Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Wisteria fl. 'Honbeni'
Wisteria floribunda "hon beni" (syn. "rosea") is a vigorously upright, deciduous climber with dark green feathery leaves consisting of 9 to 15 oval leaflets. This wisteria blooms in May with a lot of light pink, purple pointed, softly scented flowers in hanging racemes. Later in late summer followed by velvety green legumes. Wisteria floribunda "hon beni" likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation. The plant is hardy, very drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and also gives a decorative yellow autumn color.
Wisteria fl. 'Multijuga'
Wisteria floribunda "Multijuga" (syn. "macrobotrys"), called "blauwrain" in Dutch, is a vigorously upright, deciduous climber with dark green feathery leaves consisting of 15 to 19 oval leaflets. This wisteria blooms in May and June with abundant lilac-coloured, purple-marked, softly scented flowers in long hanging racemes of up to 1 meter. Later in late summer followed by velvety green legumes. Wisteria floribunda "Multijuga" likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation. The plant is hardy, very drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and also gives a decorative yellow autumn color.
Calycanthus 'Venus'
Calycanthus 'Venus' is a spreading, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub with narrow ovate to elliptical green leaves that turn yellow in fall.
Forms pale yellow buds that open with magnolia-like creamy white flowers with a purple center. Flowers in early summer with a small after-bloom later on.
The shrub itself is not very attractive visually, but the flowering is and is more suitable for standing at the back of the border.
Wisteria fl. 'Violacea Plena'
Wisteria floribunda 'Violacea Plena' or wisteria is a double-flowered wisteria.
Not comparable to all other wisterias because of its double flowers.
The racemes are not very long, but the flowers are striking.
Camellia japonica (red)
The Camellia japonica or Japanese rose is an evergreen garden plant with dark green leathery glossy leaves. Camellia is fairly hardy. However, this plant must be protected in case of severe frost. Therefore, plant this camellia in a sheltered, wind-free place. Camellias like an acid-loving, permeable soil, preferably not too wet. When planting, add an additional amount of peat into the planting hole. Pruning is best done in the spring after flowering.
Wisteria sin. 'Prolific'
Wisteria sinensis "Prolific", called "chinese wisteria" in Dutch, is a vigorously upright, deciduous climber with dark green feathery leaves consisting of 7 to 13 pointed, elliptical, leaflets. This wisteria blooms in May and June with abundant lilac-blue pleasantly fragrant flowers in hanging racemes. Later in late summer followed by velvety green legumes. Wisteria sinensis "Prolific" likes a position in full sun or partial shade with a southern or western orientation. The plant is hardy, very drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies and also gives a decorative golden yellow autumn color.
Rosa 'Kanegem'
Rosa 'Kanegem' is a particularly strong rose, modern large-flowered hybrid tea, flowers without interruption until freezing with orange-red flowers.
Camellia japonica (pink)
The Camellia japonica or Japanese rose is an evergreen garden plant with dark green leathery glossy leaves. Camellia is fairly hardy. However, this plant must be protected in case of severe frost. Therefore, plant this camellia in a sheltered, wind-free place. Camellias like an acid-loving, permeable soil, preferably not too wet. When planting, add an additional amount of peat into the planting hole. Pruning is best done in the spring after flowering.
Rosa 'Kosmos'
Rosa "kosmos" (syn "korpriggos") is a medium-sized floribunda rose introduced by kordes in 2006. This rose, with adr label, has a bushy upright and compact shape with medium-sized, medium green, leathery, glossy leaves. It blooms in summer with very double, nostalgic, cup-shaped, creamy white flowers (diam. 8 cm) with a peach-colored center. Rosa "kosmos" prefers a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very well permeable soil. It does well in all soil types. This rose is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and insects and is disease resistant.
Camellia japonica (white)
The Camellia japonica or Japanese rose is an evergreen garden plant with dark green leathery glossy leaves. Camellia is fairly hardy. However, this plant must be protected in case of severe frost. Therefore, plant this camellia in a sheltered, wind-free place. Camellias like an acid-loving, permeable soil, preferably not too wet. When planting, add an additional amount of peat into the planting hole. Pruning is best done in the spring after flowering.
Rosa 'La Perla'
Rosa "la perla" (syn "korperparo") is a medium-sized hybrid tea with a romantic look, which was introduced around 2008 by Kordes. This bedding rose, with adr label, has a bushy upright shape with medium-sized, dark green, serrated, slightly shiny leaves. It blooms in summer with large, double, softly scented, classically shaped creamy white flowers with a light pink to peach-colored center. Rosa "la perla" prefers a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very permeable soil. It does well in all soil types. This rose is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and insects and is disease resistant.
Camellia sasanqua
Camellia sasanqua, syn. 'thea sasanqua' is a medium-sized evergreen ornamental shrub with a bushy upright habit. The glossy oval leaves are colored dark green. This camellia flowers from November to February with fragrant, single pink or white flowers. It likes a sheltered position in the sun or partial shade and an acidic to neutral well-drained soil. The plant is reasonably hardy in a sheltered location, tolerates sea wind and air pollution well, and has good disease resistance.