Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Callitriche verna
Callitriche verna, called little star duck in Dutch, is an evergreen oxygenating plant or floating plant with a wide distribution area, the plant is also native to Belgium and the Netherlands. Little Star Duckweed has small, narrow, elliptical, bright green leaves that float on the surface of the water in a rosette form. Callitriche verna blooms in spring with small, axillary, white-green flowers made up of 1 stamen or 1 pistil. This oxygenating plant can be planted in acidic to neutral soil at a water depth of 20 to 50cm, but can also be used perfectly as a floating plant or as a marsh plant. Callitriche verna is very hardy and suffers little or no disease.
Nymphaea 'Albatros'
Nymphaea albatros is one of the most beautiful white water lilies for the medium to large pond. The large, round leaves are first colored red and later dark green. They can easily reach a diameter of 20 cm. This white water lily blooms from June to August, with large, star-shaped, white flowers, with a yellow center. The diameter of the flower is approx. 15 to 20 cm. As soon as the flower has finished flowering, the seeds sink to the bottom. Nymphaea albatros prefers a position in full sun or partial shade, a water depth of 0.30 to 0.80 meters and a nutrient-rich soil. The plant is very hardy, attracts butterflies, bees and other insects, tolerates sea wind and light brackish water and is also tolerant to air pollution.
Angelica archangelica
Angelica archangelica, called angelic root in Dutch, is a hardy, native, semi-evergreen perennial. This gigantic, but short-lived plant has very large, deeply cut fragrant leaves on sturdy, upright, ribbed stems. Large angelic root blooms in June and July with yellow-green, semi-spherical umbels and dies after flowering. Angelica archangelica has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times, the plant also has many culinary applications, young leaves are used in salads, candied stems are a delicacy and liqueurs are flavored with it. This plant prefers a position in the sun or partial shade and preferably moist, well-drained soil.
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Fargesia mur. 'Jumbo'
Fargesia murieliae 'jumbo' is a medium-sized bamboo with a bushy upright, compact, non-invasive habit. He was selected from wards in the late 1970s. The leaves are small and graceful, light green, the culms are yellow-green to orange-yellow and hang slightly over. This bamboo likes a position in partial shade, shade or sun and a fresh, well-drained, airy and fertile soil. Fargesia murieliae 'jumbo' is hardy, tolerates fairly drought and is disease and vermin free. It is a suitable bamboo to serve as a hedge plant, windbreak or patio plant (container plant).
Ceratophyllum demersum
Ceratophyllum demersum, called thorn or coarse hornwort in Dutch, is a submerged aquatic plant without roots, with a very high water-purifying capacity. This oxygenating plant is a true cosmopolitan and occurs almost worldwide in sufficiently deep and fresh water. The leaves are dark green, branched fork-shaped, standing in whorls on long stems. This hornwort blooms in summer with small white flowers, the plant is monoecious, the male flowers have about 20 stamens, the female 1 pistil. The pollen floats through the water until it reaches the pistil, after fertilization olive green spiny achenes form. Thorn hornwort is very hardy, grows quickly, is not salt tolerant and only suitable for fresh water.
Nymphaea 'American Star'
Nymphaea 'American Star' is a very beautiful water lily with star-shaped flowers. The flowers are 15 cm in size with fine elongated petals, first turning white, later turning to salmon pink.
Becomes more beautiful and more beautiful with the years.
Cannot tolerate running water and hate splashing water from fountains, for example.
The large green flat leaves (25cm) float on the water between the water lilies.
In winter they disappear again to rise to the surface of the water in the spring.
It is even better to have fish in the pond, they help to control snails and other insects that can damage the leaves.
Water depth -60 to -30cm.
Artemisia abrotanum
Artemisia abrotanum, called lemon herb in Dutch, is a semi-evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a bushy habit. The plant originated in southern europe, but is now established in large parts of the temperate climate zone of europe. The leaves are silver-gray-green, finely feathered and have a lemon scent, they are used in herbal tea or herbal vinegar, among other things. In very hot summers, lemon grass blooms with small, inconspicuous green-yellow flowers, grouped in dense flower panicles. Artemisia abrotanum prefers a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and a well-drained, humus-rich soil. Lemon grass is hardy, drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution and is disease resistant.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Fargesia mur. 'Panda'
Fargesia murieliae 'Panda' from China is a pol-forming bamboo without shoots.
Forms dense clumps and has an upright shape with slightly arching dark green leaves.
Requires a permeable moist, nutrient-rich soil.
Elodea canadensis
Elodea canadensis, called broad waterweed in Dutch, originates from North America. This submerged, evergreen aquatic plant with stems of 60cm and more has an enormous water-purifying capacity and vigor. It quickly forms runners and can form entire mats in a short time. The leaves are oblong, lanceolate, dark green, usually in whorls of 3 on the long stems. Elodea is dioecious, but in our regions we usually only find female plants. The flowers are inconspicuous, greenish white to pinkish, the flowering period runs from May to August. Waterweed likes a place with sufficient sunlight and prefers to grow in a mixture of clay and peat, but it also comes into its own in a sandy soil.
Nymphaea 'Attraction'
Nymphaea "Attraction" is a beautiful, red water lily for the medium to large pond, which owes its name not to the flower, but to its special leaves. The large, round leaves appear bronze-colored earlier and turn dark green during the season. This water lily blooms from June to August, with pleasantly scented, star-shaped, pink-red flowers with a yellow center. The diameter of the flower is approx. 15 to 20 cm. As soon as the flower has finished flowering, the seeds sink to the bottom. Nymphaea "Attraction" prefers a location in full sun or partial shade, a water depth of 0.50 to 1.00 meters and a nutrient-rich soil. The plant is very hardy, attracts butterflies, bees and other insects, tolerates sea wind and slightly brackish water.
Artemisia dracunculus
Artemisia dracunculus, in Dutch called French tarragon, is a deciduous, herbaceous perennial in our climate with a bushy shape. The decorative, aromatic leaves are linear, smooth-edged and dark green in color. French tarragon blooms in July and August with inconspicuous greenish-yellow, sterile flowers in branched clusters. This plant prefers a position in partial shade or sun and a light, well-drained, not too fertile soil. Artemisia dracunculus is moderately hardy and must be protected in winter with a good mulch layer. It is drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution without any problems and is aromatic in all its parts.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Fargesia mur. 'Simba'
Fargesia murieliae 'simba' is a medium to small bamboo with a bushy upright, compact, non-invasive habit. The leaves are small and graceful, light green, the culms have a purple hue and hang slightly over. This bamboo likes a position in partial shade, shade or sun and a fresh, well-drained, airy and fertile soil. Fargesia murieliae 'simba' is hardy, tolerates fairly drought and is disease and vermin free. It is a suitable bamboo to serve as a hedge plant, windbreak or patio plant (container plant).