Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Centaurea mont. 'Amethyst Snow'
A long flowering plant that prefers calcareous soil and a warm sunny spot.
Susceptible to mildew and to avoid this as much as possible, a poor, humus-rich soil is preferred, after flowering, cut back to get healthy green leaves again.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Potentilla frut. 'Tilford Cream'
Potentilla fruticosa 'Tilford Cream', also called Bush Goosey Gander or Shrub Gander, is a small deciduous shrub with a dense bushy low, creeping form and narrow grey-green leaves. It flowers particularly profusely from June to the end of September with large, creamy white, buttercup-like flowers with a yellow centre. This bush gander likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in almost any type of soil. In full sun, the flowers bloom earlier and the color contrast is less intense. It is very hardy, reasonably drought resistant, tolerates salty sea wind, air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and is free of disease and pests.
Centaurea mont. 'Coerulea'
Centaurea montana 'Coerulea', the mountain centaur or cornflower, blooms in the months of May-July. Centaurea montana 'Coerulea' grows to about 40 to 50 cm high and likes a sunny spot in the border. Centaurea montana 'Coerulea' prefers a calcareous garden soil and can be combined excellently with pink-purple and blue-flowering perennials. This cornflower can also be used as a cutting plant.
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Prostanthera cuneata
Prostanthera cuneata or australian mint is a small evergreen shrub with a bushy, spreading shape and thick dark green, opposite, oval leaves that smell very aromatic when crushed. This mint bush blooms from June to August with white to light mauve tubular flowers with purple spots in the throat. It likes a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and is flexible in terms of soil type. Pruning is best done immediately after flowering and some protection in winter is not an unnecessary luxury. This plant can be used in city gardens, as a coastal plant, in the gravel garden or the patio as a terrace plant. It is disease resistant, sea wind tolerant and very aromatic.
Prunus cistena
Prunus cistena is a small deciduous tree or shrub, also called ornamental plum in Dutch. It has a bushy, densely branched, broad habit. It blooms profusely with light pink, single, cup-shaped fragrant flowers with five petals and a dark center, the bloom is almost white. The leaves are pointed, elliptical, serrate and red when emerging, then turn purple in summer and autumn. This prunus likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any type of soil, is hardy, sea wind and air pollution tolerant. Due to its modest size, it is ideal for the small (city) garden.
Prunus triloba
Prunus triloba also called almond tree in Dutch is a small tree with a slender and narrow upright shape at first and later a vase-shaped habitus. The leaves are obovate, toothed, trilobed, medium green in spring and summer and yellow to bronze in fall. The double flowers are pale pink in color and slightly fragrant. This prunus likes a not too calcareous, preferably slightly acidic, well-drained soil and a position in full sun, it is very hardy, needs little pruning and produces small edible fluffy fruits.
Centaurea scabiosa
This plant is very suitable for 'the garden on the south'. Desires a sunny spot on not too poor soil. This plant needs protection in winter from excessive rain and snow. In the summer you have to make sure that it does not dry out. It is a striking plant that can also be used as a solitary.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Quercus ilex
Quercus ilex, holm oak, this evergreen oak tree that grows quite tall in the Mediterranean regions remains a modest tree in our region, up to a maximum of 8 m high and 4 m wide. This oak species is evergreen and has a beautiful straight trunk with an oval to spherical crown. The leaves are leathery, 3 to 8 cm long, glossy green, holly-toothed and felt-grey hairy on the underside. The Quercus ilex likes calcareous soil that is not too wet, it is resistant to salty sea wind and air pollution, is easy to prune and can be used as a solitary plant, a tub plant, a hedge or street plantings.
Centranthus ruber 'Albus'
Centranthus ruber 'albus is a deciduous perennial with an upright columnar habit, the Dutch name is white valerian or spur flower. The leaves are blue-green to gray-green, oval, toothed and pointed. From June to August, this valerian blooms with small fragrant white flowers in upright flower heads. Centranthus ruber prefers a sunny location and a calcareous, well-drained dry soil. The plant is hardy, drought tolerant, sea wind resistant, disease resistant, pest free and can also handle air pollution well.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rhodotypos scandens
Rhodotypos scandens is often called kaimastruik or sham kerria in Dutch. It is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with a round, upright shape at first, later spreading in width. The leaves are ovate, medium green and serrate, flowering takes place in May and June with small white flowers, followed in autumn by shiny black berries. Rhodotypos scandens likes a position in full sun, but can also handle partial shade or even shade, the plant is flexible in terms of soil type and also tolerates clay soil. This shrub is hardy, sea wind tolerant and also tolerates air pollution well, little susceptible to disease and vermin free.
Cephalaria gigantea
Cephalaria gigantea flowers light yellow and grows very tall to over 250cm.
The flower shape of the Cephalaria resembles a Scabiosa or a Knautia but with a higher tip.
Reproduces quickly.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Ribes odoratum
Ribes odoratum, also called yellow ribes, is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with a loose, rather irregular shape. the plant has oval, to almost round, three to five lobed, coarsely toothed, medium green to blue-green leaves. In April, fragrant golden-yellow flowers appear in erect racemes, followed in summer by dark purple, cassis-like, edible berries. Ribes odoratum likes a position in full sun, but tolerates shade well, is undemanding to the soil as long as it is well drained. The plant is very hardy, drought, sea wind and air pollution tolerant. In excessively wet growing conditions it may suffer from leaf spot disease, anthracnose and rust.