Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Rosa 'Claire Austin'
A spherical, quartered full rose with a strong scent of myrrh and vanilla.
Re-flowering with creamy white to white flowers.
Clematis 'Princess Diana'
Clematis texensis 'Princess Diana' blooms with tulip-like bright pink flowers and has a striking center stripe on the petals.
It is best to protect the base of the plant against severe frost in winter.
After the winter, the shrub can be pruned to 20 cm from the ground.
Amelanchier lamarckii
Amelanchier lamarckii is a small deciduous tree of the rose family (rosaceae); with silky-soft leaves that are bronze in the beginning and later dark green. The leaf is oval to broadly elliptical with a light grey-green underside, in autumn it turns a beautiful orange to dark red color. Blooms with white flowers in racemes of eight (April May), edible berries follow later.
Rosa 'Climbing Friesia'
Rosa 'Climbing Friesia' is one of the most beautiful yellow floribundas and was already introduced by Kordes in 1977. This spray rose has a compact, bushy, upright shape and dark green, serrated, leathery, glossy leaves. It blooms in summer and autumn with large, loosely filled, clusters of bright yellow to golden yellow flowers. Rosa 'Climbing Friesia' likes a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very well-permeable soil, it does well in all soil types. This floribunda rose is hardy, tolerates sea breeze and air pollution, attracts bees and insects, is moderately disease resistant and can also be infested by pests.
Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal'
Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal', syn. 'red cardinal', also called bosrank in Dutch, is a large-flowered, deciduous climbing plant with a strong upright growth. The leaves are composed of lanceolate dark green leaflets. This forest vine flowers profusely from July to September with large velvety, star-shaped, crimson-red flowers with beige stamens, during the flowering period the color evolves more to purple-red. Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' likes a position sheltered from the wind in full sun but with feet in the shade and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This late-flowering clematis is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Amelanchier spicata
Amelanchier spicata is a small deciduous shrub with silky soft leaves that are bronze in the beginning and dark green later. The leaf is oval to broadly elliptical with a light grey-green underside, in autumn it turns a beautiful orange to dark red color. Blooms with white flowers in racemes of eight (April May), edible berries follow later.
Rosa 'Climbing Schneewittchen'
One of the most popular white roses, it was introduced by Kordes in 1958 and awarded the title 'World Rose' in 1983. This floribunda rose has a bushy upright shape with medium-sized, light green, matt glossy leaves. It blooms in summer and autumn with large, well-filled, pure white, fragrant flowers in small clusters. Rosa 'Climbing Schneewittchen' likes a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very permeable soil, it does well in all soil types. This floribunda is very hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and insects, is well disease resistant and will only exceptionally be plagued by classic rose diseases from which it usually recovers without any problem on its own.
Clematis 'The President'
Clematis 'the president', also called bos rank in Dutch, is a deciduous climbing plant with a strong upright growth. The leaves are composed of lanceolate dark green leaflets. This woodland vine flowers in June and July and again in September and October with large, purple-blue flowers with pink-white filaments and red stamens. Clematis 'the president' likes a position sheltered from wind in partial shade or full sun and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This late-flowering clematis is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Andromeda pol. 'Blue Ice'
Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice', called rock heath or lavender heath in Dutch, is a small, evergreen shrub with a ground covering habit. This plant has beautiful, linear, grey-blue leaves with a white-grey underside and blooms profusely in spring with small pink bell-shaped flowers. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' likes a sheltered position in the sun or partial shade and an acidic, humous, moist but well-drained soil. Andromeda is very hardy, sea wind tolerant and disease resistant.
Rosa 'Constanze Mozart'
This rose spreads a pure and invigorating perfume. The main note resembles sparkling champagne and fresh ozone after a summer rain shower. Immediately afterwards, it gives the intense floral scent of Verbena. When the calyx of flowers opens completely, the scent of candied plum, mirabelle and a soft touch of apricot unfolds. To round off, this flower spoils with a sigh of vanilla and something reminiscent of heliotrope and elderberry.
Clematis 'Warszawska Nike'
Clematis 'Warszawska Nike' is a large-flowered, deciduous climber with a sturdy upright growth. The leaves are composed of ovate medium green leaflets. This woodland vine blooms profusely in June and July and then again in September and October with large velvety, star-shaped, violet-purple flowers with a red-tinged center stripe and cream-yellow stamens. Clematis 'warszawska nike' likes a position sheltered from the wind in full sun but with feet in the shade and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This late-flowering clematis is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Arbutus unedo
Medium-sized tree with a short trunk and a fairly dense ovoid to rounded crown. The flaking grey-brown trunk has an attractive ornamental value that becomes visible after a few years. The glossy dark green leaves give the tree a healthy appearance. In autumn and early winter, the dense panicles of small, white to pale pink urn-shaped flowers appear. They can be followed by large round fruits that resemble strawberries. These orange-red fruits are edible but will not ripen in every climate. A. unedo is soil vague and tolerates both acidic and calcareous soils. The tree also tolerates some drought. (Sea) wind is well tolerated, but the tree must be protected against cold (frost) wind.