Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Rhododendron 'Goldflimmer'
Rhododendron 'Goldflimmer' is a breaded medium-sized, evergreen, rhodo with a round, compact shape. The leaves are long, broadly ovate, dark green with a wide yellow band in the center. in clusters of 9 to 14 flowers. Rhododendron 'Goldflimmer' likes a location in filtered sunlight or partial shade, sheltered from harsh winds and with a shaded root zone. It requires an acidic, moist, well-drained soil that should never dry out completely, requires little pruning and is hardy.
Buddleja dav. 'Adonis Blue'
Buddleja davidii 'adonis blue' syn. 'adokeep', small deciduous butterfly bush with drooping branches, long pointed dark green leaves and woolly white undersides. The maximum height and width is between 1.5 and 2 meters. Inflorescence: large blue, blue-purple flower panicles. This buddleja likes dry soil that is not too rich, all soil types are tolerated from acidic to calcareous, prune back briefly in spring, after the frost period. This buddleja is also sea wind tolerant and resistant to air pollution, making it interesting for use in an urban environment.
Buddleja dav. 'Black Knight'
Buddleja davidii 'black knight', medium-sized, floriferous and deciduous butterfly bush with drooping branches, long pointed dark green leaves and woolly white undersides. The maximum height and width is between 2 and 4 meters. Inflorescence: large blue, blue-purple flower panicles. This buddleja likes dry soil that is not too rich, all soil types are tolerated from acidic to calcareous, prune back briefly in spring, after the frost period. This buddleja is also sea wind tolerant and resistant to air pollution, making it interesting for use in an urban environment.
Buddleja dav. 'Blue Chip'
Buddleja davidii 'Blue Chip'® is a miniature butterfly bush. It grows very compact and will not grow higher than 1 meter. It constantly produces fresh flowers, making it easy to bloom all summer long. Due to the compact growth, pruning is not really necessary. This shrub blooms profusely with lightly scented flowers. The flower color is blue-purple. The foliage of this shrub is grey-green and slightly hairy. Attracts large numbers of butterflies and insects. 'blue chip'® prefers a place in sun or partial shade.
Rhododendron 'Roseum'
Rhododendron 'Roseum' is a medium-sized, evergreen, rhodo with a round and wide upright shape. The leaves are large, elliptical, strongly veined and olive green. This catawbiense hybrid blooms mainly in the month of May, with pink funnel-shaped flowers with a fine reddish-brown macula and curled petals. rhododendron 'Roseum' prefers a location in filtered sunlight or partial shade, sheltered from strong winds and with a shaded root zone. It requires an acidic, moist, well-drained soil that should never be allowed to dry out completely, requires little pruning and is very hardy (32 ° C)
Buddleja dav. 'Empire Blue'
This deciduous shrub can reach a total height of 2 to 3 meters. The bloomer appears in July and has an intense lilac-blue to violet-blue color. It tolerates air pollution and sea wind well and is very easy to maintain. The plant has an attractive appearance and is a real eye-catcher in the garden. Butterflies are present in large numbers on the flowers of this plant.'
Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans'
Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans' is a medium-sized, evergreen, rhodo with a round and wide upright shape. The leaves are large, elliptical, strongly veined and olive green. This catawbiense hybrid blooms mainly in the month of May, with pink lilac to purple-red funnel-shaped flowers with a fine reddish-brown macula and curled petals. Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans' prefers a location in filtered sunlight or partial shade, sheltered from harsh winds and with a shaded root zone. It requires an acidic, moist, well-drained soil that should never be allowed to dry out completely, requires little pruning and is very hardy (32 ° C)
Buddleja dav. 'Nanho Blue'
Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Blue', small, floriferous and deciduous butterfly bush with drooping branches, long pointed dark green leaves and woolly white undersides. The maximum height and width is between 2 and 3 meters. Inflorescence: large lilac-blue, violet-blue flower panicles. This buddleja likes dry soil that is not too rich, all soil types are tolerated from acidic to calcareous, prune back briefly in spring, after the frost period. This buddleja is also sea wind tolerant and resistant to air pollution, making it interesting for use in an urban environment.
Rhododendron 'Variegatum'
Rhododendron ponticum is a medium-sized evergreen, rhodo with a compact round habit. The leaves are narrow elliptical, dark green with a creamy white to light yellow edge. This rhododendron species flowers mainly in May, with bell-shaped lilac pink to mauve bell-shaped flowers in fixed clusters. Rhododendron ponticum 'Variegatum' prefers a location in filtered sunlight or partial shade, sheltered from harsh winds and with a shaded root zone. It requires an acidic, moist, well-drained soil that should never be allowed to dry out completely, requires little pruning and is hardy.
Buddleja dav. 'Nanho Purple'
Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Purple', small, floriferous and deciduous butterfly bush with drooping branches, long pointed dark green leaves and woolly white undersides. The maximum height and width is between 1 and 1.5 meters. Inflorescence: large deep purple-blue, purple flower panicles. This buddleja likes dry soil that is not too rich, all soil types are tolerated from acidic to calcareous. Prune back briefly in the spring, after the frost period. This buddleja is also sea wind tolerant and resistant to air pollution, making it interesting for use in an urban environment.
Rhododendron 'Caroline Allbrook'
Rhododendron 'Caroline Allbrook' is a relatively small evergreen rhodo with a bushy, compact and round shape. The leaves are matte, elliptical, medium green, slightly curved with indumentum. This yakushimanum hybrid flowers mainly from the end of May to June, with frivolous salmon pink to yellow flowers with a red glow at the flower edge, the flowers are grouped in convex clusters. Rhododendron 'Caroline Allbrook' likes a location in filtered sunlight or partial shade, sheltered from harsh winds and with a shaded root zone, with extra watering it can also stand in full sun. It requires an acidic, moist, well-drained soil that should never dry out completely, requires little pruning and is hardy.