Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Aster eric. 'Erlkönig'
The Dutch name is Heideaster, family of the Asteraceae. The flower color is pale lilac and the flowering time is from September to October. The leaves are green and about 60 cm. high. The adult height of this perennial is about 120 cm. Tolerates a temperature of up to -35 gr. C. The recommended planting distance is 38 cm. (5-7 pcs. Per m2.) Is widely available. This plant is very suitable for the ornamental garden. It has striking foliage, bloom or shape and is easy to combine. Requires a sunny spot and well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. This plant is very suitable to combine with the 'basic plants'. Produces a good cut flower.
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Aster eric. 'Golden Spray'
Aster ericoides 'Golden Spray' flowers profusely with pinkish creamy white flowers.
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Aster eric. 'Lovely'
Aster ericoides 'Lovely' is a very floriferous aster with lilac pink flowers.
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Aster eric. 'Schneetanne'
Aster ericoides 'Schneetanne' abundant white flowers.
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Aster eric. 'Snowflurry'
This is a very beautiful and special autumn aster. The plant grows flat on the ground. At first it looks like a flat-growing conifer, but when the first flowers open in September, you see that this is an aster. Also nice to grow over a wall.
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Aster frik. 'Mönch'
Aster frikartii "mönch", is an autumn aster with a loose bushy shape and dark green lanceolate leaves. This aster blooms profusely from July to October with large lavender-blue, daisy-like flowers with an orange-yellow center. It likes a sunny position and fertile, well-drained soil. It is very hardy, attracts numerous butterflies, bees and insects and is also very tolerant of sea breeze and air pollution.
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Aster frik. 'Wunder Von Stäfa'
This plant is frequented by butterflies and bees. The Aster × frikartii 'Wunder von Stäfa' can be used as a cut flower.This plant is resistant to salty wind and can therefore be used in coastal gardens.
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Aster hybr. 'Js Eleven Purple'
Aster 'Js Eleven Purple' is a compact, large-flowered, long bloomer until December with soft lilac / violet flowers.
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Aster hybr. 'Monte Cassino'
Aster "monte cassino" is an autumn aster with a compact upright shape and bushy growth. The leaves are lanceolate, hairy and colored dark green. This aster blooms in October and November with abundant pure white daisy-like flowers with a yellow center. It likes a sunny position and fertile, well-drained soil. It is very hardy, attracts numerous butterflies, bees and insects and is also very tolerant of sea breeze and air pollution.
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Aster hybr. 'Pink Star'
If you need a strong perennial for a spot in the sun, this is a really good one for fall. The foliage of this plant is a beautiful backdrop for many earlier flowering plants. The plant grows wider and forms a group. Depending on the neighboring plant and the location, this plant can grow to about 100 cm. high. An attractive flowering period of 6 to 8 weeks follows, after which the flowers turn brown.
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Aster laevis 'Calliope'
The Dutch name is Gladde aster, family of the Asteraceae. The flower color is bright blue and the flowering time is from September to October. The leaves are green and about 75 cm. high. The adult height of this perennial is about 150 cm. Withstands a temperature of up to -30 gr. C.
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Aster lateriflorus 'Horizontalis'
Aster lateriflorus "horizontalis", is a small autumn aster with a compact, bushy shape with strong horizontal branching and dark green lanceolate leaves. This aster blooms in September and October with abundant small white, daisy-like flowers with a brown-red center. It likes a sunny position and fertile, well-drained soil. It is very hardy, attracts numerous butterflies, bees and insects and is also very tolerant of sea breeze and air pollution.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.