Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Rosa 'Nina Weibull'
Rosa "Nina Weibull" (syn "poulwei") is a medium-sized floribunda rose introduced by poulsen in 1961. This rose has a bushy upright, well-branched, compact shape with medium-sized, dark green, highly glossy leaves. It blooms in summer with very double, nostalgic, spherical, blood-red flowers (diam. 7 cm) and the finish is pale pink. Rosa "Nina Weibull" likes a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very well permeable soil. It does well in all soil types. This rose is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and insects and is disease resistant.
Ajuga rept 'Alba'
Ajuga reptans is an evergreen ground cover that grows closed quickly.
They flower with thick white spikes.
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Ajuga rept. 'Atropurpurea'
Ajuga reptans "Atropurpurea" (ajuga repens), called creeping zenngreen in English, is a semi-evergreen perennial with a low-growing, ground-covering habit. The plant blooms with blue to purple-hued minty flowers from late April to June. The leaves are oval-round, shiny, reddish brown to reddish purple. Creeping green pine likes a position in sun, partial shade or even shade and does well in almost any soil type. It is a good ground cover that sometimes dares to proliferate, it is very hardy, attracts bees and butterflies, but is not particularly tolerant to sea wind.
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Rosa nitida
Rosa nitida from North America only grows to a height of fifty centimeters. These botanical roses get small pink flowers from June and then orange hips. They work well as a border or low hedge.
Ajuga rept. 'Black Scallop'
Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' has black leaves that intensify in the sun.
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Phragmites australis
Bank, swamp and shallow water plant not suitable for foil ponds due to the razor-sharp growing and proliferating shoots.
Strong plant to strengthen the banks.
P9 are sold per 4.
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Rosa 'Novalis'
A striking mauve-lavender-colored rose with well-filled, cup-shaped flowers. This rose blooms in clusters and has large flowers for a spray rose. This rose is bushy and upright. It is a healthy rose with matt leaves and coarse foliage.
Ajuga rept. 'Braunherz'
Ajuga reptans 'braunherz' is a ground cover perennial. This plant is evergreen. In April the 'braunherz' blooms with blue-purple flowers on short flower spikes. These are just above the leaf surface. The flowers look a bit like a basket. The leaves are brown and shiny. Zennegroen likes a position in sun, partial shade or even shade and does well in almost any type of soil. It is a good ground cover that sometimes dares to proliferate, it is very hardy, attracts bees and butterflies.
Are sold per 4.
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Pontederia cordata
Pontederia cordata, in Dutch called pike herb or swamp hyacinth, is a particularly rewarding aquatic plant for the small to large pond. With its special appearance, sloping habit and pointed heart-shaped, dark green leaves combined with the beautiful blue elongated flower spikes, it offers the pond an exotic look. Pontederia cordata prefers a position in full sun or partial shade, a somewhat loamy soil and a water depth of between 20 and 60 cm. If you plant the plant at a minimum height of 30 cm, you do not need to take additional protective measures during the winter. If you want to keep the plant in the shallow swamp zone of the pond, you will have to put an extra leaf cover on top of the plant during the winter as protection against frost.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Ajuga rept. 'Burgundy Glow'
Ajuga reptans "Burgundy Glow" (ajuga repens), in Dutch called creeping zenngreen, is a semi-evergreen perennial with a low-growing, ground-covering habit. The plant blooms with blue to purple-hued minty flowers in May and June. The leaves are oval-round, glossy, gray-green with wine-red spots and creamy-white leaf margin. Creeping green pine likes a position in sun, partial shade or even shade and does well in almost any soil type. It is a good ground cover that sometimes dares to proliferate, it is very hardy, attracts bees and butterflies, but is not particularly tolerant to sea wind.
Are sold per 4.
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Pontederia lanceolata
Pontederia lanceolata, in Dutch called giant pike herb, is a beautiful water plant for medium to large ponds. With its lance-shaped, dark green leaves combined with the beautiful pastel blue elongated flower spikes, it offers the pond an exotic look. Pontederia lanceolata prefers a position in full sun or partial shade, a somewhat loamy soil and a water depth of between 30 and 60 cm. If you plant the plant at a minimum height of 30 cm, you do not need to take additional protective measures during the winter. If you want to keep the plant in the shallow swamp zone of the pond, you will need to add extra foliage on top of the plant during the winter. Pontederia lanceolata is also passionate about butterflies, bees and bumblebees.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rosa 'Papa Meilland'
Dark red double flowers with a strong 'old rose' scent. Very good flowering plant, but slightly mildew sensitive in less favorable conditions.