Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Euonymus jap. 'Micr. Albovariegatus'
Euonymus japonicus 'Microphyllus Albovariegatus' is a compact, low-growing shrub with small silver-white edged dark green leaves.
Protect plants from cold winds, hardy to -7°C.
Aquilegia vulg. 'Green Apples'
Graceful beautiful plants for all garden soils, preferably not too wet and not too windy.
The lobed leaves have a bluish-green color.
At the top and the side stems is the bent white flower with green tips on the petals.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Euonymus jap. 'Micr. Aureovariegatus'
Euonymus japonicus 'Microphyllus Aureovariegatus': This cultivar is a small evergreen cardinal hat with a dense compact shape. The leaves are yellow variegated, glossy, leathery, light green with a golden yellow edge. This cardinal's hat blooms in May and June with inconspicuous white-green flowers. Euonymus japonicus 'Microphyllus Aureovariegatus' is only moderately hardy, does well in any soil type and grows in both full sun and partial shade, although the variegated color is most beautiful in full sun. It can withstand pruning well, is air pollution tolerant and also resistant to sea wind and can be used as a coastal plant.
Aquilegia vulg. 'Nivea'
Graceful beautiful plants for all garden soils, preferably not too wet and not too windy.
The lobed leaves have a bluish-green color.
At the top and the side stems is the bent white flower.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Aquilegia vulg. 'Rose Barlow'
Graceful beautiful plants for all garden soils, preferably not too wet and not too windy.
The lobed leaves have a bluish-green color.
At the top and the side stems is the bent light pink flower.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Euonymus jap. 'Microphyllus'
Euonymus japonicus 'Microphyllus': this small evergreen Cardinal's Hat has a compact upright shape. The leaves are medium green, narrow, glossy, serrate and elliptical in shape. This cardinal's hat blooms in May and June with inconspicuous white-green flowers. Euonymus japonicus 'Microphyllus' is fairly hardy, does well in any type of soil and grows in both full sun and partial shade. It can withstand pruning well, is air pollution tolerant and also resistant to sea wind and can be used as a coastal plant.
Aquilegia vulg. 'Ruby Port'
Graceful beautiful plants for all garden soils, preferably not too wet and not too windy.
The lobed leaves have a bluish-green color.
At the top and the side stems is the bent dark red, double-shaped flower.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Euonymus jap. 'Ovatus Aureus'
Euonymus japonicus 'Ovatus Aureus': this medium-sized evergreen cardinal's hat has a compact upright shape. The leaves are yellowish or light green, broad, glossy, irregularly toothed and oval in shape. This cardinal's hat blooms in May and June with inconspicuous white-green flowers, sometimes followed by pink fruits with orange seeds. Euonymus japonicus 'Ovatus Aureus' is fairly hardy, does well in any type of soil and grows in both full sun and partial shade. It can withstand pruning well, is air pollution tolerant and also resistant to sea wind and can be used as a coastal plant.
Aquilegia vulg. 'White Barlow'
Graceful beautiful plants for all garden soils, preferably not too wet and not too windy.
The lobed leaves have a bluish-green color.
At the top and the side stems are the bent, double white flowers with short spurs.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Euonymus jap. 'Pierrolino'
Euonymus japonicus 'Pierrolino': This small evergreen Cardinal's Hat has a broad, bushy, upright shape. The leaves are variegated white, first white when young, later white-green. Irregularly toothed and elliptical in shape. This cardinal's hat blooms in May and June with inconspicuous white-green flowers, sometimes followed by pink fruits with orange seeds. Euonymus japonicus 'pierrolino' is reasonably hardy, does well in any type of soil and grows in both full sun and partial shade. It can withstand pruning well, is air pollution tolerant and also resistant to sea wind and can be used as a coastal plant.
Euonymus japonicus
A large bushy shrub with evergreen and dense foliage. The small leaves are intense green, shiny and leathery.
Aquilegia vulg. 'William Guiness'
This cultivar originated on the Guinness estate in Ireland, next to Daphne Shackleton's Garden, which gave its seed to the National Aquilegia Plant Collection.
Very beautiful in borders from late spring to early summer.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.