Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Dicentra form. 'Bacchanal'
This graceful plant from North America has a composite leaf with deep purple-red flowers that resemble a heart.
These hang in clusters on long stems and bloom from May to July.
Do not plant Dicentra formosa too sunny, especially the midday sun is best avoided.
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Dicentra spect. 'Alba'
Dicentra spectabilis (broken heart) alba is a deciduous perennial with a pol-forming habit, the leaves are gray-green to light green and not as deeply cut as in d.formosa. In contrast to dicentra formosa, Dicentra spectablis flowers for a short period of time, namely from April to May with nodding, pure white, heart-shaped flowers, in the course of the summer the plant disappears, so it is important to have late growers and bloomers around moves that can take over the role. This broken heart likes a position in partial shade to shade and prefers a neutral to slightly calcareous, fertile, humus-rich soil. The plant is very hardy, tolerant to sea wind and air pollution.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Dicentra spectabilis
Dicentra spectabilis (broken heart) is a deciduous perennial with a pol-forming habit, the leaves are gray-green to light green and not as deeply cut as d.formosa. In contrast to dicentra formosa, Dicentra spectablis flowers for a short period of time, namely from April to May with nodding, pink heart-shaped flowers, in the course of the summer the plant disappears, so it is important to put late growers and bloomers in the area who can take over the role. This broken heart likes a position in partial shade to shade and prefers a neutral to slightly calcareous, fertile, humus-rich soil. The plant is very hardy, tolerant to sea wind and air pollution.
Are sold per 4.
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Dictamnus alb. 'Albiflorus'
Dictamnus albus 'Albiflorus' or fireworks plant in English is a deciduous perennial with a bushy, pol-forming habit. The leaves are unevenly pinnate, dark green, lanceolate and somewhat resemble the leaf of the ash (fraxinus), hence the former name ash herb. This firework plant blooms in June and July with white, yellow-veined flowers on stems covered with oil glands. This plant likes a position in full sun or partial shade and requires fertile, well-drained, dry to slightly moist soil. Dictamnus albus is hardy, tolerant of sea wind and air pollution, and disease and pest free. The flowers and leaves have a strong lemon scent.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Dierama pulcherrimum 'Album'
Dierama pulcherrimum var. album has a grass-like foliage and a long stem with white bell-shaped flowers.
Requires a well-drained but moist soil.
Do put it in the sun and do not let it dry out.
Hardy in open ground to -10 ° C. If necessary, put a few plants indoors as a precaution to overwinter frost-free.
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Digitalis ferr. 'Gelber Herold'
Digitalis ferruginea 'Gelber Herold' is a short-lived (5 years) perennial.
Blooms on a long unbranched stem with yellow flowers. The flowers are speckled on the inside.
Sows itself out.
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Digitalis ferr. 'Gigantea'
This short-lived (5-year) perennial has smaller flowers than the purpurea. The flowers are creamy yellow on the outside and brown-orange veined on the inside.
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Digitalis grand. 'Carillon'
The Dutch name is Yellow Foxglove, family of the Scrophulariacea. The flower color is yellow and the flowering time is from June to July. The leaves are green and about 30 cm. high. The adult height of this perennial is approx. 80 cm. Withstands a temperature of up to -20 gr. C. and remains green throughout the winter.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Digitalis grandiflora
Large soft creamy-yellow flowers, which are marked brownish on the inside.
Of all the fixed digitalis, the shape of this flower best resembles that of the foxglove.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Digitalis 'Mertonensis'
The slightly glossy leaves remain beautiful well into winter.
The flower spikes have a beautiful raspberry / old pink color.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Digitalis 'Pam's Choice'
The original variety is light reddish-purple, but the cultivar 'Pam's Choice' flowers white with a purple-red throat on the inside.
A wild plant that is still very common in our gardens, because it also wants to grow in difficult places, deep shade, between trees and shrubs, but not too dry.
It spreads itself vigorously, unless the flower stem is cut off after flowering.
The first year a rosette is formed and the second year the flowers appear. Then the plant dies. (= Biennial plant)
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Digitalis lanata
'Lanata' means woolly and the plant got its name from the fine hair of the flowers.
The leafed flower stems end in a spike full of flowers.
The brown veins on the soft yellow helmet contrast nicely with the white, hairy lower lip.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.