Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Lychnis visc. 'Splendens'
Lychnis viscaria "splendens", also called red pitch carnation, is a short-lived, medium-sized, evergreen perennial with a pol-forming habit and pointed, dark green, lance-shaped leaves. The plant blooms from May to June with pink-red to magenta-pink flowers, grouped in spike-shaped clusters. It likes a position in full sun and a well-drained, neutral or acidic soil. Once established, this lychnis is drought tolerant, tolerates direct sea breezes perfectly and is well suited for the cottage garden and mixed border. Red pitcher is hardy and disease resistant.
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Lysimachia cil. 'Firecracker'
A 'forest edge' plant that prefers only occasional sun.
The small soft yellow flowers contrast beautifully with the black-purple leaves.
It continues to plant itself via root shoots and is therefore also a usurer.
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Lysimachia clethroides
Lysimachia clethroides, also called reik, is a fairly large, densely branched and widely spread perennial with narrow lanceolate, slightly hairy, gray-green leaves. Wederik flowers from July to September with gray-white flowers, which are grouped in slender, terminal flower spikes. Lysimachia clethoides likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any soil type, as long as it does not dry out completely in full summer.
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Lysimachia ephemerum
Lysimachia ephemerum flowers with straight white flower spikes.
In autumn the leaves turn red and yellow.
They can best be covered in the first winter.
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Lysimachia num. 'Aurea'
Lysimachia nummularia "aurea", also called pinwort, is a low-growing, creeping perennial with small, heart-shaped to round, golden-yellow leaves. Pennywort blooms from May to July with chalice-shaped, yellow flowers. Lysimachia nummularia "aurea" prefers a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any type of soil, as long as it does not dry out completely in full summer.
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Lysimachia punc. 'Alexander'
Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' is a perennial with upright stems.
The lanceolate leaves are green, cream-colored edged, sometimes with a pink tinge.
Yellow flowers bloom on the same stem as the leaves, in the upper leaf axils.
Tends to proliferate, because the plant forms many root shoots underground.
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Lysimachia punctata
Lysimachia punctata, also called spiky twig, is a fairly large, densely branched and widely spread perennial with narrow lance-shaped, lightly hairy, gray-green leaves. Puntwederik blooms from July to September with gray-white flowers that are grouped in slender, terminal flower spikes. Lysimachia punctata likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any soil type, as long as it does not dry out completely in full summer.
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Lythrum sal. 'Blush'
Lythrum also occurs in the wild along canal sides and in humid places.
In the ornamental garden, however, cultivars such as the purple-pink 'Blush' (80cm) also do well in less moist soil, so that you can combine them in the plant border with other perennials that do not like wet feet.
Colors fade in full sun, so partial shade is recommended.
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Lythrum sal. 'Robert'
Lythrum salicaria "robert, also called loosestrife, is an upright, herbaceous, perennial plant with lanceolate, medium-green to gray-green leaves and a clump-forming habit. This loosestrife blooms from June to August with pink-red to purple-red, star-shaped flowers, grouped in long, terminal-shaped flowers. Lythrum salicaria likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any moist soil type.The plant has a low drought tolerance, is hardy, sea wind and air pollution tolerant and disease resistant.
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Lythrum sal. 'Robin'
Lythrum salicaria 'Robin' grows to a height of 90cm with purple-pink flower spikes.
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Lythrum sal. 'Zigeunerblut'
Lythrum salicaria 'Zigeunerblut' is a richly flowering cultivar with a tall, well-filled flower stem.
Large purple-pink flowers bloom on tall stems in false wreaths from the axils of the upper leaves.
The leaf is long lanceolate and very similar to a willow leaf. A green leaf color with a yellow autumn color.
Loosestrife like moist to wet soil and are also very suitable for standing on the banks of the pond.
But they also grow very well in the border, on a normally moist soil, but they do not get as high.
Depending on the humidity, they reach a height of between 50 and 120 cm.
The cultivars tend to proliferate less than the species.
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Lythrum salicaria
Lythrum salicaria, also called loosestrife, is an upright, herbaceous perennial plant with lanceolate, medium green to gray-green leaves and a clump-forming habit. This loosestrife blooms from June to August with pink-red to purple-red, star-shaped flowers, grouped in long, terminal flower spikes. Lythrum salicaria likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any moist soil. The plant has a low drought tolerance, is hardy, sea wind and air pollution tolerant and disease resistant.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.