Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Aster ageratoides 'Ashvi'
Perennial with highly branched flower stems.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hibiscus syr. 'Oiseau Bleu'
Hibiscus syriacus 'Oiseau Bleu' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with decorative mid-green to dark green coarse-toothed, palmate leaves and a bushy, upright habit. Flowering starts in mid-summer with violet-blue, single flowers with fine red stripes and a maroon-red spot in the centre... And this continues until the end of October. This garden hibiscus does very well in a position with slightly filtered sunlight, but it also thrives in full sun and partial shade. It is not fussy about the type of soil, tolerates air pollution well and is resistant to sea wind. The hibiscus syriacus has few problems with diseases and vermin, is hardy and can be used as a solitary or in the mixed border.
Aster ageratoides 'Asmoe'
Aster ageratoides 'Asmoe' flowers with pale lilac-pink flowers.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hibiscus syr. 'Pink Chiffon'
Hibiscus 'Pink Chiffon' is an upright shrub with a compact habit and dark green leaves that turn yellow in autumn.
Blooms with light pink flowers with fine stripes and a tuft of pink petals in the center. Flowering is even more profuse in long hot summers.
Aster ageratoides 'Asran'
A. 'Asran' is a perennial plant with strongly branched flower stems and light violet flowers.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hibiscus syr. 'Purple Ruffles'
Hibiscus syriacus 'Purple Ruffles', this garden hibiscus is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with decorative mid-green to dark green coarse-toothed, three-lobed leaves and a bushy, upright habit. Flowering starts in mid-summer with large purple-pink, double flowers and continues until the end of October. This garden hibiscus does very well in a position with slightly filtered sunlight, but it also thrives in full sun and partial shade. It is not fussy about the type of soil, tolerates air pollution well and is resistant to sea wind. The hibiscus syriacus has few problems with diseases and vermin, is hardy and can be used as a solitary or in the mixed border.
Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murazaki'
The Dutch name is Aster, family of the Asteraceae. The flower color is purple and the flowering time is from September to October. The leaves are green and about 40 cm. high. The adult height of this perennial is approx. 100 cm. Withstands a temperature of up to -25 gr. C. The recommended planting distance is 38 cm. (5-7 pcs. Per m2.) Hardly available. This plant is very suitable for 'the garden on the south'. Desires a sunny, warm spot on not too poor soil and outside the shadow zone of trees and shrubs. It can be used as a border plant, because it is easy to combine. This plant needs protection in winter from excessive rain and snow. In the summer you have to make sure that it does not dry out.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hibiscus syr. 'Red Heart'
Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart', this garden hibiscus is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with fresh green, glossy, toothed, deeply lobed leaves and a bushy, upright habit. In mid-summer it starts flowering with large pure white single flowers with a red center... And this continues until the end of October. This garden hibiscus does very well in a position with slightly filtered sunlight, but it also thrives in full sun and partial shade. It is not fussy about the type of soil, tolerates air pollution well and is resistant to sea wind. The hibiscus syriacus has few problems with diseases and vermin, is hardy and can be used as a solitary or in the mixed border.
Aster ageratoides 'Harry Schmidt'
Aster ageratoides 'Harry Schmidt' or autumn aster is a lilac blue flowering aster with daisy-like flowers. This plant blooms profusely from the beginning of August until the frost period. The sturdy stems of the Aster ageratoides 'Harry Schmidt' ensure that the plant does not fall apart.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hibiscus syr. 'Speciosus'
Hibiscus syriacus 'Speciosus', this garden hibiscus is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with fresh green, glossy, toothed, deeply lobed leaves and a bushy, upright habit. Flowering starts in mid-summer with large pure white semi-double to double flowers with a red center... And this continues until the end of October. This garden hibiscus does very well in a position with slightly filtered sunlight, but it also thrives in full sun and partial shade. It is not fussy about the type of soil, tolerates air pollution well and is resistant to sea wind. The hibiscus syriacus has few problems with diseases and vermin, is hardy and can be used as a solitary or in the mixed border.
Aster ageratoides 'Stardust'
Aster ageratoides 'Stardust' is a mildew-free aster with pale purple / lilac flowers.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Hibiscus syr. 'White Chiffon'
Hibiscus syriacus 'White Chiffon' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with decorative mid-green to dark green coarse-toothed, palmate leaves and a bushy, upright habit. Flowering starts in mid-summer with large pure white, double flowers and continues until the end of October. This garden hibiscus does very well in a position with slightly filtered sunlight, but it also thrives in full sun and partial shade. It is not fussy about the type of soil, tolerates air pollution well and is resistant to sea wind. The hibiscus syriacus has few problems with diseases and vermin, is hardy and can be used as a solitary or in the mixed border.