Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Kerria jap. 'Golden Guinea'
Kerria japonica 'golden guinea', also called ranunculus shrub, is a deciduous medium-sized shrub with a round, upright shape, overhanging branches and attractive lime-green twigs. In the months of May and June it blooms with bright yellow, rose-like single flowers with 5 petals. The leaves are bright green, lanceolate, toothed and prominently veined, the underside is downy. Kerria japonica is quite flexible in terms of location or soil type, but does not like heavy clay soil and 'wet feet'. To maintain a compact shrub it is necessary to prune one in 3 branches back almost to the bottom every year. Kerria japonica is resistant to disease, free of pests and tolerant of air pollution.
Kerria jap. 'Pleniflora'
The twigs remain green in winter, little pruning is necessary unless a little tidying up after flowering.
Bloom in spring and occasionally bloom in summer.
Astilbe 'Etna'
The Astilbe 'Etna', also called Spirea, is a very beautiful perennial that produces beautiful red flowers in June. These continue to flower until July. The plant grows to about 60 cm high.
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Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Pink Cloud'
Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Pink Cloud', or Queen's Shrub in Dutch, is a medium-sized deciduous ornamental shrub with a broad, upright, densely branched shape and slightly drooping branches. From May to July, this kolkwitzia blooms with fragrant bright pink bell-shaped flowers with an orange-yellow throat, grouped in corymbs. The leaves are opposite, tapered, ovate, dull green above and paler below. The queen bush likes a sheltered position in sun or partial shade and is very flexible as far as the soil is concerned, provided it is well drained. It is hardy, although some shelter from chilly spring winds is recommended. Also attractive for bees, butterflies and birds.
Astilbe 'Fanal'
Astilbe "fanal" is a deciduous perennial with a bushy and compact upright shape. The young leaves of this panicle spirea are bronze-colored, compound and deeply cut. In the course of the summer, the leaves turn dark green with a red tint. In July and August this astilbe flowers abundantly with garnet red (dark red) upright flower panicles. This arendsii hybrid likes a position in partial shade to shade and can only handle full sun provided it has a sufficiently moist substrate in summer. It does well in any well-permeable, not too dry soil and with a not too high pH. It is hardy, attracts bees and butterflies, fairly tolerant of air pollution but not really sea wind resistant.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Laburnum anagyroides
Laburnum anagyroides or laburnum in Dutch is a fairly large deciduous shrub with an upright shape, open crown and often curved, drooping branches. Laburnum shines in spring because of its abundant blooms with bright yellow, pendulous flower clusters, sometimes up to 30 cm long. The leaves are trifoliate, elliptical, long-stalked, dull gray-green, and hairy below. As a location, the laburnum prefers a position in the sun or partial shade, in a well-drained fertile soil that is preferably calcareous. Laburnum is often used as a flowering tunnel, in an arched shape and needs little pruning. It is very hardy, resistant to sea wind and air pollution, but sometimes suffers from wood rot, mildew and vermin.
Laburnum wat. 'Vossii'
Laburnum watereri 'Vossii' or bastard laburnum in Dutch is a fairly large deciduous shrub with an upright form, an open crown and often curved, drooping branches. Laburnum shines in spring because of its abundant blooms with large, bright yellow, hanging flower clusters, sometimes up to 60 cm long. The leaves are trifoliate, elliptical, long-stalked, dull gray-green, and hairy below. As a location, the laburnum prefers a position in the sun or partial shade, in a well-drained fertile soil that is preferably calcareous. Laburnum is often used as a flowering tunnel, in an arched shape and needs little pruning. It is very hardy, resistant to sea wind and air pollution, but sometimes suffers from wood rot, mildew and vermin.
Astilbe 'Snowdrift'
A valuable plant with beautiful feathery leaves and panicle-shaped inflorescence.
Absolutely love humus-rich, moist soil that should never dry out, but definitely not wet feet in winter.
The soil may be acidic but not too heavy, they do not grow well on calcareous or heavy clay soil.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lavandula ang. 'Dwarf Blue'
Lavandula angustifolia "Dwarf Blue", small dwarf lavender shrub that is considered by many to be one of the best varieties. It grows fairly compact and wider than it is high, it grows fairly low and blooms from June to the end of August with beautiful fragrant violet-blue flowers. The leaves are gray to gray-green and aromatic. This lavender species likes a sunny position in neutral to calcareous soil. Pruning is necessary every year to prevent the plant from becoming lignified. Lavandula angustifolia is hardy, can withstand sea wind and air pollution and is often used for rock gardens, ground cover, herb garden, fragrance garden, group planting and window boxes. Also attracts butterflies and bees.
Astilbe 'Weisse Gloria'
Plume-shaped inflorescence. Good cut flowers. The faded flowers discolor to different shades of brown and can remain on the plant for a long time and provide a winter silhouette. You promote rich flowering by dividing the plants every 3-4 years and replanting the outer parts in the spring.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lavandula ang. 'Hidcote'
Lavandula angustifolia "Hidcote", small dwarf lavender shrub that is quite popular. It grows fairly compact and wider than it is high, it grows fairly low and flowers from June to September with beautiful fragrant purple-blue flowers. The leaves are gray to silvery gray and aromatic. This lavender species likes a sunny position in neutral to calcareous soil. Pruning is necessary every year to prevent the plant from becoming lignified. Lavandula angustifolia is hardy, can withstand sea wind and air pollution and is often used for rock gardens, ground cover, herb garden, fragrance garden, group planting and window boxes. Also attracts butterflies and bees.
Astilbe 'Deutschland'
Astilbe japonica "deutschland" is a deciduous perennial with a bushy and compact upright shape. The leaves of this astilbe are fern-like, compound, shiny, and dark green in spring, summer and fall. In June and July this beautiful spirea blooms abundantly with white to ivory-white upright flower panicles, which dare to hang slightly in an adult stage. This japonica hybrid likes a position in partial shade to shade and can only handle full sun if the substrate is sufficiently moist in the summer. It does well in any well-drained, not too dry soil, is hardy, attracts bees and butterflies, reasonably tolerant to air pollution but not really sea wind resistant.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.