Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Philadelphus coronarius
Philadelphus coronarius was the only farmer's jasmine in our gardens for a long time and was already very popular for their wonderful scent.
In bright afternoon sun the leaves of the Philadelphus coronarius burn, morning and evening sun or light shade is more advisable.
Occasionally the plant may be pruned to 80cm from the ground to rejuvenate.
You can also prune only the dead branches to the ground in winter and shorten the remaining 1/4 after flowering.
Philadelphus 'Dame Blanche'
Philadelphus 'Dame Blanche' is a semi-high farmer's jasmine with single, very fragrant flowers.
Also blooms in the shade, albeit with less flowering.
Shorten the branches by 1/4 after flowering and prune all dead and old branches to the ground in winter.
Philadelphus 'Dame Blanche'
Philadelphus 'Dame Blanche' is a semi-high farmer's jasmine with single, very fragrant flowers.
Also blooms in the shade, albeit with less flowering.
Shorten the branches by 1/4 after flowering and prune all dead and old branches to the ground in winter.
Philadelphus 'Lemoinei'
Philadelphus "Lemoinei" is a medium-sized, deciduous barnyard jasmine with a bushy, upright and wide spreading form. The leaves are dark green and oval, the branches arched, overhanging. From June to July, this philadelphus blooms profusely with white, fragrant, single flowers. Farmer's Jasmine does well in sun and partial shade and is not selective about soil pH as long as it is well-draining and sufficiently fertile. This plant is very hardy, low maintenance, a good coastal plant, sea wind and air pollution tolerant and attractive to bees and butterflies.
Philadelphus 'Manteau d'Hermine'
Philadelphus "Manteau d'hermine" is a medium-sized, deciduous barnyard jasmine with a bushy, compact, low-growing shape. The leaves are light green and oval, the branches arching, overhanging. From June to July, this philadelphus blooms profusely with white, fragrant, single flowers with purplish purple blotches in the center Country Jasmine does well in sun and partial shade and is not selective as to soil pH as long as it is well drained and sufficiently fertile This plant is very hardy, low maintenance, a good coastal plant , sea wind and air pollution tolerant and attractive to bees and butterflies.
Philadelphus 'Snowbell'
Philadelphus 'Snowbelle' is a broad-growing shrub with large, double flowers that smell wonderful.
Not demanding on the soil. It is good to enrich poor or calcareous soils with leafy soil or compost.
Pruning is done after flowering to strong new shoots to keep the shrub nice and compact. Every 3-4 years, remove the oldest twigs at the base to rejuvenate your shrub.
Likes to be in the sun, but also flowers in the shade, albeit with fewer flowers.
Philadelphus 'Virginal'
Philadelphus "Virginal" is a medium-sized, deciduous barnyard jasmine with a bushy, upright and broad shape. The leaves are dark green, serrate and oval. From May to June, this philadelphus blooms profusely with white, fragrant, double, filled flowers in large umbels. Farmer's Jasmine does well in sun and partial shade and is not selective about soil pH as long as it is well-draining and sufficiently fertile. This plant is very hardy, low maintenance and attractive to bees and butterflies.
Phillyrea latifolia
Phillyrea latifolia is a shrub with glossy green leaves.
The green-white flowers bloom in umbels, they are not very striking but have a strong scent.
From September the blue-black oval fruits appear.
Requires a well-drained, moist soil, but once established, the plant tolerates dry soil.
Moderately hardy to -10°C, so it is best placed in a well-sheltered and dry place.
Can be pruned well.
Photinia fras. 'Camilvy'
Photinia fraseri "Camilvy" is called glossy medlar in Dutch. It is a large, evergreen shrub with an upright shape and glossy, elliptical to obovate leaves. These first emerge brown-red and later they become dark green. Photinia likes a position in partial shade or sun, somewhat sheltered from harsh winds in winter and preferably not too calcareous soil. The plant is reasonably hardy, sea wind tolerant and air pollution resistant. It attracts many bees and bumblebees in the spring and is also a host plant for some butterfly species.
Photinia fras. 'Cracklin Red'
Photinia x fraseri 'Cracklin Red' is a shrub with a compact habit and dark red shoots in spring, turning to glossy green in summer.
Blooms with umbels of creamy white flowers.
In early fall, the small decorative red and black fruits appear, poisonous but prized by birds.
Photinia fras. 'Dynamo Red'
Photinia x fraseri 'Dynamo Red' is a fast-growing shrub with an upright, densely branched habit and wine-red young shoots in spring, turning to glossy green in summer.
Blooms with umbels of creamy white flowers.
In early fall, the small decorative red and black fruits appear, poisonous but prized by birds.
Photinia fras. 'Fireball Red'
Photinia x fraseri 'Fireball Red' is a compact shrub with fiery red shoots in spring, changing to glossy green in summer.
Blooms with umbels of creamy white flowers.
In early fall, the small decorative red and black fruits appear, poisonous but prized by birds.