Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Rosa 'Favori'
Rosa 'Favori' is a strongly scented, re-flowering rose with salmon-pink double flowers.
Forms a well-branched shrub with soft glossy dark green leaves.
Berberis thunb. 'Atropurpurea'
Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea', Japanese barberry, popular medium-sized shrub that is quite densely branched. This barberry blooms with bright yellow flowers and has beautiful purple-red to brown-red leaves, which also turn a beautiful orange-red in autumn. This barberry can be used as a hedge plant, prune or solitary, it is also very pollution tolerant and can also be used in the coastal region with some protection. Does well in any type of soil except soil that is too calcareous, likes a moist soil, but tolerates quite a bit of drought.
Hedera colch. 'Dentata Variegata'
Hedera colchica 'dentata variegata', syn. 'dentata aurea', called ivy in Dutch, is a large, evergreen shrub that can be used as a climber or ground cover. It has large grey-green to dark green heart-shaped leaves with a cream-yellow margin and small yellow-green flowers in pendulous racemes. After flowering, which lasts from September to November, small blue-black berries follow. Hedera colchica 'dentata variegata' does well in full sun as well as partial shade or even shade. The plant is undemanding to the soil and is very hardy. This hedera is fairly sea wind tolerant, as well as air pollution resistant and attracts both butterflies and bees.
Rosa Filipes 'Kiftsgate'
The flowers of Rosa filipes 'Kiftsgate' are single, creamy white and are borne in clusters of up to 100 fragrant florets on long overhanging branches.
After flowering, the orange hips appear on the plant.
Contains many thorns but is resistant to diseases.
Becoming 15m is therefore also suitable for climbing trees, pruning is not necessary.
Berberis thunb. 'Green Carpet'
Berberis thunbergii 'green carpet', Japanese barberry, popular medium-sized shrub that branches fairly densely. B.thunbergii 'green carpet' blooms with bright yellow flowers and has beautiful purple-red to brown-red leaves, which also turn a beautiful orange-red in autumn. This barberry can be used as a hedge plant, prune or solitary, it is also very pollution tolerant and can also be used in the coastal region with some protection. Does well in any type of soil except soil that is too calcareous, likes a moist soil, but tolerates quite a bit of drought.
Berberis thunb. 'Tiny Gold'
Berberis thunbergii 'Tiny Gold' is a small shrub with bright yellow leaves. 'Tiny Gold' has a bulbous habit. Ideal for use as ground cover, solid or under planting.
Hedera helix
Hedera helix, called common ivy in Dutch, is a vigorous, evergreen shrub that can be used as a climber or ground cover. It has three to five-lobed, dark green broad oval to heart-shaped leaves with a yellow-white vein and small yellow-green to green-white flowers in umbels on non-climbing branches. After flowering, which lasts from September to November, small blue-black berries follow. Hedera helix does well in full sun as well as in partial shade or even shade. The plant is undemanding to the soil and is hardy. This hedera is fairly sea wind tolerant, as well as air pollution resistant and attracts both butterflies and bees.
Berberis thunbergii
Berberis thunbergii, called Japanese barberry in Dutch, is a popular medium-sized shrub that branches quite densely. B. Thunbergii flowers with yellow-red flowers and obovate leaves, which turn a beautiful orange-red in autumn. This barberry can be used as a hedge plant, prune or solitary, it is also very pollution tolerant and can also be used in the coastal region with some protection. Does well in any type of soil except soil that is too calcareous, likes a moist soil, but tolerates quite a bit of drought.
Hedera helix 'Goldheart'
Hedera helix 'Goldheart', called ivy in Dutch, is a variegated, evergreen shrub that can be used as a climber or ground cover. It has small, dark green heart-shaped leaves with a light yellow center. After flowering (with green-white flowers), which lasts from September to October, small blue-black berries follow. Hedera helix 'Goldheart' does well in full sun, partial shade or even shade. The plant is undemanding to the soil and is very hardy. This hedera is fairly sea wind tolerant, as well as air pollution resistant and attracts both butterflies and bees.
Rosa 'Fortuna'
Rosa "fortuna" (syn. "Koratomi") is a small rose that was introduced by cordes in 2001. This bedding rose, with adr label, has a compact, bushy shape and small, dark green, serrated, slightly shiny leaves. It blooms in summer and autumn with small, single-flowered, clusters of salmon-pink flowers with a white center and bright yellow stamens. Rosa "fortuna" prefers a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very well permeable soil. It does well in all soil types. This rose is very hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and insects and is very disease resistant.
Are sold per 10.
Price is for 10 pieces.
Rosa 'Frau Dagmar'
R.rugosa Hybrid. Light pink, single flowers. Continuous flowering. Height 1.5m. Strong shrub, often used as a hedge and ground cover. Produces beautiful crimson fruits.
Berberis verruculosa
Berberis verruculosa is een langzaamgroeiende doornige struik waarvan de groene bladeren rood kleuren in de herfst.
Verdraagt in de lente sterke snoei.