Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Mahonia aquifolium
Mahonia aquifolium, also called grape bush or mahogany bush, is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with pinnate leaves, the five to thirteen leaflets of which closely resemble holly leaves. From the end of February to April, it blooms with ascending clusters of fragrant, yellow to golden yellow flowers. Later in fall, followed by blue-black, edible berries. This grape shrub requires little pruning, does not like full afternoon sun, prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH soil, which is well-drained and sufficiently fertile. The plant is hardy, fairly drought tolerant, sea wind resistant and can also handle some air pollution. It attracts insects and bees and has a beautiful purplish autumn colour.
Mahonia eur. 'Soft Caress'
Mahonia eurybracteata 'Soft Caress' is a thornless mahogany shrub and does not resemble the mahogany we are used to.
Here the leaves are soft, narrow and fern-like.
The yellow flowers are wonderfully fragrant, after flowering the blue berries appear.
Plant it in a sheltered spot from the (afternoon) sun.
They are considered hardy to -12°C, but in harsh winters and exposed they usually don't make it. Therefore, place them in a well-sheltered place out of the wind with a winter cover around the plant. Wet soil in winter can be fatal to the plant.
Can also be planted in a pot on a patio, but must be kept indoors for the winter;
Aubrieta 'Red Carpet'
Sod forming plants bloom between April and May.
Fit in rock gardens, window boxes and between stones.
Prefer full sun, on a nutritious calcareous soil, not too wet rather on the dry side.
Cut back after flowering to stimulate re-flowering and also to keep the plant nice and compact.
The foliage remains green in winter.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Mahonia jap. 'Hivernant'
Mahonia japonica "Hivernant", also called grape bush or mahogany bush, is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with pinnate leaves, the leaflets of which are leathery, dark green and prickly. From January to March, it blooms with hanging racemes of fragrant, lemon-yellow flowers. Later in spring, followed by blue-black, edible berries. This grape shrub requires little pruning, does not like full afternoon sun, prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH soil, which is well-drained and sufficiently fertile. The plant is hardy, fairly drought tolerant, sea wind resistant and can also handle some air pollution. It attracts insects and bees and has a beautiful orange-red autumn colour.
Aurinia sax. 'Compacta'
Aurinia saxatilis "Compacta" (formerly allysum saxatile "compactum") is an evergreen plant with a ground covering cushion-forming habit. The leaves of this plant are gray-green and slightly hairy. Alysseed flowers from late April to June with lemon-yellow to golden-yellow scented flowers in compact clusters. Aurinia likes a position in full sun and prefers a calcareous, well-drained, dry soil. The plant is hardy, drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution and attracts butterflies, bees and insects.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Mahonia japonica
Mahonia japonica, also called grape bush or mahogany bush, is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with pinnate leaves, the leaf segments of which are leathery, dark green and prickly. From November to February, it blooms with hanging racemes of fragrant, light yellow flowers. Later in spring, followed by blue-black, edible berries. This grape shrub requires little pruning, does not like full afternoon sun, prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH soil, which is well-drained and sufficiently fertile. The plant is hardy, fairly drought tolerant, sea wind resistant and can also handle some air pollution. It attracts insects and bees and has a beautiful purplish autumn colour.
Aurinia sax. 'Goldkugel'
The former name was Alyssum for this gray felt-like plant, with its clusters of yellow flowers.
Excellent plant for rock gardens and window boxes, but watch out for stagnant water as it hates wet feet and prefers dry soil in full sun.
Will spread itself out.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Mahonia media 'Winter Sun'
Mahonia x media "winter sun", also called large-leaved grape bush or mahogany bush, is a fairly large, evergreen shrub with long pinnate leaves, the many leaflets of which are leathery, dark green and prickly. From January to March it blooms with hanging racemes of fragrant, bright yellow flowers, followed later in spring by blue-black, edible berries. This grape shrub requires little pruning, does not like full midday sun, prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH soil, which is well-drained and sufficiently fertile. The plant is fairly hardy, fairly drought tolerant, sea wind resistant and can also handle some air pollution. It attracts insects and bees and is usually vermin resistant.
Myrica gale
Myrica gale grows in NW Europe and N America along waterfronts, heaths, marshes, forest floors and dunes.
The shrub grows very thin with reddish-brown shoots, but the leaves are wonderfully fragrant. They have glands on the underside that give off a resinous smell when touched or bruised.
The dull green leaves are sharply serrated, elongated and leathery.
Get a warm rusty brown color in the fall
The bloom consists of catkins that bloom before the leaf emerges.
Male shrubs can be recognized by the large golden brown catkins while the females are half as small and paler.
After flowering, the small gray-brown fruits appear.
Myrtus comm. 'Tarentina'
Myrtus communis ssp tarentina is a small-leaved myrtle with glossy elongated leaves. The bush remains more compact and rounder than the species.
Blooms with large pink-white flowers.
These aromatic leaves are dried to use in the kitchen, the twigs can also cook for the last 10 minutes. The ripe blue-black fruits can be used in fruit salads and sauces.
Two twigs in the preparation of pork or as a substitute for laurel, myrtle is also recommended. Used like thyme or rosemary.
The taste is lemony and 'hot'.
Baptisia austr. 'Decadence Dutch Chocolate'
Baptisia australis 'DECADENCE Dutch Chocolate' grows compact and stays shorter than the species. Has beautiful blue-green leaves and flowers with loose spikes of velvety purple-brown flowers.
Will be 70 / 80cm high.
After flowering, beautiful black pods form in which the seeds develop. The seeds are ripe when they look black.
Transplant as little as possible.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Myrtus communis
A very tall plant that can grow up to 300cm high, with glossy elongated leaves and small white fragrant flowers.
These leaves are dried to use in the kitchen, the twigs can also cook for the last 10 minutes. The ripe purple fruits are allowed in the fruit salads and sauce.
Two twigs in the preparation of pork or as a substitute for laurel, myrtle is also recommended.
The taste is lemony and 'hot'.