Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Centaurea dealbata
Centaurea dealbata, called pink cornflower or pollinated centaurie in English, is a deciduous perennial with a bushy and clump-forming habit. This cornflower blooms profusely from June to August with dark pink flowers with a white center. Centaurea dealbata has pinnate leaves that are medium green to gray-green on top and silver-gray and hairy on the underside. This plant requires a position in full sun and does well in any well-drained soil, is drought tolerant, hardy, resistant to sea breeze and air pollution, does not suffer from pests but can occasionally be plagued by mildew.
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Centaurea jacea
Centaurea jacea is a beautiful and easy plant with purple blooms. They form a rosette of dull green, hairy, elongated leaves.
Requires moderately nutrient-rich soil, slightly acidic to calcareous.
They are also encountered in grasslands, roadsides, forest edges ...
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Centaurea macrocephala
Centaurea macrocephala resembles a giant dandelion, with a huge golden-yellow flower head emerging from a rosette of very large green leaves.
It is an impressive and decorative plant.
Easy to grow in any light or stony soil, even poor and calcareous.
Sensitive to mildew and to avoid this as much as possible a poor, humus-rich soil is preferred.
Prune back after flowering to get healthy green leaves again.
They do seed, but the young plants are easy to transplant.
Appear best in larger groups.
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Centaurea mont. 'Amethyst Snow'
A long flowering plant that prefers calcareous soil and a warm sunny spot.
Susceptible to mildew and to avoid this as much as possible, a poor, humus-rich soil is preferred, after flowering, cut back to get healthy green leaves again.
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Centaurea mont. 'Coerulea'
Centaurea montana 'Coerulea', the mountain centaur or cornflower, blooms in the months of May-July. Centaurea montana 'Coerulea' grows to about 40 to 50 cm high and likes a sunny spot in the border. Centaurea montana 'Coerulea' prefers a calcareous garden soil and can be combined excellently with pink-purple and blue-flowering perennials. This cornflower can also be used as a cutting plant.
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Centaurea scabiosa
This plant is very suitable for 'the garden on the south'. Desires a sunny spot on not too poor soil. This plant needs protection in winter from excessive rain and snow. In the summer you have to make sure that it does not dry out. It is a striking plant that can also be used as a solitary.
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Centranthus ruber 'Albus'
Centranthus ruber 'albus is a deciduous perennial with an upright columnar habit, the Dutch name is white valerian or spur flower. The leaves are blue-green to gray-green, oval, toothed and pointed. From June to August, this valerian blooms with small fragrant white flowers in upright flower heads. Centranthus ruber prefers a sunny location and a calcareous, well-drained dry soil. The plant is hardy, drought tolerant, sea wind resistant, disease resistant, pest free and can also handle air pollution well.
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Cephalaria gigantea
Cephalaria gigantea flowers light yellow and grows very tall to over 250cm.
The flower shape of the Cephalaria resembles a Scabiosa or a Knautia but with a higher tip.
Reproduces quickly.
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Cerastium biebersteinii
Cerastium biebersteinii is most common in the gardens.
It is a good ground cover with gray foliage and white bloom.
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Cerastium tom. 'Columnae'
Cerastium tomentosum "Columnae", in Dutch called felt-like hornflower, is an evergreen ground cover perennial with beautiful woolly, silver-gray, elongated leaves. This hornflower blooms profusely from May to June with graceful star-shaped white flowers. Cerastium tomentosum likes a position in full sun and requires a well-drained, not too moist soil. This plant is hardy, very drought resistant, tolerant of sea wind and air pollution. Horn flower attracts insects, bees and butterflies. The plant is often used in rock gardens, alpine gardens, between tile or stone joints or as a ground cover.
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Cerastium tomentosum
This plant originates from the mountains and is therefore very suitable for the rock garden as a 'joint filler' in the stacking wall or between stones (including paving). Requires a sunny spot and moderately nutrient-rich soil. It is a low-maintenance plant with a rich, colorful bloom. This plant prefers a slightly moist place, but can withstand drought. It is best to transplant her in larger groups. Grows covering ground and combines well with other plants.
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Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides is called leadwort in Dutch, it is a deciduous ground cover perennial that can propagate rather invasively via rhizome. The leaves are oval, medium green and turn a beautiful red to red-purple in autumn. In late summer and fall, this ceratostigma blooms with cornflower blue flat flowers on decorative red stems. Leadwort likes a position in full sun and a well-drained dry to moderately moist soil. The plant is fairly hardy, but young plants can use a good mulch layer as winter protection. Ceratostigma plumbaginoides is reasonably tolerant to sea wind and air pollution, pest free and generally fairly disease resistant.
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