Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Mimulus luteus
Mimulus luteus, also called yellow mask flower, is a low-growing swamp plant native to chili. The plant spreads via rhizomes and has round to ovate, irregularly toothed, light green leaves. It blooms from June to September, with striking, yellow, axillary flowers with reddish purple spots on the lower lip. Mimulus luteus prefers a position in full sun or partial shade, in places where it gets some shade in the afternoon, flowering takes longer. Yellow mask flower likes any moist to wet soil and can also grow in shallow water. The plant is reasonably to hardy, attracts butterflies and bees, is fairly disease resistant and tolerant to air pollution.
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Monarda citriodora
Monarda citriodora is a perennial plant native to the south of the United States and Mexico but is grown here as an annual. Can seed on suitable soil.
Has a very distinct inflorescence in stages with purple-pink flowers.
Sometimes suffers from mildew.
The leaf has a lemon scent and can be used for tea or potpourri. Can also be used in salads, with fish, shellfish and white meat.
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Monarda 'Beauty Of Cobham'
Monarda "Beauty of Cobham", also called bergamot plant or chanterelle, is a fairly large, deciduous perennial with a clump-forming, upright habit and aromatic, lance-shaped, purple-green leaves. "beauty of cobham" flowers in July and August, with soft pink to pink purple terminal flowers with beautiful, contrasting purple bracts. The plant likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any well-drained, but moisture-retaining soil. Bergamot plant is hardy. The leaves and flowers are edible and attract numerous insects and butterflies. Monarda is a graceful plant for the border, the informal garden or prairie garden.
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Monarda 'Blaustrumpf'
The Dutch name is Bergamotplant, family of the Lamiaceae. The flower color is lilac purple and the flowering time is from July to August.
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Monarda 'Cambridge Scarlet'
Monarda "Cambridge Scarlet", also called bergamot plant or chanterelle, is a fairly large, deciduous perennial with a clump-forming, upright habit and aromatic, lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. "cambridge scarlet" blooms in July and August, with scarlet-red terminal flowers with beautiful, contrasting, brown-red bracts. The plant likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any well-drained, but moisture-retaining soil. Bergamot plant is hardy. The leaves and flowers are edible and attract many insects and butterflies. Monarda is a graceful plant for the border, the informal garden or prairie garden.
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Monarda 'Cranberry Lace'
A low variety with beautiful glossy leaves.
The height is 35 / 40cm.
The flower is deep pink and stands out even more against the dark burgundy bracts.
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Monarda 'Croftway Pink'
Monarda 'Croftway Pink' has bright pink flowers on long stems.
The flowers have a scent when rubbed between thumb and finger, the scent resembles Cologne water.
Do not apply fertilizer and it is best to cut it back in May to obtain sturdy and healthy plants.
Are sold per 4.
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Monarda 'Fireball'
A beautiful plant with pointed green leaves and scarlet flowers.
'Fireball' is fairly resistant to mildew.
They require a good moist soil in the sun or partial shade.
Propagation: sow or tear (divide)
The leaves, stems and flowers are used in the kitchen fresh or dried, but in moderation as the taste is strongly aromatic and can be compared to menthol, camphor and bergamot scent.
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Monarda 'Gardenview Scarlet'
Monarda 'Gardenview Scarlet' is one of the most disease resistant Monardas. The scarlet flowers of this cultivar are also larger.
The flowers have a scent when rubbed between thumb and finger, the scent resembles Cologne water.
Do not apply fertilizer and it is best to cut it back in May to obtain sturdy and healthy plants
Propagation: sow or tear (divide).
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Monarda 'Jacob Cline'
Monarda 'Jacob Cline' has larger flowers on long stems.
The flowers have a scent when rubbed between thumb and finger, the scent resembles Cologne's water.
Do not apply fertilizer and it is best to cut back in May to obtain sturdy and healthy plants.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Monarda 'Marshall's Delight'
Monarda 'Marshall's Delight' is bright pink in color and not that sensitive to mildew.
The flowers have a scent when rubbed between thumb and finger, the scent resembles Cologne's water.
Do not apply fertilizer and it is best to cut back in May to obtain sturdy and healthy plants.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Monarda 'Petite Delight'
Monarda 'Petite Delight'
The name bergamot comes from the Italian city of Bergamo where the oil of the was sold for the first time. Bergamot oil is used to make perfume but also in the preparation of all kinds of liqueurs.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.