Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Hydrangea macr. 'Roze'
The pink hydrangea is an easy plant. The plant is hardy and has few problems with plant diseases. The pink hydrangea does need a soil with a high acidity.
Hydrangea macr. 'Soeur Therese'
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Soeur Thérèse' is a small to medium-sized compact ball hydrangea. This hydrangea blooms from July to September with pure white bulbs that bloom with a light pink glow. It is remarkable that the white flowers do not quickly blemish (turn brown) when it rains. The leaves are medium green, oval and serrated at the edge. This hydrangea likes morning sun and afternoon sun, but cannot stand too bright afternoon sun, which can cause leaf burn on very hot summer days. It prefers a slightly acidic moist soil, is fairly hardy, attracts butterflies and bees. Can also be planted on the coast, sea wind tolerant.
Hydrangea macr. 'Taube'
Hydrangea macrophylla 'taube', syn. 'pink counter', is a compact, densely branched lacecap hydrangea. This flat-umbrella hydrangea blooms from July to September with beautiful pink-red or electric blue flowers on the outside and pink-red to blue small fertile flowers in the centre. It is remarkable that the decoy flowers and fertile indoor flowers have the same colour. The leaves are glossy, dark green, oval and toothed at the edge. This hydrangea likes morning sun and afternoon sun, but cannot stand too bright afternoon sun, which can cause leaf burn on very hot summer days. It prefers a slightly acidic moist soil, is fairly hardy, attracts butterflies and bees. Can also be planted on the coast, sea wind tolerant.
Hydrangea macr. 'Tricolor'
A hydrangea lacecap with silver variegated foliage that is more striking, especially on poor soil.
The umbellate flowers have light pink to white edge flowers.
Hydrangea macr. 'Wit'
Hydrangea macropyhlla is one of the most famous Farmhouse hydrangeas. From Japan, the Hydrangea macrophylla is spread over many countries with a temperate climate. This Boerenhydrangea blooms from June to September with white flowers.
Hydrangea pan. 'Baby Lace'
Hydrangea paniculata 'Baby Lace'® is a beautiful selection of panicle hydrangeas. This compact and richly flowering variety produces cream-white flowers. Flowers on annual wood and may be pruned in spring. This keeps the shrub compact with larger flowers.
Hydrangea pan. 'Bobo'
Hydrangea paniculata 'Bobo' blooms with plume-shaped white flowers that turn pale pink in autumn.
The shrub remains compact and low.
Cut back to 30cm in March.
Hydrangea pan. 'Dharuma'
Hydrangea paniculata 'Dharuma' blooms with greenish-white flowers that fade more to pink in autumn, have many edge flowers, in flattened panicles
They stay upright after a heavy rain shower and should not be pruned in the spring. They bloom a little earlier.
Hydrangea pan. 'Diamantino'
Hydrangea paniculata 'Diamantino' is an upright growing shrub with large, plume-shaped yellow/green plumes that continue to color to bright white until the beginning of September and finally blossom with pink.
The flower stems are red and firm.
Hydrangea pan. 'Diamond Rouge'
Hydrangea paniculata 'Diamant Rouge' blooms with large plume-shaped white flowers that quickly turn pink, later to an intense pink-red.
The green leaves also take on a beautiful purple autumn hue in the fall.
Hydrangea pan. 'Fraise Melba'
Hydrangea paniculata 'Fraise Melba' is a sturdy panicle hydrangea with large plume-shaped flowers. First bloom white for a few weeks and then turn red at the bottom.
Hydrangea pan. 'Framboisine'
Hydrangea paniculata 'Framboisine' is a compact panicle hydrangea.
The cone-shaped thick flower clusters first bloom white and turn deep pink to red-pink in late summer.
The foliage is dark green with a purple to yellow fall color.