Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Rheum officinale
This perennial is a vegetable but can also be used in the ornamental garden because of its graceful leaves.
They grow to a height of 100 cm and like to stand in the sun to light shade.
The types of rhubarb with green stems:
taste more sour
are better for freezing
have a stronger growth
red stems:
have a lower yield
taste less sour
are sweeter
These vegetables are used in the kitchen as a puree, for jam and in pastries.
They want a very fertile soil, moderately acidic.
After the winter February / March, give them organic fertilizer and compost, but around the heart of the plant ... not on it.
Repeat this again after the harvest in July.
Avoid wet 'feet' in the winter, which would be disastrous.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rheum rhabarbarum
Rheum rhabarbarum, called garden rhubarb in Dutch, is a deciduous perennial with a pol-forming habit and large shallow-lobed, hand-veined dark green leaves on sturdy red edible stems. Garden rhubarb flowers from May to July with creamy white panicles on tall stems. Rheum rhabarbarum prefers a position in partial shade or sun in an acidic to neutral, well fertile, humus-rich and moisture-retaining soil. The plant is hardy, moderately drought tolerant, pest free and good air pollution tolerant. In unfavorable conditions and too wet winters, this rhubarb can suffer from crown rot.
Rodgersia aesculifolia
Rodgersia aesculifolia, in Dutch called night bailiff or viewing leaf, is a deciduous perennial with an architectural, bushy upright shape and pol-forming habit. The large, hand-shaped dark green leaves are particularly decorative, have a serrated edge, are strongly veined and closely resemble the leaves of the horse chestnut. From May to July this rodgersia blooms with creamy white to pink white flower panicles of up to 60 cm long on upright stems. Kijkblad likes a cool position in partial shade or shade, sheltered from cold and dry wind and a fertile, moisture-retaining soil. this Rodgersia aesculifolia is hardy, reasonably sea wind and air pollution tolerant, disease resistant, attracts bees and butterflies.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rodgersia henrici
Due to their large leaves, these are impressive plants, even after flowering they remain worthwhile.
The green leaves are lighter in color the more sun the plant has.
The light pink flowers are long loose flower panicles and bloom from May / June
The Rodgersia henrici grows to a height of 120cm, the lower remaining leaves of which are only 60cm.
Requires shaded, humus-rich, moist soil.
A more sunny position does require an even more moist soil that should never dry out.
It is especially beautiful with ponds and water features, especially where the leaves reflect in the water.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rodgersia 'Bronze Peacock'
Rodgersia 'Bronze Peacock' is originally from China, Korea and Japan.
Due to their large leaves, these are impressive plants, even after flowering they remain worthwhile.
The young leaves are shiny dark reddish brown, later changing to dark green. They are thick and distinctly veined. The leaf shape is very similar to a chestnut leaf.
The airy flower panicles bloom on tall, sturdy dark stems.
Requires shaded, humus-rich, moist soil.
A more sunny position does require an even more moist soil that should never dry out.
It is especially beautiful with ponds and water features, especially where the leaves reflect in the water.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rodgersia pinn. 'Chocolate Wings'
Due to their pinnate large brown leaves, these are impressive plants, even after flowering they remain worthwhile.
The leaves are lighter in color the more sun the plant has.
The pink flowers are long, loose flower panicles and bloom from May / June
The Rodgersia pinnata 'Chocolate Wings' grows to a height of 150cm, of which the lower remaining leaves are only 80cm.
Requires shaded, humus-rich, moist soil.
A more sunny position does require an even more moist soil that should never dry out.
It is especially beautiful with ponds and water features, especially where the leaves reflect in the water.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rodgersia pinnata
Rodgersia pinnata, in Dutch called night bailiff or viewing leaf, is a deciduous perennial with an architectural, bushy, upright shape and pol-forming habit. The large, hand-shaped dark green leaves are particularly decorative, have a serrated edge, are strongly veined and closely resemble the leaves of the horse chestnut. From May to July this rodgersia blooms with creamy white to pinkish white flower panicles of up to 60 cm long on upright stems. Kijkblad likes a cool position in partial shade or shade, sheltered from cold and dry wind and an acid, fertile, moisture-retaining soil. this rodgersia pinnata is hardy, tolerant to sea breeze and air pollution, disease resistant, attracts bees and butterflies.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rodgersia pod. 'Braunlaub'
Due to their large leaves, these are impressive plants, even after flowering they remain worthwhile.
The leaves are first reddish brown and later turn green, the color is lighter the more sun the plant has.
The compound leaf is palmate.
The white flowers are long, loose flower panicles and bloom from May / June
Rodgersia podophylla 'Braunlaub' grows to a height of 100 cm, with the lower remaining leaves only 60 cm.
Requires shaded, humus-rich, moist soil.
A more sunny position does require an even more moist soil that should never dry out.
Sometimes he can have a tendency to proliferate.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rodgersia sambucifolia
Due to their large leaves, these are impressive plants, even after flowering they remain worthwhile.
The green leaves are lighter in color the more sun the plant has.
The leaf shape is pinnate and resembles the leaf of the elderberry.
The white-yellow flowers are long, dense panicles and bloom from May / June
The Rodgersia sambucifolia grows to a height of 100cm, the lower remaining leaves of which are only 60cm.
Requires shaded, humus-rich, moist soil.
A more sunny position does require an even more moist soil that should never dry out.
It is especially beautiful with ponds and water features, especially where the leaves reflect in the water.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rosmarinus off. 'Majorca Pink'
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Majorca Pink' is an upright, well-branched plant with pink flowers.
This aromatic herb has needles similar to those of a Christmas tree, evergreen and requires a sunny position and a dry, calcareous soil.
Is moderately hardy (-12 / -10 ° C) and must then be protected against severe frost with fir branches, for example.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rudbeckia fulg. 'Deamii'
Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii is a well-known strong perennial that is a must in the garden because of its long flowering period that lasts 3 months, and also a good cut flower.
Even after flowering, it remains decorative throughout the winter, so it is advisable to cut it only in March.
A taller variety that grows to 100cm.
Provides food and humus-rich clayey soil.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rudbeckia fulg. 'Goldsturm'
Rudbeckia fulgida "Goldsturm", also called coneflower, is a flamboyant, deciduous perennial with a polishing habit and lanceolate to elliptical, serrated, dark green leaves. This coneflower flowers profusely from August to October with dark, golden yellow flowers with a deep brown eye on upright flower stems. Rudbeckia fulgida "Goldsturm" prefers a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any moderately fertile, well-drained soil. The plant is hardy, reasonably drought tolerant, suitable for coastal regions and urban environments, it also attracts many butterflies, bees and other insects.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.