Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Rosa 'Red Meidiland'
This continuous flowering rose has an upright growth and blooms in loose clusters with single red flowers. A strong rose that tolerates light shade.
Are sold per 10.
Price is for 10 pieces.
Clerodendrum bungei 'Pink Diamond'
Clerodendrum bungei 'pink diamond', also called wreath tree, does not grow much higher than 1.5 meters and surprises everyone with its large, dark pink flowers that brighten up with a strong scent in the autumn. It is a shrub with large, variegated leaves from green to creamy white.
Clethra aln. 'Ruby Spice'
Clethra alnifolia, schijnels, is a medium-sized deciduous ornamental shrub with dark green ovate leaves and pink, strongly fragrant flower panicles. The schijnels do not like calcareous soil, but they do like acidic soil or neutral soil types. A spot in partial shade or shade is more than sufficient as a place, as this plant is wind resistant.
Rosa 'Rose Gaujard'
Rosa 'Rose Gaujard' is a softly scented, re-flowering rose with large double flowers. The cherry red petals are silvery pink on the outside.
The leathery foliage is glossy dark green.
Clethra alnifolia
Clethra alnifolia, schijnels, is a medium-sized deciduous ornamental shrub with dark green ovate leaves and creamy white, fragrant, upright flower panicles. The schijnels does not like calcareous soil, but does like acidic soil or neutral soil types. A spot in partial shade or shade is more than sufficient as a place, this plant is wind resistant, salt and sea wind tolerant and can therefore be called a good coastal plant.
Rosa 'Rosenfee'
Rosa "Rosenfee" (syn. "Korapriber") is a medium-sized floribunda rose that was introduced in 2006 by Cordes. This floribunda rose has a bushy upright shape with medium-sized, dark green, dense, slightly glossy leaves. It blooms in summer and fall with medium-sized, well-double, pure pink, light-scented flowers that emerge from salmon-pink buds. Rosa "rose fairy" likes a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very well permeable soil. It does well in all soil types. This rose is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and insects and is disease resistant.
Convolvulus cneorum
Convolvulus cneorum or silver bindweed is a graceful little shrub from the Mediterranean region, where it feels at home on the rocky coasts. However, this evergreen shrub is sensitive to frost and deserves good winter protection and a sheltered location. From June to September, white flowers with a yellow center embellish the beautiful silver-grey and hairy leaves. Convolvulus likes calcareous, poor soil and can handle dry conditions quite well.
Cornus alba 'Baton Rouge'
Cornus Alba 'Baton Rouge' blooms with small showers of white flowers and has a dark green leaf.
In the fall the leaf gets a nice purple -red autumn color.
The most decorative on the bush are the striking red bare branches in the fall and winter.
If the bush is outdated, the branches greener is therefore advisable to prune regularly to retain the red branches.
The bush becomes 3m high and gets white to blue -white berries in the fall.
Rosa 'Rote The Fairy'
Rosa "Rote The Fairy" (syn "red fairy") is a small polyantharose created by r.s. Moore was introduced. This miniature rose has a well-branched, compact, bushy shape with small medium green, semi-glossy leaves. It blooms in summer and autumn with small, round, double, red flowers (diam. 3 cm) that are grouped in large clusters. Rosa "Rote The Fairy" prefers a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very well permeable soil. It does well in all soil types. This rose is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and insects and is disease resistant.
Cornus alba 'Sibirica Variegata'
Cornus alba 'sibirica' is a dogwood native to Siberia, it is a deciduous shrub that can grow up to 3 m high and is notable for its bright red twigs in winter and leaf discoloration in autumn. Cornus alba likes acidic and moist soil and does well in full sun to partial shade. Given its origin (Siberia), it is a very hardy shrub. Pruning can be done in the spring before the buds emerge, usually the plant is pruned back completely, but if you want to see flowers and berries, prune back 1/3 to 1/4 of the old branches.
Rosa 'Roter Korsar'
Rosa "roter korsar" is a medium sized shrub rose introduced by Kordes in 2004. This shrub rose, with adr label, has a bushy upright, slightly pendulous shape with medium-sized, dark green, slightly glossy leaves. It blooms in summer and autumn with medium-sized, semi-double, dark red flowers (diam. 8-10 cm) that are grouped in large clusters. Rosa "roter korsar" prefers a sunny position and a slightly moist, but very permeable soil. It does well in all soil types. This rose is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees and insects and is very resistant to disease.