Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Spiraea nipp. 'Snowmound'
Spiraea nipponica "Snowmound" is also called muscle shrub in Dutch. It is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a bushy, spreading shape. The leaves are obovate, finely serrated and dark green in color. From the end of May to July, this muscular shrub blooms profusely with small, white flowers in round corymbs on slightly drooping annual wood. This spiraea likes a sunny to slightly shaded position in a well-drained, cool and moist soil. This plant is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution reasonably well and is pest and disease free.
Spiraea prunifolia
Spiraea prunifolia is an upright growing shrub with overhanging twigs and glossy green leaves with an orange to red color in autumn.
Blooms in spring with large umbels of double white flowers before the leaves appear on the branches.
Note that the double flowered plant was described botanically before the single flowered plant hence the double flower became the species and the single flower became a variety or form of the species. The single-flowered one is the Spiraea prunifolia var. Simpliciflora.
Spiraea thunb. 'Fujino Pink'
Spiraea thunbergii 'Fujino Pink' is an upright growing shrub with slightly overhanging twigs.
Blooms in early spring with umbels of pink flower buds that then open white.
In autumn, the soft green leaves turn orange-yellow.
Likes fertile, moderately moist soil and prefers full sun.
Can be pruned to shape after flowering.
Spiraea thunbergii
Spiraea thunbergii is also called muscle shrub in Dutch. It is an early-flowering, medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a bushy, spreading form. The leaves are lanceolate, finely serrated and light green in color. From April to May, this muscular shrub is the first of its kind to bloom profusely with small, white flowers in small umbels on slightly drooping annual wood. This spiraea likes a sunny to slightly shaded position in a well-drained, cool and moist soil. This plant is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution reasonably well and is pest and disease free.
Spiraea vanhouttei
Spiraea vanhouttei is also called muscle shrub in Dutch. It is an early-flowering, medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a bushy, spreading form. The leaves are lanceolate, finely serrated and light green in color. From April to May, this muscular shrub blooms profusely with small, white flowers in small umbels on slightly drooping annual wood. This spiraea likes a sunny to slightly shaded position in a well-drained, cool and moist soil. This plant is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution reasonably well and is pest and disease free.
Stachyurus chin. 'Celina'
Stachyurus chinensis "celina" is called tailless in Dutch. It is a medium-sized, multi-stemmed shrub with a round upright shape. The mother plant is in the arboretum of Kalmthout. This plant is mainly notable for its special inflorescence. From the end of February to April, the tail spike blooms with striking, light yellow flowers in up to 25 cm long, axillary racemes. The leaves are ovate to lanceolate, medium green in color and have a beautiful orange-red autumn colour. Stachyurus likes a position in partial shade or filtered sunlight and prefers slightly moist soil. It is reasonably hardy, tolerates pruning well, attracts bees and insects and has few problems with diseases or vermin.
Stephanandra tanakae
Stephanandra tanakae is called large wreath spirea in Dutch. It is a medium-sized, deciduous ornamental shrub with a bushy rounded habit and slightly curved, drooping branches. The leaves are maple-like, 3 to 5 lobed, medium green and strongly serrated. From June to July it blooms with small yellow to creamy white flowers. This large spirea likes a position in sun or partial shade and does well in all well-drained soils. It is very flexible in terms of soil pH. Stephanandra requires regular pruning, is very hardy and is a good nectar plant for butterflies and bees. Stephanandra is not susceptible to diseases and is also virtually vermin-free.
Symphoricarpos chenaultii
Symphoricarpos chenaultii is called snowberry in Dutch. It is a small, very densely branched, deciduous shrub that forms an almost impenetrable crop. The leaves are smooth, oval, blue-green and slightly hairy. This snowberry blooms in June and July with inconspicuous, pink, bell-shaped flowers. Later this is followed by pink, bullet-shaped berries. This hybrid likes a position in the sun, partial shade or shade. It is not fussy about the type of soil, as long as it is well drained. The plant is very hardy, drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution well, has few pest problems and attracts bees and butterflies.
Symphoricarpos d. 'Magic Berry'
Symphoricarpos doorenbosii "magic berry" is a small, deciduous snowberry with a compact, rounded shape. The leaves are dark green in summer and turn yellow in autumn. During the months of May and June, this symphoricarpos blooms with light pink, bell-shaped flowers. Later this is followed by pink-red, bullet-shaped berries. This snowberry likes a position in full sun or partial shade and can also handle full shade. He also makes few demands on the ground. The plant is hardy, attracts bees, is moderately to moderately tolerant of sea wind and air pollution and has few problems with diseases or pests.
Symphoricarpos d. 'Mother Of Pearl'
Symphoricarpos doorenbosii "mother of pearl" is een middelgrote, bladverliezende sneeuwbes met een bossige, opgaande vorm. De bladeren zijn eirond, vrij groot, gaafrandig en donkergroen gekleurd. Van eind mei tot augustus bloeit deze symphoricarpos met groenwitte tot lichtroze, klokvormige bloempjes. Later wordt dit gevolgd door witroze, kogelvormige bessen. Deze sneeuwbes houdt van een standplaats in volle zon of halfschaduw. Hij stelt verder weinig eisen aan de grond. De plant is goed winterhard, lokt bijen, is matig tot redelijk zeewind en luchtverontreiniging tolerant en heeft weinig last van ziektes of ongedierte.
Symphoricarpos d. 'White Hedge'
Symphoricarpos doorenbosii "white hedge" is a medium-sized, deciduous snowberry with a bushy, upright form. The leaves are ovate, fairly large, smooth-edged and colored dark green. From the end of May to August, this symphoricarpos blooms with greenish-white to pale pink, bell-shaped flowers. Later this is followed by round, white berries. This snowberry likes a position in full sun or partial shade. He also makes few demands on the ground. The plant is hardy, attracts bees, is moderately to moderately tolerant of sea wind and air pollution and has few problems with diseases or pests.
Syringa hybr. 'Josee'
Syringa "josée" is a semi-dwarf lilac with a bushy and compact growth, this cultivar only reaches 1.5 m in height and width after 10 years. The leaves are rather small, ovate to heart-shaped and medium green in color. The flowers are lilac-pink, strongly scented and are grouped in racemes. This lilac likes a position in full sun and needs a minimum of 5 to 6 hours of sun to bloom profusely. As a soil type, it prefers neutral or calcareous soil. Syringa "josée" is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution.