Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari, synonym liriope platyphylla or in Dutch lily grass, is an evergreen perennial with fine, sword-shaped, dark green, grass-like leaves. Lily grass blooms from August to September with thick lilac purple flower spikes that are very reminiscent of the inflorescence of the muscari latifolium, grape hyacinth. The plant prefers a position in partial shade or shade, sheltered from cold winds. Liriope muscari thrives in acidic to neutral, moderately fertile soil and once established is well drought tolerant. Liriope is hardy, good disease resistant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution and is a good pregnancy plant for butterflies, bees and flying insects.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Liriope spicata
Liriope spicata is a beautiful border plant with evergreen grass-like leaves.
Lily grass blooms in August / September with many spikes with purple balls.
The evergreen is a plus for these plants, which have been doing well here in our garden for years.
Can be propagated by sowing.
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Lithodora dif. 'Alba'
A creeping and turf-forming semi-shrub of 15cm with white flowers, the leaves are hairy and evergreen.
In the summer they can tolerate a lot of drought but definitely not wet soil in the winter.
Shorten the stems after flowering to keep the plant more compact, this also stimulates flowering for next year.
Plant it in a slightly moist, acidic and nutrient-rich soil.
In winter give a light cover of leaves or fir branches because the Lithodora is not completely hardy (-10 ° C)
A beautiful plant for rock gardens, borders, walls and pots.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Lithodora dif. 'Heavenly Blue'
Lithodora diffusa "Heavenly Blue" is also called stone seed, pearl seed or pearl herb in Dutch. It is an evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a low-growing, ground-covering habit and small gray-green hairy leaves. Lithodora diffusa "Heavenly Blue" blooms abundantly from May to July with deep blue funnel-shaped flowers of about 12 mm in diameter. Stone seed likes a sunny position and a well-drained acid to neutral soil. This plant is hardy, drought tolerant, tolerant to sea wind and also performs well in the urban environment. Lithodora attracts bees, butterflies e. A flying insects.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lithodora dif. 'Star'
Lithodora diffusa 'Star' is a creeping and sod-forming semi-shrub with white-edged purple-blue flowers, the leaves are hairy and evergreen.
In the summer they can tolerate a lot of drought but definitely not wet soil in the winter.
Shorten the stems after flowering to keep the plant more compact, this also stimulates flowering for next year.
Plant it in slightly moist, acidic and nutrient-rich soil.
In winter give a light cover of leaves or fir branches because the Lithodora is not completely hardy (-10 ° C)
A beautiful plant for rock gardens, borders, walls and pots.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lobelia 'Queen Victoria'
Lobelia 'Queen Victoria', also called beautiful lobelia in Dutch, has been an extremely popular deciduous perennial for decades. The decorative leaves are maroon to brownish-red, lanceolate and opposite wine-red stems. The beautiful lobelia blooms from July to October with bright red to orange-red flowers and likes a position in full sun or partial shade, the plant is not sensitive to pH and does well in acid, calcareous to neutral, moderately moist soil. Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' is fairly hardy but appreciates a protective layer of mulch. The plant is disease resistant and has few pests.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Lobelia spec. 'Russian Princess'
They are not really hardy, so it is better to pot them up in autumn and keep them frost-free close to a window.
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Lunaria annua
Lunaria annua blooms with lilac pink flower umbels.
The plant is best known for its seeds, silver-colored silks that can stand in a vase or be used for flower arrangements.
Requires a humus-rich, well-drained ordinary soil.
Sows itself out.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lunaria annua 'Albiflora'
Lunaria annua 'Albiflora' flowers with white flower umbels.
Sows itself out.
The plant is best known for its seeds, silver-colored wedges that can stand in a vase or be used for flower arrangements.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lupinus 'Chandelier'
Lupinus "Chandelier", popular russell hybrid (band of nobles), is a deciduous perennial with a poling habit and medium green, palmate leaves. This lupinus blooms in June and July with attractive, creamy-yellow flowers in terminal racemes. Lupinus x russelli "chandelier" prefers a position in full sun or partial shade and provides a neutral to acidic, well-drained and moderately fertile soil. The plant is hardy, tolerant to sea wind and air pollution and can be used in informal gardens, borders, cottage gardens as well as as a cut flower.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lupinus 'Gallery Blue'
Lupinus 'Gallery Blue' has a blue bloom and stays lower than the other varieties, they reach a height of 50cm.
Love slightly acidic permeable sandy soil and some protection in severe winters.
Cut out the faded flowers before flowering.
Worden verkocht per 4.
Prijs is voor 4 stuks.
Lupinus 'Gallery Pink'
Lupinus 'Gallery Pink' has a pink bloom and stays lower than the other varieties, they reach a height of 50cm.
Love acidic permeable sandy soil and some protection in harsh winters.
Cut out the faded flowers before flowering.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.