Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Cercidiphyllum japonicum or katsura tree is also called heart tree or Judas leaf tree in Dutch. It is a fairly large tree or multi-stemmed shrub with a pyramidal first and later broad oval regular crown. This shrub blooms in April, May with red male and pinkish white female flowers; but the real attraction is undoubtedly the beautiful foliage changes throughout the seasons, ranging from bronze, red to blue-green to yellow, pink, orange and red in the fall. The leaves also give off a caramel-like perfume. Cercidiphyllum is moderately hardy and air pollution tolerant.
Rosa 'Novalis'
A striking mauve-lavender-colored rose with well-filled, cup-shaped flowers. This rose blooms in clusters and has large flowers for a spray rose. This rose is bushy and upright. It is a healthy rose with matt leaves and coarse foliage.
Cercis siliquastrum
The Cercis siliquastrum or Judas tree is a rather small tree or sometimes multi-stemmed shrub that shines in spring with its pink to violet-colored flower clusters on the still bare wood. Maximum height is 7 to 8m, the width is usually limited to max. 3m. The leaves of this Mediterranean tree are light green and heart-shaped. This tree owes its name to the fact that Judas hanged himself on it.
Chaenomeles jap. 'Sargentii'
Chaenomeles japonica , dwarf quince is family of the rosaceae, the mature height of this deciduous shrub rarely exceeds 1m, chaenomeles jap. 'sargentii' blooms with orange-red flowers on the bare wood and golden yellow edible fruits appear in autumn, which can be used in jam. These shrubs do well in almost any type of soil, as long as it is sufficiently permeable, but there is a slight preference for acidic soil, chlorosis can occur in too calcareous soils. Pruning is best done in the spring after flowering.
Rosa 'Papa Meilland'
Dark red double flowers with a strong 'old rose' scent. Very good flowering plant, but slightly mildew sensitive in less favorable conditions.
Chaenomeles spec. 'Nivalis'
Chaenomeles speciosa 'nivalis', this ornamental quince is a medium-sized deciduous shrub that does very well against a sheltered wall. This ornamental quince is one of the first to bloom with pure white flowers on the still bare branches in early spring. In autumn, golden yellow edible berries follow, which are quite aromatic and often used in jam. This chaenomeles nivalis is fairly hardy (15°c) and also somewhat sea wind tolerant, making application on the coast possible. It does well in all types of soil from acidic to slightly calcareous and from poor sandy soil to wet heavy clay. Pruning is recommended after flowering.
Chaenomeles sup. 'Jet Trail'
Chaenomeles superba 'jet trail' this ornamental quince is a sport (spontaneous mutation) of chaenomeles x superba 'scarlett wonder' , it is a creeping small perennial, which flowers in the months of arpil, May on bare wood and branches with young budding leaves. The flowers are creamy white, slightly fragrant and are followed in autumn by golden yellow, aromatic fruits, which somewhat resemble apples and are used in jam or in flower arranging. Chaenomeles likes a position in the sun or light shade, it does well in almost any soil from acidic to calcareous. Too much lime can lead to chlorosis.
Rosa 'Pascali'
A beauty of a large white rose with more cream color in the middle. Little odor but resistant to rain and diseases.
Chaenomeles sup. 'Pink Lady'
Chaenomeles x superba 'pink lady', this ornamental quince or dwerkwee species is small and has a low, broad habit. Pink lady blooms in early spring (March, April), with beautiful bright pink flowers on the bare or sparsely leafed, perennial wood. In the autumn, fragrant yellow fruits that somewhat resemble apples and can be used for the production of jam, juice, wine... chaenomeles likes a sunny position and does well in any soil that is not too calcareous, because at too high a pH chlorosis may occur. Pruning is not often necessary, but the best period is in any case after flowering.
Rosa 'Paul's Himalayan Musk'
One-time bloom but overwhelming with clusters of fragrant, soft lilac-pink small flowers that resemble apple blossoms.
It is a vigorous grower, it grows very tall and wide.
Very disease resistant.
Chimonanthus praecox
Chimonanthus praecox is a deciduous ornamental shrub that blooms on its bare branches from January to March.
The sulphur-yellow flowers with purple stamens spread a very pleasant scent that you can smell from several meters away.
The fresh green leaves turn lemon yellow in autumn.
Rosa 'Peace'
Rosa 'Peace' (Conard-Pyle, 1945) has two-colored flowers. The heart of this world-famous and most cultivated rose is yellow and the flower turns a light pink color on the outside.