright, deciduous climber with dark green feathery leaves consisting of 9 to 15 oval leaflets. This wisteria blooms in May with a lot of light pink, purple pointed, softly scented flowers in hanging racemes. Later in late summer followed by velvety green legumes. Wisteria floribunda "hon beni" likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation. The plant is hardy, very drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and also gives a decorative yellow autumn color.
Wisteria fl. 'Multijuga'
Wisteria floribunda "Multijuga" (syn. "macrobotrys"), called "blauwrain" in Dutch, is a vigorously upright, deciduous climber with dark green feathery leaves consisting of 15 to 19 oval leaflets. This wisteria blooms in May and June with abundant lilac-coloured, purple-marked, softly scented flowers in long hanging racemes of up to 1 meter. Later in late summer followed by velvety green legumes. Wisteria floribunda "Multijuga" likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation. The plant is hardy, very drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and also gives a decorative yellow autumn color.
Wisteria fl. 'Violacea Plena'
Wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena' or wisteria is a double-flowered wisteria.
Not comparable to all other wisterias because of its double flowers.
The racemes are not very long, but the flowers are striking.
Wisteria sin. 'Prolific'
Wisteria sinensis "Prolific", called "chinese wisteria" in Dutch, is a vigorously upright, deciduous climber with dark green feathery leaves consisting of 7 to 13 pointed, elliptical, leaflets. This wisteria blooms in May and June with abundant lilac-blue pleasantly fragrant flowers in hanging racemes. Later in late summer followed by velvety green legumes. Wisteria sinensis "Prolific" likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation. The plant is hardy, very drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and also gives a decorative golden yellow autumn color.
Acca sellowiana
Acca Sellowiana, syn. Feijoa sellowiana, called pineapple guava in Dutch, is a medium-sized evergreen shrub from South America, with a bushy habit and decorative, green elliptical leaves with a silver-grey underside. This Brazilian guava flowers from June to October with fragrant, pink-white flowers with bright red stamens, followed after fertilization by edible green-red fruits with a sweet and sour pineapple flavour. Acca sellowiana likes a sheltered position in full sun and a neutral to calcareous well-drained soil that is not too dry, especially during the fruit season. In our climate, this plant is only moderately hardy, when the mercury dips below 10°c, some winter protection is still recommended.
Acer capillipes
Acer capillipes, also called snake maple or striped bark maple, is a beautiful upright ornamental shrub with a round crown, which can reach a height of 8 to 12 meters at a blessed age (after 50 years). This acer is especially popular because of its beautiful green-brown bark with horizontal white stripes and its beautiful autumn color to yellow orange to deep red. The snake maple blooms with green-white flowers and has small red to copper-colored winged achenes. Does well in almost any well-drained soil, preferring slightly acidic. Beautiful solitaire, not very wind resistant.