Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Schizostylis coccinea
The plant has grassy leaves and grows in a warm place in the sun. A kaffir lily is a perennial that will thrive both along the pond and in the garden soil.
The flowers with 6 petals are arranged in clusters on long stems. Very good cut flower.
Cistus salviifolius
Cistus salviifolius is native to the Mediterranean region.
It is a low, broad-growing shrub, richly branched and bushy with grey-green softly hairy aromatic leaves.
Flowers are white with conspicuous yellow stamens. Petals are not crumpled like the other rock roses.
Only bloom one day at a time, but so many flowers bloom every day that the plant is never without.
Tolerates calcareous soils well but is moderately hardy (-5/-10°C)
Watch out for too moist soil, especially in winter
Scirpus isolepis
Scirpus isolepis, in Dutch called dwarf breeze, is a very decorative underwater grass with evergreen, fine, bright green grass-like leaves and lots of mini white flowers that tower on thin stems just above the surface of the water. Dwarf clover likes a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and a water depth that can vary from 0 to 30cm. This plant likes acidic to neutral, permanently moist soil and can be absorbed well into the filter zone of the pond, although some winter protection will be advisable there. Dwarf cinquefoil is fairly hardy, tolerates sea wind and even brackish water, is tolerant to air pollution.
P9 and P11 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Cistus skanbergii
Cistus x skanbergii has lanceolate leaves, green and gray hairs.
Flowers have 5 paper-like, crepe-like, soft salmon pink petals with conspicuous yellow stamens.
Prefer a dry, warm and sunny spot but also do well in normally moist soil.
Moderately hardy (-10°C), it is best to protect the plant against frost and protect plants from cold wind.
Prune lightly after flowering.
Clerodendrum bungei
Clerodendrum bungei, this semi-evergreen to deciduous ornamental shrub, also known as wreath tree, originates from southern China and India. It doesn't grow much higher than 2 meters with us and surprises everyone with its large light pink to purple-red flowers that brighten up the autumn with a strong scent. This late-flowering clerodendrum is the least hardy of its kind. A sheltered place on the south or against a warm wall is therefore recommended.
Scirpus lacustris
Scirpus lacustris (syn. Schoenoplectus lacustris), also called mat rush, is a widespread native swamp plant. This impressive plant can grow to more than 3 meters in favorable conditions and, given its prolific growth habit, it is best kept in a container. After all, the sharp points of the rhizome can easily pierce pond liner. The leaves are flat or gutter-shaped and are located at the bottom of the gray-green, round, hollow stems. Mattenbies blooms from June to September with elongated to elongated oval, reddish brown spikes at the top of the stems. Scirpus lacustris likes a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and a water depth that can vary from 30 to 60 cm. This plant likes acidic to neutral, permanently moist soil.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Clerodendrum bungei 'Pink Diamond'
Clerodendrum bungei 'pink diamond', also called wreath tree, does not grow much higher than 1.5 meters and surprises everyone with its large, dark pink flowers that brighten up with a strong scent in the autumn. It is a shrub with large, variegated leaves from green to creamy white.
Scirpus lacustris 'Albescens'
Scirpus lacustris "Albescens", also called variegated mat rush, is a marsh plant. This impressive plant can reach a height of 2 meters in favorable conditions and, given its prolific growth habit, is best enclosed. After all, the sharp points of the rhizome can easily pierce pond liner. The leaves are gutter-shaped and are located at the bottom of the green, vertically white striped hollow stems. Variegated mat rush blooms from June to September with elongated oval, reddish brown spikes at the top of the stems. Scirpus lacustris "Albescens" prefers a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and a water depth that may vary from 20 to 50 cm. This plant likes permanently moist soil, grows in clay, sand and loamy soil.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Clethra aln. 'Ruby Spice'
Clethra alnifolia, schijnels, is a medium-sized deciduous ornamental shrub with dark green ovate leaves and pink, strongly fragrant flower panicles. The schijnels do not like calcareous soil, but they do like acidic soil or neutral soil types. A spot in partial shade or shade is more than sufficient as a place, as this plant is wind resistant.
Scirpus tabern. 'Zebrinus'
Scirpus tabernaemontani "zebrinus", also called zebrabies or variegated rough rush, is a beautiful marsh plant. These zebrabies are much more compact and more modest in size than its counterparts. Yet, given its proliferating growth habit, it is best confined. After all, the sharp points of the rhizome can easily pierce pond liner. The leaves are flat or gutter-shaped and are located at the bottom of the hollow green stems, striped white-yellow horizontally. Zebrabries blooms from June to September with elongated to elongated oval, reddish-brown spikes at the top of the stems. Scirpus tabernaemontani "zebrinus" prefers a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and slightly less deep water than its counterparts (10 to 40 cm).
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Clethra alnifolia
Clethra alnifolia, schijnels, is a medium-sized deciduous ornamental shrub with dark green ovate leaves and creamy white, fragrant, upright flower panicles. The schijnels does not like calcareous soil, but does like acidic soil or neutral soil types. A spot in partial shade or shade is more than sufficient as a place, this plant is wind resistant, salt and sea wind tolerant and can therefore be called a good coastal plant.
Sparganium erectum
Sparganium erectum is called large hedgehog head in Dutch. It is a widespread, semi-evergreen marsh plant or bank plant. The plant has stiff, reed-like, triangular, green leaves. During spring and summer, the sturdy stems have 1 to 4 off-white, spherical, female flower heads surmounted by numerous smaller male flowers. This is followed by spiky, club-shaped fruits. Large hedgehog head likes a position in full sun or partial shade, a water depth of 10 to 50 cm and prefers clay soil. This plant is hardy and once established can also cope with temporary drying out of the habitat. It tolerates sea wind and light brackish water, is well tolerant of air and water pollution, but is a formidable usurer.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.