Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Digitalis purp. 'Gloxiniiflora'
Digitalis purpurea 'Gloxiniiflora' is very common in our gardens, because it still wants to grow in difficult places, deep shade, between trees and shrubs but not too dry.
It sows itself vigorously, unless the flower stem is cut off after flowering.
The first year a rosette is formed and the second year the flowers appear. Then the plant dies. (= Biennial plant)
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Digitalis purpurea
Foxglove or Digitalis we often see in our gardens, but just like in large parts of Europe, it is also found in the wild in our country. In nature they can usually be found on disturbed soils of relatively recently cleared places in the forest and other rugged areas. Because they want to grow well in difficult places, we often see them in the ornamental garden in places with deep shade, between trees and shrubs, but not too dry.
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Disporopsis pernyi
Resembles the Solomon seal and blooms with greenish white bubbles that also have a fresh scent.
Preferably in the shade on moist soil.
The foliage is evergreen in winter.
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Disporum flavens
A plant similar to the Solomon seal with yellow bell-like flowers followed by black berries.
For partial to full shade and moist soil.
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Dodecatheon meadia
A little noticeable plant that would fit well in a rock garden, looks a bit like the Cyclamen.
Like partial shade, but they can tolerate more sun on moist soil.
They become 30cm high and have a dark lilac pink color.
After flowering, which is in May / June, they disappear from the scene.
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Doronicum or. 'Little Leo'
Cheerful orange-yellow flowers for spring are sometimes called yellow daisy.
Grows in any garden soil, but less attractive leaves on soil that is too dry.
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Doronicum or. 'Magnificum'
Doronicum orientale 'Magnificum', also called spring sunflower in Dutch, is an early flowering deciduous perennial with a compact upright shape and dark green heart-shaped, serrated leaves. This spring sunflower blooms profusely with yellow daisy-like flowers in the months of April and May. Doronicum orientale prefers a position in partial shade or filtered sunlight and a preferably calcareous, well-permeable, fertile and moderately moist soil. The plant is hardy, attracts numerous bees, insects and butterflies but can occasionally be plagued by snails and nematodes and be affected by mildew, leaf spot and foot or root rot.
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Echinacea pallida
Echinacea pallida, called hedgehog coneflower in Dutch, is a deciduous perennial with an upright and pol-forming habit and medium-green elongated fine-toothed leaves. This coneflower blooms from July to September with pale pink to pale lilac flowers with narrow and long petals around a conical center. Echinacea prefers a position in full sun or light shade and does well in any well-drained soil, moderately moist to dry soil. The plant is hardy, reasonably drought tolerant, tolerates air pollution and sea wind, attracts numerous butterflies, bees and insects and is virtually free from pests and diseases.
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Echinacea paradoxa
Echinacea paradoxa can be recognized by the hanging bright yellow petals around a brown-orange center.
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Echinacea purp. 'Alba'
Echinacea purpurea 'Alba' is an upright perennial that can reach a height of up to 80 cm. The leaves are ovate at the base of the stem and elongated at the leaf end. The leaf is slightly hairy.
P9 Are sold per 4.
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Echinacea purp. 'Baby Swan Pink'
Echinacea purpurea 'Baby Swan Pink' is a compact cultivar with pink flowers with an orange-brown cone in the center.
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