Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Dicentra form. 'Luxuriant'
Dicentra formosa 'Luxuriant' has fern-like gray-green foliage with pendulous racemes of purple-pink tubular flowers.
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Dicentra formosa
Dicentra formosa (broken heart) is a deciduous perennial with a clump-forming habit, the leaves are grey-green, deeply dissected, fern-like with a blue-green underside. Dicentra formosa, unlike Dicentra spectabilis, blooms continuously from May to October with nodding, pink tubular flowers in large panicles. This broken heart likes a place in partial shade and prefers a neutral to slightly calcareous, fertile, humus-rich soil. The plant is very hardy, sea wind and air pollution tolerant and generally good disease resistant and free of pests.
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Dicentra 'Valentine'
Dicentra 'Valentine' (formerly Dicentra spectabilis) is a graceful taller species from northern China.
Has compound grey-green leaves with graceful purple stems, blood-red separate flowers that are reminiscent of a heart.
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Dictamnus albus
Dictamnus albus is a strong perennial with purple-pink veined, pale pink flowers on a sturdy stem.
Forms a dense clump of woody branches with divided, leathery dark green leaves.
Also known as the burning bush, Dictamnus albus contains a highly flammable oil that ignites and crackles in periods of very high heat.
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Dierama pulcherrimum
Dierama pulcherrimum, native to South Africa, has a grassy leaf with a long arching stem from which the pink-red bell flowers hang that tremble at the slightest breeze.
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Digitalis grand. 'Dwarf Carillion'
Digitalis grandiflora 'Dwarf Carillon' blooms profusely on tight straight stems with soft yellow flowers with brown veins in the throat.
Forms a large rosette with glossy dark green, elongated leaves.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Digitalis 'Spice Island'
Digitalis 'Spice Island' flowers on a straight long stem, richly set with light yellow flowers, veined cinnamon brown.
Has glossy dark green leaves.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Digitalis purp. 'Apricot Beauty'
Digitalis purpurea 'apricot beauty' is a biennial foxglove with a sturdy upright shape and a clumping habit. The plant has dark green hairy leaves and flowers from June to August with apricot-colored flowers speckled on the inside on sturdy upright flower stems. digitalis purpurea likes a position in full sun or partial shade and a well-drained, humus-rich soil. This plant is very hardy and fairly drought tolerant , tolerates sea wind and air pollution but can sometimes suffer from mildew or leaf spot .
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Digitalis purp. 'Sutton's Apricot'
Digitalis purpurea 'Sutton's Apricot' has an upright habit and long spikes set with tubular cream to apricot pink flowers with speckles in the throat.
Forms a large rosette (ø45cm) the first year with hairy, dark green, serrated, woolly hairy leaves.
Are sold per 4.
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Dipsacus fullonum
A spiky plant, flower, stem and leaf, yet very decorative even in winter.
The small purple-pink flowers sit on a yellow-brown oval cylindrical bulb of +/- 7cm.
The plant grows to a height of 200 cm, but the leaves remain lower to 100 cm.
This plant can serve well for dried bouquets.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Doronicum orientale
This perennial already blooms in early spring with beautiful, bright yellow ray flowers that are also suitable as cut flowers. They are attractive clump-forming border plants in the ornamental garden that do well in filtered sunlight or partial shade.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Draba aizoides
Draba aizoides grows in clumps of bare stems with racemes of bright yellow flowers at the tips. The leaves form rosettes at the bottom.
It is very suitable for the rock garden or for growing between the joints of dry stone walls.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.