Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Crocosmia 'Fire King'
Medium tall variety with a natural look. The average height is 60 cm. The flower color is orange-red. The flowering period is July - August. This plant is hardy.
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Crocosmia 'Buttercup'
Crocosmia 'Buttercup blooms with beautiful golden yellow flower clusters with a hint of apricot.
Bulbous plant that can remain in the ground during the winter.
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Crocosmia 'Carmine Brilliant'
Small-flowered, somewhat earlier Crocosmia. Flowers in straight spikes, excellent for use as a cut flower and has beautiful berries after flowering.
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Crocosmia 'Emberglow'
Crocosmia 'Emberglow' flowers paprika red with orange-yellow in the throat.
Becomes 80cm high.
The name Crocosmia is derived from the Greek words 'krokos' (saffron) and 'osme' (fragrance). So the flowers smell like saffron.
Bulbous plant that can remain in the soil during winters.
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Crocosmia 'Emily McKenzie'
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Emily McKenzie' is one of the large-flowered varieties
The name Crocosmia is derived from the Greek, crocos = (saffron) and 'osme' = (fragrance)
A plant that smells of saffron.
The plant grows best in moist, well-drained soil.
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Crocosmia 'George Davidson'
Crocosmia 'George Davison', also called montbretia in Dutch, is a deciduous root vegetable with a pol-forming, upright habit and medium-green, sword-shaped leaves. This plant blooms from June to August with very decorative, orange-yellow to yellow, funnel-shaped flowers on slightly curved flower stems, followed by first green and later red to almost purple seed heads. Crocosmia 'george davison' prefers a position in partial shade and a moderately moist, humus-rich soil. Montbretia is reasonably to hardy, but young plants can certainly use a protective layer of mulch, plants in pots should be overwintered frost-free.
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Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
Crocosmia 'Lucifer', also called montbretia in Dutch, is a deciduous root vegetable with a pol-forming, upright habit and medium-green, sword-shaped leaves. This plant blooms from June to August with very decorative, orange-yellow to yellow, funnel-shaped flowers on slightly curved flower stems, followed by first green and later red to almost purple seed heads. Crocosmia 'george davison' prefers a position in partial shade and a moderately moist, humus-rich soil. Montbretia is reasonably to hardy, but young plants can certainly use a protective layer of mulch, plants in pots should be overwintered frost-free.
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Cyclamen coum
Cyclamen coum comes from south-eastern europe, the caucasus and the middle east, the Dutch name is alpine violet or round-leaved cyclamen. This low-growing winter bloomer has decorative round, heart-shaped, gray-green leaves with silver-gray markings and a purple-red back. the flowers are carmine pink with a darker base. Cyclamen coum prefers a sheltered position in partial shade and an average fertile, well-drained soil that should not be too moist, especially in summer.
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Cyclamen coum 'Album'
Cyclamen coum 'Album' is a small cyclamen with beautiful dark green round leaves, often with a white mark.
Bloom white with a purplish-pink blush at the bottom.
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Cyclamen hed. 'Rose Pearls'
Cyclamen hederifolium 'Rose Pearls' is a strong and hardy cyclamen with light / dark carmine pink flowers and attractive silver marbled leaves with a purplish pink underside.
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Cymbalaria muralis
A plant with hanging, sometimes creeping long stems (50 / 60cm) with small violet-blue flowers. The height is at most 10 cm.
Cymbalaria muralis is native to the mountainous region of Northern Italy and Yugoslavia. It is a wild plant that now grows everywhere in Europe, but also in America, North Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
The wall lion beak feels especially good between rocks, quays or crevices of old brick walls.
Requires a humid environment and high humidity.
Propagation is easy by cutting off an offshoot and growing it further.
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Price is for 4 pieces.
Darmera peltata
Darmera peltata, syn. Peltiphyllum peltatum, also called shield leaf in Dutch, is a large deciduous perennial with an upright, pol-forming habit. The leaves are beautiful, decorative, bright green, shield-shaped and up to 45 cm wide. The pinkish white to lilac white flowers are grouped in umbels on high stems and still appear in front of the leaves in April and May. Darmera prefers a position in partial shade or filtered sunlight, although the plant can also handle more sun if the soil is sufficiently moist. It is a hardy plant that also performs well in heavy clay soil or swamps and produces decorative seed pods and an orange-red leaf discoloration in autumn.
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Price is for 4 pieces.