Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Myrtus comm. 'Tarentina'
Myrtus communis ssp tarentina is a small-leaved myrtle with glossy elongated leaves. The bush remains more compact and rounder than the species.
Blooms with large pink-white flowers.
These aromatic leaves are dried to use in the kitchen, the twigs can also cook for the last 10 minutes. The ripe blue-black fruits can be used in fruit salads and sauces.
Two twigs in the preparation of pork or as a substitute for laurel, myrtle is also recommended. Used like thyme or rosemary.
The taste is lemony and 'hot'.
Myrtus communis
A very tall plant that can grow up to 300cm high, with glossy elongated leaves and small white fragrant flowers.
These leaves are dried to use in the kitchen, the twigs can also cook for the last 10 minutes. The ripe purple fruits are allowed in the fruit salads and sauce.
Two twigs in the preparation of pork or as a substitute for laurel, myrtle is also recommended.
The taste is lemony and 'hot'.
Nandina dom. 'Firepower'
Nandina domestica 'Fire Power' is a small, compact, evergreen dwarf shrub with a bushy, upright form. The leaves have a high ornamental value and are bipinnate or tripinnate, lance-shaped, rose-red in spring, yellow-green in summer and orange, pink, red-purple hues appear in autumn. The creamy white, star-shaped flowers are on 40 cm long, terminal panicles and appear in mid-summer, followed by decorative, bright red berries. Nandina likes a position in the sun or partial shade and requires fertile, very well-drained soil. The plant is fairly hardy and requires little pruning.
Nandina dom. 'Gulfstream'
Nandina domestica 'Gulfstream' is a low round shrub with bipinnate leaves. The young foliage is pink-red discolouring to variegated yellow. The fall colors are simply beautiful, going from warm orange to yellow to scarlet.
Flowering is usually absent.
Nandina dom. 'Magical Lemon And Lime'
The young leaves in spring are striking green-yellow turning to lime green in summer. The color is more intense in the sun and greener in the shade.
Blooms with plume white flowers in summer.
Nandina dom. 'Obsessed'
The young leaves of this heavenly bamboo are a beautiful bright red. Since the plant forms new leaves throughout the summer, this gives color for a long time. In winter the green leaves turn deep red.
Nandina domestica
Nandina domestica is a small compact evergreen shrub, often multi-trunked and with an upright form. The leaves have a high ornamental value and are bipinnate or tripinnate, lance-shaped, rose-red in spring, green in summer and orange, yellow, red-purple shades appear in autumn. The creamy white flowers are on 30 cm long terminal panicles and appear in mid-summer, followed by decorative bright red berries. Nandina likes a position in partial shade and requires fertile, very well-drained soil. Heavenly bamboo is fairly hardy and requires little pruning, it can also be used on the coast provided it is protected against direct strong sea wind.
Neillia affinis
Neillia affinis, also called spray spirea, is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub, with an upright and irregular shape. The leaves are medium green, ovate, lobed, doubly serrate and cordate at the base. From May to July, this neillia blooms with pink to pink-red, bell-shaped flowers in dense, up to 8 cm long, racemes. Neillia affinis likes a position in full sun or partial shade, is flexible as far as the type of soil is concerned, as long as it is well-drained. Pruning is an annual job, because this shrub dares to proliferate quite a bit. The plant is very hardy and can be used as a hedge and solitary.
Olearia haastii
Olearia hashii, also called tree aster, is an evergreen, medium-sized shrub, native to New Zealand and Australia. It has a bushy, upright shape and narrow, oval, dark green, leathery, glossy leaves, with a felty underside. It blooms profusely and for a very long time, with small, white composite flowers, with a yellow center. It likes a position in full sun or light shade and must be well sheltered from harsh winter winds. It likes a slightly acidic to neutral soil, is moderately hardy and flexible in water requirements. The flowers and leaves are softly scented, the plant is also sea wind and salt tolerant and tolerates air pollution well.
Osmanthus delavayi
Osmanthus delavayi, also called false holly, is a large evergreen shrub with a compact, bushy shape and strongly arching branches. The leaves are dark green, glossy, leathery and ovate, the underside is lighter in color, rather gray-green. This false holly blooms from April to May, with abundant, small, white, sweetly scented flowers in clusters. It likes a position in full sun or partial shade, and does well in almost any soil that is not too wet. It requires little maintenance, is a slow grower, very hardy and occasionally small, blue-black fruits follow in the autumn. It is a good bee and coastal plant, disease resistant and air pollution tolerant.
Osmanthus het. 'Goshiki'
Osmanthus heterophyllus "goshiki", also called common pseudo-holly, is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a compact and bushy habit. The leaves are variegated, marbled, green with yellow, cream in spring and sometimes pink and bronze tones. They are usually leathery and quite sharp-toothed. This false holly blooms from September to mid-November, with abundant, small, white, sweetly scented flowers. It likes a position in full sun or partial shade, and does well in almost any soil that is not too wet. It requires little maintenance, is an average grower, is hardy and occasionally small, blue-black fruits follow in the fall. It is a good bee and coastal plant, disease resistant and air pollution tolerant.
Perovskia atripl. 'Blue Spire'
Perovskia "Blue Spire", also called blue spirea, is a remarkable, deciduous shrub, with an upright habit and beautiful, lavender to blue flowers, in narrow cobs of tubular flowers. The leaves are grey-green, coarsely toothed and fragrant when crushed. Perovskia likes a sunny position in a pH neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. It requires a firm pruning every autumn to 30 cm from the ground and a winter protective layer of leaves. Blue spirea is moderately to fairly hardy, disease and drought resistant, sea wind tolerant, pest free and can also handle some air pollution. The plant will need some support during the full summer.