Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Hydrangea querc. 'Sikes Dwarf'
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Sikes Dwarf' is a dwarf variety of the oak leaf hydrangea that stands out for its beautiful leaves up to 20 cm in size, which strongly resemble an enlarged leaf of an American oak and turn a beautiful red in autumn. Just like the species, it has broad cone-shaped flower panicles, but with more fertile flowers and an airy structure. This oakleaf hydrangea first grows wide upright and with time also forms offshoots, it likes a position in filtered sunlight, partial shade, to shade and grows well in any type of soil. It also has a beautiful autumn color, is tolerant of sea wind and can handle some air pollution.
Aster n.b. 'Sarah Ballard'
Aster novi belgii "sarah ballard" is an autumn aster with a compact upright shape. The leaves are lanceolate, hairy and dark green in color. This aster blooms in September and October with abundant large and double lilac-purple daisy-like flowers with a yellow center. It likes a sunny position and fertile, well-drained soil. It is very hardy, attracts many butterflies, bees and insects and is also tolerant to sea wind and air pollution.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hydrangea querc. 'Snow Queen'
Hydrangea quercifolia 'snow queen' is a medium to large oakleaf hydrangea that not only stands out for its beautiful leaves up to 20 cm in size that turn a beautiful red in autumn, but also for the striking orange-red winter buds and the peeling bark. Just like the species, it has broad cone-shaped flower panicles with an equal number of sterile and fertile flowers and an airy structure. This oakleaf hydrangea first grows wide upright and with time also forms offshoots, it likes a position in filtered sunlight, partial shade, to shade and grows well in any type of soil. It also has a beautiful autumn color, is tolerant of sea wind and can handle some air pollution.
Aster n.b. 'Schöne Von Dietlikon'
Aster novi-belgii 'Schone von Dietlikon' flowers violet-blue with a yellow heart.
Does have a somewhat wild growth and is therefore better to put between other plants that give some support.
To keep the plant compact, you can also prune it to the ground at the end of June, when it will branch nicely and be firmer. Will therefore remain lower than normal.
It covers the soil well so that weeds do not grow underneath.
It is best to split them every 2/3 years and plant them in a nutrient-rich, well-drained soil, in a sunny spot.
Tolerates a little shade to some extent.
The leaves remain on the plant during mild winters, but are not really beautiful to call it evergreen.
The novi-belgii species are usually susceptible to mildew.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hydrangea querc. 'Snowflake'
This hydrangea, which blooms from mid-July to September, is about 1 meter high. Striking about this variety are the double-flowered umbels.
Aster n.b. 'White Ladies'
Aster novi belgii "white ladies" is an autumn aster with a compact upright shape. The leaves are lanceolate, hairy and dark green in color. This aster blooms in September and October with abundant large semi-double white daisy-like flowers with a yellow center. It likes a sunny position and fertile, well-drained soil. It is very hardy, attracts many butterflies, bees and insects and is also very tolerant to sea wind and air pollution.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hydrangea quercifolia
Hydrangea quercifolia or oak leaf hydrangea is a medium-sized deciduous hydrangea that stands out for its beautiful leaves up to 20 cm in size, which strongly resemble an enlarged leaf of an American oak and turn a beautiful red in autumn. The fairly wide cone-shaped flower plumes are also not to be sniffed at and first bloom ivory white to later turn pink. The oak leaf hydrangea first grows wide upright and in time also forms foothills, it likes a position in filtered sunlight, partial shade, to shade and grows well in any type of soil.
Aster n.b. 'Winston Churchill'
They grow very high and often fall open. For a firmer and bushier plant, the plant can be pruned back in the spring, when the plant is 15cm high.
In the beginning of the summer, topping can be repeated again.
Every 3 years it is best to rejuvenate the plant by tearing. Then throw away the heart of the clump.
Aster novi-belgii is sensitive to mildew.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hydrangea serr. 'Bluebird'
Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird' is a wide upright lacecap hydrangea with a tiered habit. This popular serrata hydrangea blooms from July to September with beautiful pink to sky blue sterile flowers on the outside and slightly darker pink to blue small fertile flowers in the centre. The color of the flowers goes along with the acidity of the soil and the presence of aluminum in the soil. The leaves are light green to medium green, ovate and serrated at the margin. This hydrangea likes a spot in filtered sunlight or partial shade. it prefers a slightly acidic moist soil, is fairly hardy, attracts butterflies and bees. Can also be planted on the coast, sea wind tolerant.
Hydrangea serr. 'Preziosa'
Hydrangea serrata 'Preziosa' is actually a hybrid, a cross between a macrophylla and serrata species. With its almost spherical light pink flower bulbs with beautiful yellow and yellow-pink shades and an almost lilac amethyst-like color palette when it finishes flowering, it is a real maverick. The leaves also play a special play of colours, first they are tinted red purple, later dark green, and in autumn again fiery red. This special serrata hydrangea likes a spot in filtered sunlight or partial shade. it prefers a slightly acidic moist soil, is fairly hardy, attracts butterflies and bees. Can also be planted on the coast, sea wind tolerant.
Aster Oblong 'October Skies'
Aster "October Skies" is an aromatic Aster. It is a very striking, low-growing, shrubby plant with hundreds of daisy-like lavender-blue flowers with a yellow center. Like most asters, it is very attractive to butterflies. Its gray-green leaves and flower buds give a beautiful sight in summer followed by masses of flowers. Aster "October Skies" grows easily and quickly in dry to moderate conditions.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hydrangea 'Teller Blue'
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Teller Blue' (Lacecaps = Teller) have flat screen-shaped flowers with fertile flowers on the inside and sterile florets on the outside.
They require a semi-shaded place in the garden, in the sun the soil must remain constantly moist, but certainly not wet soil, because they hate that.