Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Euphorbia mart. 'Baby Charm'
Euphorbia x martinii 'Baby Charm' is the dwarf form of the species. Forms a compact and evergreen cushion that is very attractive, especially when the bright yellow-green spring bloom with reddish brown nectar glands covers all the foliage.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Euphorbia polychroma 'Bonfire'
Euphorbia polychroma 'Bonfire' forms a compact bushy plant of elliptical long leaves,
dark green with purple, red and orange changing to purple brown to deep red in autumn.
The flowers are golden yellow, surrounded by yellow-green bracts.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Euphorbia polychroma 'Senior'
Euphorbia polychroma 'Senior' is a mound-forming perennial with erect stems and whorls of narrow lanceolate, dark green leaves, young leaves sometimes tinged with purple.
Blooms with racemes of bright yellow flowers surrounded by large, bright yellow-green bracts.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Filipendula palmata
Filipendula palmata native to Asia, is an upright, rhizomatous plant with bright green, large palmate, glossy green leaves.
Blooms in summer with slightly drooping, pale pink feathery flowers.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Filipendula purp. 'Elegans'
Filipendula purpurea 'Elegans', originally from Japan, is a rhizomatous upright, bushy plant with large pinnate, rounded, dark green leaves.
Blooms with luscious plumes of bright pink, fuzzy flowers.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Filipendula ulm. 'Variegata'
Filipendula ulmaria 'Variegata' is a rhizomatous plant with branched stems and large odd-pinnate, glossy green/cream-yellow variegated leaves.
Blooms with fluffy racemes of small white flowers with remarkably long stamens.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Filipendula vulg. 'Multiplex'
Filipendula vulgaris 'Plywood' has upright dense foliage.
The stems are thick and stiff, sometimes red and the fern-like leaves are bright green.
The double flowers are small and numerous, in creamy white racemes and fragrant.
Prefer moist soil.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum'
Foeniculum 'Purpureum' is a beautiful variety for the garden.
The leaves are very fine, have a purple color that later turn more to gray-green.
Bloom with yellow umbels.
Seeds itself.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Fuchsia 'Lady Thumb'
Fuchsia 'Lady Thumb' is a small upright plant with trailing double flowers.
The flower has pink sepals and a white corolla.
Shelter plants and protect against severe frost.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Fuchsia magell. 'Tricolor'
Fuchsia magellanica 'tricolor' is a fairly hardy perennial or semi-shrub with a compact upright shape. This bell plant has serrated, narrow, oval, gray-green leaves with shades of pink and an ivory white margin. The plant flowers from July to October with small single flowers with scarlet red tubules and sepals and a dark purple corolla. Fuchsia 'tricolor' likes a sheltered position in partial shade or filtered sunlight and does well in humus-rich, well-drained, peaty soil. This bell plant is only moderately hardy and definitely benefits from a firm winter protection. The plant is also tolerant of sea wind and air pollution and attracts butterflies, bees and other insects.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Fuchsia magellanica
Blooms red with a purple crown.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Gaura lindh. 'Cherry Brandy'
Gaura lindheimeri 'Cherry Brandy' is a short-lived bushy plant with a long blooming period of dark pink butterfly-like flowers from pink buds. Flowering on long fine stems, swaying in the wind.
The leaf is red-green and lanceolate.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.