Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

Angelica archangelica
Angelica archangelica, called angelic root in Dutch, is a hardy, native, semi-evergreen perennial. This gigantic, but short-lived plant has very large, deeply cut fragrant leaves on sturdy, upright, ribbed stems. Large angelic root blooms in June and July with yellow-green, semi-spherical umbels and dies after flowering. Angelica archangelica has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times, the plant also has many culinary applications, young leaves are used in salads, candied stems are a delicacy and liqueurs are flavored with it. This plant prefers a position in the sun or partial shade and preferably moist, well-drained soil.
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Artemisia abrotanum
Artemisia abrotanum, called lemon herb in Dutch, is a semi-evergreen perennial or semi-shrub with a bushy habit. The plant originated in southern europe, but is now established in large parts of the temperate climate zone of europe. The leaves are silver-gray-green, finely feathered and have a lemon scent, they are used in herbal tea or herbal vinegar, among other things. In very hot summers, lemon grass blooms with small, inconspicuous green-yellow flowers, grouped in dense flower panicles. Artemisia abrotanum prefers a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade and a well-drained, humus-rich soil. Lemon grass is hardy, drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution and is disease resistant.
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Artemisia dracunculus
Artemisia dracunculus, in Dutch called French tarragon, is a deciduous, herbaceous perennial in our climate with a bushy shape. The decorative, aromatic leaves are linear, smooth-edged and dark green in color. French tarragon blooms in July and August with inconspicuous greenish-yellow, sterile flowers in branched clusters. This plant prefers a position in partial shade or sun and a light, well-drained, not too fertile soil. Artemisia dracunculus is moderately hardy and must be protected in winter with a good mulch layer. It is drought tolerant, tolerates sea wind and air pollution without any problems and is aromatic in all its parts.
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Artemisia vulgaris
Artemisia vulgaris is an aromatic plant with finely cut leaves.
The taste is strong and bitter and goes well with all fatty dishes, but should not be cooked.
Plant it in the spring and harvest the leaves the following summer.
Only use the small young leaves, buds and fine flowers may also be used.
Thrives in the sun, in light, well-drained soil, even poor, dry soil. Give it enough space because it grows rather quickly.
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Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague'
Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague' has the Dutch name Loopkamille. Camomile is a low-growing and evergreen perennial. The final height is 5 cm. Chamomile does not flower, but if you walk over the Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague' it smells wonderful. It is advisable to grow the Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague' between tiles or in the gravel or another pavement. Treneague '(runner chamomile) is also sometimes used as a substitute for lawn.
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Cynara scolymus
Cynara scolymus, syn. Cynara cardunculus subsp.flavescens wiklund or in Dutch: artichoke is a deciduous perennial with a sturdy upright shape and thick, gray-green, thistle-like leaves. The plant blooms from July to September with compact, bulbous, thistle-like purple flowers that contain a lot of nectar and attract bees, bumblebees and butterflies. Cynara scolymus likes an open spot in full sun and requires well-drained, fertile soil that is not too wet during the winter months. The plant is fairly hardy, but can always use good winter protection. Once established, artichoke is also fairly drought tolerant. Although the artichoke can tolerate a lot of wind and also salty soil, it does not like direct sea wind.
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Echium vulgare
Echium vulgare is found in the wild from Central Scandinavia to Spain.
Forms a rosette of hairy lanceolate leaves and a panicle-shaped inflorescence. Light blue flowers with long stamens bloom from pink-red buds.
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Foeniculum vulgare
Powerful shoots grow from the tuber with beautiful, finely feathered leaves and yellow lace-cap flowers, which is why it is also referred to as fennel.
Although this is a herbal plant and vegetable, it also looks great in the border.
Sows itself out.
The tuber tastes like anise and is prepared like a vegetable.
The leaves are sweet and go well with fish and chicken dishes, finely chopped in sauces, sprinkle stewed fish with chopped fennel and in salads, especially in spring the fennel tips are at their best.
The seed for in oil, apple pie, sauerkraut
Desires a moist and sunny spot.
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Hyssopus officinalis
Hyssop is an aromatic plant of 50cm with narrow leaves and blue flowers, white and pink also occur.
The young twigs of Hyssop are used in the kitchen to season dishes such as cottage cheese / cottage cheese, rice and bean dishes, in meat marinades.
The taste is a bit like sage, and is best just before flowering.
Requests a sunny and sandy place in the garden.
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Levisticum officinale
Levisticum officinale, called lovage or maggi in English, is a deciduous herbaceous perennial with a tall, columnar habit and dark green aromatic leaves. Lovage blooms from the end of June to August with green-yellow umbels, later followed by brown ribbed seeds. Levisticum officinale prefers a position in full sun or partial shade and a well-drained, slightly moist, fertile soil. The plant is hardy, once established also fairly drought tolerant, attracts bees and butterflies, is disease resistant, tolerant to air pollution. All parts of lovage are edible and culinary applicable, the plant also has a good medicinal effect and works, among other things, promoting digestion, expelling urine and masking bad odors.
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Melissa officinalis
Melissa officinalis, also called lemon balm, is a deciduous, hardy perennial with a bushy upright shape and opposite, oval, serrated, light green leaves that give off a strong lemon scent when bruised. Lemon balm blooms from June to October, with white to light purple flowers in axillary clusters. The plant prefers a sheltered position in the sun or partial shade, preferably with a southern or western orientation. Melissa officinalis is hardy, fairly drought tolerant, attracts bees and butterflies, tolerates sea breeze and some air pollution. Lemon balm also has a medicinal effect: it has a calming effect, reduces fever and is beneficial against eczema and herpes.
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Mentha pip. 'Chocolate'
The leaves of the Mentha x piperita 'Chocolate' are purple-green, fragrant and chocolate-flavored ... with mint, a bit like After Eight's chocolates.
Can be used in all kinds of chocolate desserts or dried in herbal tea.
Flowers light lilac-pink from June to September.
Currency can proliferate. To prevent overgrowth, it is best to plant them in a bucket, tub.
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