Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Tiarella wherryi
Tiarella wherryi is called foam flower or persian cap in Dutch. It is a deciduous perennial. The palmate, deeply lobed and serrated, light green leaves have a beautiful red autumn coloration. Persian cap blooms from May to August. The creamy-white, sometimes pink-hued, five-leaved, star-shaped flowers form slender flower spikes. Tiarella wherryi likes a sheltered position in partial shade or shade and requires a well-permeable humus-rich, slightly moist soil. The plant is very hardy, does not suffer from pests or diseases and can be used in the shade garden, in borders and as underplanting of roses and shrubs.
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Trachystemon orientalis
A strong perennial that can be planted anywhere, dry to wet soil, calcareous or acidic soil but not in full sun.
Blooms with EDIBLE sky-blue flowers, the foliage is small and hairy.
This ground cover is especially beautiful in larger groups combined with ferns.
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Tradescantia 'Charlotte'
This plant is very suitable for the ornamental garden. It has striking foliage, bloom or shape and is easy to combine. Requires a sunny spot and well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. This plant is very suitable to combine with the 'basic plants'. Originally a 'meadow plant' and therefore especially suitable for somewhat heavier soil types and occasionally moist soil. It is therefore often easy to combine with 'forest edge plants'. Does not proliferate or hardly ever and combines well with other plants.
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Tradescantia 'Innocence'
Tradescantia andersoniana "innocence" is called father plant or day flower in Dutch. It is an evergreen perennial with an upright, slightly arching, clump-forming habit. The leaves are grassy, lanceolate and bright green. This one-day flower blooms from June to September with pure white flowers. These are grouped in terminal trusses and stand on sturdy stems. The plant likes a position in full sun or partial shade and requires an acidic to neutral, fertile, moisture-retaining but well-drained soil. The plant is reasonably to hardy and also tolerates sea wind and air pollution quite well.
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Tradescantia 'Leonora'
Tradescantia andersoniana "leonora" is called father plant or day flower in Dutch. It is an evergreen perennial with an upright, slightly arching, clump-forming habit. The leaves are grassy, lanceolate and bright green. This one-day flower blooms from June to September with violet-blue flowers. These are grouped in terminal clusters on stiff stems. The plant likes a position in full sun or partial shade and requires an acidic to neutral, fertile, moisture-retaining but well-drained soil. The plant is reasonably to hardy and also tolerates sea wind and air pollution quite well.
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Tradescantia 'Osprey'
Tradescantia 'Osprey' is a long flowering plant of which each flower only blooms for 1 day with white petals and violet-blue fluffy stamens with yellow pistils,
Forms a clump of lanceolate leaves with a somewhat sloppy growth. The long leaves have a kink in the leaf. But it is precisely this that makes the plant so decorative.
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Tricyrtis hirta
Toad lily. In England it is called "the poor man's orchid" because the flowers resemble orchids. Here one also sometimes speaks of the poor man's orchid.
Valuable late flowering perennial with strangely spotted flowers. Its origins are mainly in Japan, with a few exceptions in China and Taiwan.
The petals of Tricyrtis hirta are speckled with white / purple.
These plants like a somewhat moist, moisture-retaining soil in filtered light, but full sun is well tolerated as long as the soil does not dry out.
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Tricyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki'
Tricyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki', also called orchid lily, is a beautiful perennial with purple speckled, white flowers
These plants like a somewhat rich, moisture-retaining cool soil in filtered light, but full sun is well tolerated, provided the soil does not dry out.
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Trifolium ochroleucon
This large clover is a very hardy perennial and forms a nice round neat clump, starting with beautiful silver hairy buds. Later they open to large egg-shaped flowers with a creamy-white to green-yellow color.
The gray-green leaf is composed of 3 leaves, obovate or elongated, softly hairy on 2 sides.
After flowering, pick the browning yellow petals and the green cobs will remain decorative until the end of August.
It thrives in any good garden soil that is not too dry, in a sunny spot.
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Trifolium rubens 'Album'
Trifolium rubens 'Album' forms silvery hairy flower buds that turn white from the base.
The leaves are lanceolate and green in color.
Requires nutrient-rich soil from dry to even moist.
Can spread without being a nuisance.
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Trollius europaeus
Large spherical light yellow flowers in May / June and sometimes a light second bloom in autumn.
It is a strong growing plant.
Prefer to stand in full sun, but partial shade is better for maintaining the intense color and the plant also blooms longer.
Furthermore, they do not require garden soil that is too wet, but slightly damp.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Uvularia grandiflora
The lemon-yellow flowers are on long flower stems, the leaves are long and lanceolate.
Desire a humus-rich soil.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.