Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Arnica montana
Arnica or wolverlei is a perennial plant belonging to the composite family. The plant is native to the Alps, Pyrenees and in the east to the Balkans and in the north to southern Scandinavia.
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Artemisia absinthium 'Lambrook Silver'
The ornamental value lies in the silvery-white leaves because the flower is insignificant.
Grows to 100cm high.
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Genista lydia
Genista lydia, heather broom is a low and creeping deciduous shrub with narrow blue-green aromatic leaves and yellow flowers that decorate the plant from May to July. Heidebrem likes a position in full sun and is not fussy about the type of soil, it also grows well on poor soil. This plant is hardy and has slightly fragrant flowers and aromatic leaves. Heidebrem is also sea wind tolerant and therefore a good coastal plant. This genista does not like pruning, too much pruning can definitely mean the end of the plant.
Genista tinct. 'Royal Gold'
Genista tinctoria 'Royal Gold' is a small shrub with thin, straight, bright green twigs blooming with golden yellow flowers.
Grows in slightly acidic, nutrient-poor, well-drained soil.
Grevillea juniperina
A medium-sized shrub from Australia with long, almost needle-shaped green leaves.
Blooms with striking racemes of red flowers.
After flowering, the plant can be pruned back.
Requires a humus-rich, well-drained soil in a sheltered sunny spot.
Hardy -5/-10°C.
The plant must overwinter frost-free in pots.
Artemisia hybr. 'Powls Castle'
Artemisia "Powis Castle", in Dutch called mugwort or wormwood, is a semi-evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a wide growing bushy shape. The particularly decorative leaves are fluffy, gray-green to silver-gray, feathery and fern-like. This mugwort flowers exceptionally in August with yellow-green flowers. This plant likes a sunny position and a light, well-drained soil that contains sufficient lime. Artemisia "Powis Castle" is reasonably to hardy, well tolerant to drought, tolerates sea breeze and air pollution without problems and is aromatic in all its parts. Occasionally, wormwood can suffer from fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew, rust and downy mildew.
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Griselinia littoralis 'Green Horizon'
Griselinia littoralis 'Green Horizon' is a fast growing New Zealand upright shrub with small, glossy, bright, deep emerald green leaves.
After the green-yellow flowers, the black berries follow.
The plant tolerates sea wind very well, but is only moderately hardy to -10°C. So shelter plants in very well-drained soil.
Adapts to any well-loosened, light and well-drained ordinary soil, but prefers a light, sandy, humus-containing, deep, slightly acidic (without lime) soil, kept a little cool to support growth.
This shrub dislikes heavy soil and/or soggy soil in winter.
Requires a sunny or semi-shaded position. In the sun, this shrub will bloom more.
Pruning: 1 to 2 times a year after flowering.
Artemisia lact. 'Elfenbein'
The ivory white flowers of Artemisia lactiflora 'Elfenbein' are more yellow than Artemisia lactiflora, especially when placed in partial shade.
Silver-gray aromatic plants.
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Halesia carolina
Halesia carolina, also called snowdrop tree, is a medium-sized deciduous tree with a broad crown and strikingly striped young branches. It blooms profusely from the end of April to the end of May with a sea of white hanging bells on the still bare twigs. The leaves that follow are medium green and oval in shape, turning an inconspicuous yellow to yellow-brown in autumn. Four-winged lime green (edible) fruits also appear after flowering, which slowly turn brown as autumn progresses. The snowdrop tree likes a sheltered position and not too calcareous soil, it is hardy, attracts bees and butterflies but is not resistant to sea wind or air pollution.
Artemisia ludov. 'Silver Queen'
Artemisia ludoviciana "Silver Queen", in Dutch called western mugwort or wormwood is an evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a loose columnar habit and a tendency to proliferate via shoots. The particularly decorative leaves are fluffy, gray-green to silver-gray, lanceolate and aromatic. Exceptionally, this mugwort blooms in July or August with yellow-green flowers. This plant likes a sunny position and a light, well-drained soil that contains sufficient lime. Artemisia ludoviciana "Silver Queen" is reasonably to hardy, well tolerant to drought, tolerates sea wind and air pollution without any problems.
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Hamamelis int. 'Arnold Promise'
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise' is a medium-sized deciduous shrub or small tree with broad oval green leaves that turn a beautiful yellow to yellow-bronze in autumn. The eye-catchers of the witch hazel, however, are the dark yellow, fragrant flowers with 4 narrow, curled petals and a spider-like shape, which already embellish the bare wood from January. The hamamelis likes a position in the sun or partial shade, it does well in neutral to acidic soil and requires virtually no pruning if it is given the necessary space. It is very hardy and air pollution tolerant.
Artemisia ludov. 'Valerie Finnis'
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis', in Dutch called Western mugwort or wormwood, is an evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a loose pure-shaped habit and a tendency to proliferate via shoots. The particularly decorative leaves are fluffy, gray-green to silver-gray, lanceolate and aromatic. Exceptionally, this mugwort flowers in July or August with yellow-green flowers. This plant likes a sunny position and a light, well-drained soil that contains sufficient lime. Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis' is reasonably to hardy, well tolerant to drought, tolerates sea breeze and air pollution without any problems, is pest free and aromatic in all its parts.
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