Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Primula auricula
Primula auricula is originally an alpine plant with soft downy leaves and flowers in various colors of pink, yellow, blue, red, white....
There are several cultivars of this primrose, some of which can already be found in the plant guide.
If you put it in the living room in the spring, this colorful plant should be watered regularly and should certainly not be placed above a heater.
After flowering, it can be planted in the garden where it will bloom again next year.
Plant it in a slightly shaded spot.
The soil should not be wet, but moist, rich in humus, clayey and calcareous.
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Primula beesiana
A storey primula of 60cm high and blooms from June to August with purple-red flowers and dark yellow eye.
Not so easy plants for the garden, the soil must be quite moist and in winter the soil must be sufficiently drained, a mixture of clay and humus often gives good results.
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Primula bulleesiana
Primula x bulleesiana is not an easy plant for the garden, the soil must be quite moist and the soil must be sufficiently drained in winter. A mixture of clay and humus often gives good results.
Primula x bulleesiana comes in numerous colors and shades of yellow, orange, pink, red, lilac, purple.
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Primula dent. 'Alba'
Primula denticulata "Alba", also called ball primula or bulb primula in Dutch, is a deciduous perennial with a rosette-forming habit and elongated, spoon-shaped, serrated, mid-green leaves with a downy white underside. This bulbous primula blooms in April and May with white rounded flower heads. It likes a position in partial shade and a neutral to acidic soil, it is hardy but not really drought tolerant, so mixing a good layer of mulch or concrete with light sandy soil is recommended. Primula denticulata "Alba" attracts bees and butterflies and is moderately air pollution tolerant.
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Primula dent. 'Cashmeriana'
Primula denticulata 'Cashmeriana' blooms with spherical lilac flowers in the period (end) March-April. The height of Primula denticulata 'Cashmeriana' is approximately 20-25 cm.
A sunny position and a moist soil are desirable. If the soil is not sufficiently moist, it is best to place this bulb primula in partial shade. Primula denticulata 'Cashmeriana' is a beautiful plant for the spring garden.
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Primula dent. 'Rubin'
Primula denticulata "Rubin", also called ball primula or bulb primula in Dutch, is a deciduous perennial with a rosette-forming habit and elongated, spoon-shaped, toothed, light green leaves with a downy white underside. This bulbous primula blooms in April and May with crimson round flower heads. It likes a position in partial shade and a neutral to acidic soil, it is hardy but not really drought tolerant, so mixing a good layer of mulch or concrete with light sandy soil is recommended. Primula denticulata "Rubin" attracts bees and butterflies and is moderately air pollution tolerant.
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Primula jap. 'Alba'
A primrose with upright stems that is more difficult than the other types in the garden, the soil should be quite moist and in winter / spring the soil should be sufficiently drained but not dry, and especially likes a loamy soil, on lighter soils partial shade desired.
Touching the plant can cause skin irritation.
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Primula jap. 'Miller's Crimson'
Primula japonica 'Miller's Crimson' is a moisture-loving plant that looks best in a pond environment. The beautiful crimson flowers appear in the period (end) April-May.
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Primula juliae 'Wanda'
Primula 'Wanda' is a juliae hybrid. It is a strong, floriferous primrose that quickly forms beautiful dense carpets with small fragrant flowers, purple with a yellow center.
Prefers cool, moist, humus-rich clay soil and a sunny to semi-shady position.
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Primula rosea
Primula rosea, called primrose in English, is a deciduous perennial with a rosette-forming habit and small round dark green leaves, which are still bronze-colored in the spring. This Himalayan primrose blooms from March to May with pink to crimson flowers with a yellow heart, the flowers are grouped with 4 to 12 in round to semicircular flower heads. Primula rosea prefers a position in partial shade and a neutral to acidic soil, it is hardy but not drought tolerant, so mixing a good layer of mulch or concrete with light sandy soil is recommended. Primula rosea attracts bees and butterflies and is moderately air pollution tolerant.
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Primula rosea 'Gigas'
Primula rosea is native to Kashmir, Afghanistan, Nepal and Western Himalayas.
The cultivar 'Gigas' forms a rosette of bronze-green veined leaves and blooms abundantly with umbels of pink flowers with a yellow center.
Desire a moist to wet place in both the sun and partial shade.
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Primula veris
Primula veris, in Dutch called real primrose, is a semi-evergreen perennial of Eurasian origin with a rosette-forming habit and elongated oval mid-green leaves. This primrose blooms from March to May with small rich yellow, scented, bell-shaped flowers of about 1.5 cm. Primula veris likes a position in full sun or partial shade and does well in any moist but well-drained soil, ph flexible. Primula veris attracts bees and butterflies and is moderately air pollution tolerant.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.