Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Hamamelis int. 'Diane'
Hamamelis x intermedia 'diane' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub or small tree with broad oval green leaves that turn a beautiful yellow to orange-yellow in autumn. The eye-catchers of the hamamelis, however, are the bright red, fragrant flowers with 4 narrow, curled petals and a spider-like shape, which already embellish the bare wood from January. The hamamelis likes a position in the sun or partial shade, it does well in neutral to acidic soil and does not need pruning if it is given the necessary space. It is very hardy and air pollution tolerant.
Artemisia schmidtiana 'Nana'
Artemisia schmidtiana "Nana", in Dutch called western mugwort or wormwood, is an evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a tendency to proliferate via shoots. The particularly decorative leaves are fluffy, gray-green to silver-gray, lanceolate and aromatic. Exceptionally, this mugwort blooms in July or August with yellow-green flowers. This plant likes a sunny position and a light, well-drained soil that contains sufficient lime. Artemisia schmidtiana "Nana" is reasonably to hardy, well tolerant to drought, tolerates sea breeze and air pollution without any problems and is aromatic in all its parts. Occasionally, wormwood can suffer from fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew.
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Hamamelis int. 'Feuerzauber'
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Feuerzauber' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub or small tree, with broad oval green leaves that turn a beautiful brown to orange-red in autumn. The eye-catchers of the witch hazel, however, are the orange-red, fragrant flowers with narrow, curled petals and spider-like shape, which already embellish the bare wood from January. The hamamelis likes a position in the sun or partial shade, it does well in neutral to acidic soil and requires virtually no pruning if it is given the necessary space. It is very hardy and air pollution tolerant.
Artemisia stell. 'Boughton Silver'
Artemisia stell. 'Boughton Silver', in Dutch called Western mugwort or wormwood, is an evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a loose pure-shaped habit and a tendency to proliferate via shoots. The particularly decorative leaves are fluffy, gray-green to silver-gray, lanceolate and aromatic. Exceptionally, this mugwort blooms in July or August with yellow-green flowers. This plant likes a sunny position and a light, well-drained soil that contains sufficient lime. Artemisia stell. 'Boughton Silver' is reasonably to hardy, has good drought tolerance, tolerates sea breeze and air pollution without problems, is pest free and aromatic in all its parts.
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Hamamelis int. 'Pallida'
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Pallida' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub or small tree with broad oval green leaves that turn a beautiful brown to orange-red in autumn. The eye-catchers of the hamamelis, however, are the light yellow, fragrant flowers with narrow, curled petals and spider-like shape, which already embellish the bare wood from January. The hamamelis likes a position in the sun or partial shade, it does well in neutral to acidic soil and requires virtually no pruning if it is given the necessary space. It is very hardy and air pollution tolerant.
Arum italicum
Arum italicum, in Dutch called Italian arum, is a wild, deciduous stinzen plant with a columnar upright growth. The plant has deep green, glossy, often strongly veined arrow-shaped leaves and flowers in April and May with a creamy white spike with a large light green bract. After fertilization of the female flowers at the bottom of the bulb, many about 1 cm red berries follow. Italian arum likes a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and a humus-rich, well-drained soil. Arum italicum attracts bees and butterflies, is very hardy, drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution and has few diseases or pests.
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Hedera helix 'Arborescens'
Hedera helix 'arborescens', also called shrub ivy, is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with a wide spreading shape, dark green, oval to heart-shaped leaves and small white-green flowers in upright racemes. After flowering, which lasts from July to September, small blue-black berries follow. Hedera helix 'arborescens' does well in full sun as well as in partial shade or even shade. The plant is undemanding to the soil, is fairly hardy (better than the ordinary hedera helix), and is often used for hedges and border planting, but can also be used as a solitary. This hedera is fairly sea wind tolerant, and also air pollution resistant. Good bee plant.
Aruncus aethusifolius
Aruncus aethusifolius is a miniature goat beard from Korea. This deciduous perennial has a compact, clump-forming habit. The leaves are deeply cut, fern-like and dark green in color in spring and summer, yellow, orange in fall. This dwarf goat beard blooms from May to June with creamy-white flower panicles and prefers a location in humus-rich soil with some shade, although it can also handle full sun if the soil is sufficiently moist. This plant is hardy, disease resistant and, unlike the a. Dioicus, also fairly drought tolerant. It tolerates moderate air pollution and is sometimes plagued by sawflies.
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Hedera hibern. 'Arbori Compact'
Hedera hibernica 'arbori compact', also called Irish or Atlantic dwarf ivy, is a small, compact, evergreen shrub that can be used as a climber, ground cover or dwarf shrub. It has glossy medium green, oval to heart-shaped leaves and small, spherical, yellow-green flowers in upright racemes. After flowering, which lasts from late August to October, small blue-black berries follow. Hedera helix 'Arbori compact' does well in full sun as well as in partial shade or even shade. The plant is undemanding to the soil, is fairly hardy and is often used for ground cover, low hedges or planting in borders. This hedera is fairly sea wind tolerant, and also air pollution resistant. Good bee plant.
Aruncus aethustifolius 'Horatio'
Aruncus 'Horatio' is a hybrid and one of the most compact and graceful cultivars of the Goat beard.
Flowers very abundantly, in upright, slender creamy white panicles.
The beautiful foliage of fern-like foliage is ablaze in coppery bronze in fall.
Very beautiful on the edge of the pond and in shady parts of the garden.
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Hibiscus syr. 'Ardens'
Hibiscus syriacus 'Ardens' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with fresh green, glossy, toothed, three-lobed leaves and a bushy, upright habit. Flowering starts in mid-summer with lilac-coloured double, almost trumpet-shaped flowers and this continues until the end of October. This garden hibiscus does very well in a position with slightly filtered sunlight, but it also thrives in full sun and partial shade. It is not fussy about the type of soil, tolerates air pollution well and is resistant to sea wind. The hibiscus syriacus has few problems with diseases and vermin, is hardy and can be used as a solitary or in the mixed border.
Aruncus dioicus
Aruncus dioicus, called goat beard in Dutch, is a deciduous perennial with a firmly upright, pol-forming habit. The leaves are deeply incised, feathery, light to medium green in color. This goat beard blooms from June to August with elegant upright cream-white flower panicles and likes a location in a humus-rich soil with some shade, although it can also handle full sun if the soil is sufficiently moist. This plant is hardy, disease resistant and moderately drought tolerant. It tolerates moderate air pollution and is sometimes plagued by sawflies. It also has a good nectar and pollen value for butterflies, bees and insects.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.