Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

Anagellis tenella
Anagallis tenella, called tar guichelheil in Dutch, is a small deciduous native water or marsh plant with a low, creeping, carpet-forming habit. The leaves are ovate, opposite, short-stalked and colored gray-green. The plant blooms from June to August with small, light-scented, upward-facing pink, scented flowers. Anagallis tenella prefers a sunny position in moist to wet soil. Tar guichelheil is fairly hardy and tolerates coastal conditions. Anagallis tenella is suitable for use in the gravel garden, rock garden, pond edge and as a patio plant.
P9 are sold per 4.
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Anemopsis californica
Anemopsis californica, sometimes called swamp wood tuynia or yerba mansa in Dutch, is a United States deciduous pond or bank plant with a low-growing, carpet-forming habit. The leaves are broadly elliptical to spatulate, deep green with a waxy shade of gray. Anemopsis californica blooms from May to September with white flowers with a remarkable gray-white anther, later decorative red spots and stripes appear on the petals. Swamp houttuynia likes a position in full sun to partial shade and a neutral to calcareous soil, it prefers shallow water of 5 to 10 cm, but can also withstand periods of drought thanks to its very long rhizome. The plant is hardy and tolerant to sea wind.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Bacopa caroliniana
Bacopa caroliniana, in Dutch called water hyssop or broad bacopa, is an evergreen aquatic plant with a carpet-forming, creeping or floating habit. The oval, aromatic leaves are light green to brown-red colored (in bright sunlight), the plant blooms in spring and summer with small bell-shaped lilac-blue flowers both above and under water, but the flowers under water rot very quickly. Bacopa caroliniana prefers a sunny to partial shade and an acidic to neutral permanently moist soil. The plant is not really hardy and can best be overwintered in a container in a bright, frost-free place. It is evergreen, attracts butterflies and the leaves smell of lemon when bruised.
P9 and P11 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Bletilla striata
Bletilla striata, usually called earth orchid or Japanese orchid in Dutch, is a bushy swamp plant with ground-shaped, ribbed, sword-shaped, medium green leaves. The main bloom of this orchid takes place in June and July, the flowers are violet pink to purple, orchid-like with a three-lobed lower lip. Bletilla striata prefers a position in partial shade or light shade and moist, well-drained, fertile soil. It is fairly hardy but will appreciate a good protective layer with mulch. Although it prefers moist soil, this earth orchid is also quite drought tolerant, it also tolerates sea wind and air pollution quite well, is disease resistant but can sometimes suffer from aphids, red spider mites and mealy bugs.
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Bletilla striata 'Alba'
Bletilla striata "Alba", usually called earth orchid or white Japanese orchid in Dutch, is a marsh plant with ground-shaped, sword-shaped, medium green leaves. The main bloom of this orchid takes place in June and July, the flowers are first light lilac-white, later evolving to pure white, orchid-like with a three-lobed lower lip. Bletilla striata "Alba" prefers a position in partial shade or light shade and moist, well-drained soil. It is fairly hardy but will appreciate a good protective layer with mulch. Although it prefers moist soil, this earth orchid is also quite drought tolerant, it also tolerates sea wind and air pollution quite well, is disease resistant but can sometimes suffer from aphids.
Are sold per 4.
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Butomus umbellatus
Butomus umbellatus, in Dutch called swan flower, is a high upright, rhizome-spreading, deciduous, water or marsh plant with long, narrow, stiff green leaves, which are strangely triangular at the bottom. Swan flower blooms from May to August with whitish pink flowers arranged in 15cm umbel-like flowers on long rounded flower stems. Butomus umbellatus prefers a position in full sun or partial shade and a water depth of minimum 5 to maximum 45 cm. The acidity of the soil is not that important, although the swan flower feels at its best in reasonably "greasy" clay soil. This plant is hardy and disease resistant and gives a nice vertical accent to the pond planting.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Caltha pal. 'Alba'
Caltha palustris "Alba", in Dutch called white marsh marigold, is a low-growing, pol-forming swamp plant that often grows indigenously along ditches, streams and on damp meadows. The leaves are glossy, fleshy, kidney-shaped, medium green in color and have a slightly serrated edge. The white marsh marigold blooms from March to May with small white flowers, usually single flowers, often a second bloom in August or September. Dotter flowers do well in the swamp zone around the pond, but also in other moist locations, the plant likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well on any moist soil. Caltha palustris "Alba" is very hardy and has little trouble with diseases, although powdery mildew can occasionally strike.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Caltha palustris
Caltha palustris, in Dutch called marsh marigold, is a pol-forming swamp plant that often grows indigenously along ditches, streams and on moist meadows. The leaves are glossy, fleshy, kidney-shaped, medium green in color and have a slightly serrated edge. The marsh marigold blooms from March to May with large warm yellow flowers, usually single flowers, often followed by a second flowering in August or September. Marsh flowers do well in the swamp zone around the pond, but also in other moist locations, the plant likes a position in full sun or partial shade, is pH flexible and does well on any moist soil. Caltha palustris is very hardy and does not suffer from diseases, although powdery mildew can occasionally strike.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Cardamine pratensis
Cardamine pratensis, also called cuckoo flower and foam herb in Dutch, is an evergreen perennial with a clump-forming, columnar upright habit. The green rosette leaves are ovate and pinnate, the stem leaves narrow and sometimes serrated. The cuckoo flower blooms from April to June with white-pink to lilac-pink small flowers grouped in short open clusters. It likes a position in filtered sunlight or partial shade, prefers moist soil and looks great in the rock garden and along the waterfront or forest edge. Cardamine pratensis is very hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, is disease resistant, but is sometimes plagued by beetles and aphids.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Carex acutiformis
Grows on wet and swampy soils in large parts of Europe.
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Carex panicea
Carex panicea forms a clump of overhanging narrow grass-like leaves, glossy and blue-green in color.
The male dark brown flower spikes are shaped like cigars.
Requires well-moist soil and will do very well at the edge of the pond.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Carex pseudocyperus
Tall cyper sedge is found all over Europe except in the far north. Grows on wet soil to shallow water.
A fresh green grass with gracefully hanging spikelets.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.