Garden Plants

Garden Plants

A garden is a delimited area of land on which crops are planted or grown. A garden can be utilitarian in nature, a vegetable garden, scientific, a botanical garden, allotment garden or a decorative ornamental garden. Someone who creates and maintains a garden professionally is called a gardener or gardener. A landscaper can design the garden in a particular style, such as a Japanese garden, Chinese garden, English or French garden. Source: Wikipedia

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Lavandula int. 'Grosso'
Lavandula intermedia 'grosso' is a large hybrid lavender shrub, it is a cross between l.angustifolia and l.latifolia. It grows somewhat higher than the angustifolia species and is cultivated in France for its oil. From June to August it blooms with beautiful fragrant violet-blue flowers that rise high above the leaves. The leaves are silver-green, oval and aromatic. This lavender species likes a sunny position in a soil that is not too rich, well-drained. Pruning is necessary every year to prevent the plant from becoming woody. Lavandula intermedia 'grosso' is hardy, can withstand sea wind and air pollution and is often used for rock gardens, ground cover, herb garden, fragrance garden, planting and flower boxes.
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Lavandula int. 'Provence'
The deep blue flowering Lavandula x intermedia 'Provence' is a semi-shrub that is widely used in gardens to fill planting areas. They have beautiful gray-leaved and prefer a sunny position that is not too wet in winter.
It is a cross of Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula latifolia.
Grows to a height of 75 / 90cm, flowering included.
Lavandula is also used in cooking but should be used in moderation.
Together with dill, savory and sage, this is very tasty for a herb butter.
The young leaf tips can be added to soup, salads, fish, poultry and are removed before serving.
The taste of lavender is sweet and very strong.
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Lavandula latifolia
Lavandula latifolia is native to the Western Mediterranean.
It is a broad-leaved lavender with a strong scent.
The plant prefers well-drained soil. Needs sun and heat, cannot grow in the shade. Can withstand drought but not wet soil.
Hardy in a sheltered place in the garden.
Does not tolerate prolonged frost (-10 ° C).
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Lavandula stoech. 'Pedunculata'
Lavandula stoechas pedunculata is also called crested lavender, French lavender or butterfly lavender in Dutch. It grows much higher than the angustifolia and intermedia varieties and has a bushy upright shape. From June to August it blooms with short purple-blue flower stalks with striking bracts above. the leaves are green-gray, narrow and aromatic. This lavender species likes a sunny position in well-drained soil in a sheltered position. Pruning is necessary every year to prevent the plant from becoming woody. Lavandula stoechas pedunculata is not 100% hardy and needs good winter protection. It can withstand sea breezes and air pollution and is often used for rock gardens, herb gardens, fragrance gardens and flower boxes.
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Lavatera 'Barnsley'
Lavatera barnsley, in Dutch called shrub malva or malva shrub, is a medium-sized semi-evergreen shrub with a narrow upright shape and lobed gray-green leaves. From June to October it blooms with first white and later soft pink flowers with a red eye on annual wood. The lavatera prefers a sunny position and light, well-drained limy soil. Every year after the worst frost, the shrub can be pruned back considerably in March or April to promote bushy growth from below. This lavatera is only moderately hardy and there is a risk of freezing branches that are not completely hardened.
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Lavatera 'Barnsley Baby'
Lavatera 'Barnsley Baby' flowers white / pink like her big sister 'Barnsley' but stays much lower, namely 100cm high.
A semi-shrub that freezes deeply every year, but sprouts again in the spring and branches strongly. It is best to prune to 30cm in spring (March) when the plants are already sprouting well.
No wet soil in winter and no strong wind.
Has a lobed velvet leaf.
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Lavatera 'Blushing Bride'
Lavatera 'Blushing Bride' flowers white with a red eye.
Lavateras are semi-shrubs with a very long bloom at the back of the border, because it grows 150 to 200 cm high and the same width.
Plant shrub mallow in full sun and sheltered from the wind, as it can sometimes freeze.
Prune Lavatera to 50cm in March.
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Lavatera 'Bredon Springs'
Lavatera 'Bredon Springs', in Dutch called shrub malva or malva shrub, is a fairly large semi-evergreen shrub with a bushy upright shape and palmate lobed gray-green leaves. From June to September it blooms with dark pink to mauve pink funnel-shaped flowers on annual wood. This lavatera likes a sunny position and light, well-drained calcareous soil. Every year after the worst frost, the shrub can be pruned back considerably in March or April to promote bushy growth from below. This lavatera is only moderately hardy and there is a risk of freezing branches that are not completely hardened.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lavatera 'Burgundy Wine'
Lavatera 'Burgundy Wine', in Dutch called shrub malva or malva shrub, is a medium-sized semi-evergreen shrub with a bushy upright shape and palmate lobed gray-green leaves. From June to October it blooms with purple-pink to almost wine-red funnel-shaped flowers on annual wood. This lavatera prefers a sunny position and light, well-drained calcareous soil. Every year after the worst frost, the shrub can be pruned back considerably in March or April to encourage bushy growth from below. This lavatera is only moderately hardy and there is a risk of freezing branches that are not completely hardened.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lavatera 'Candy Floss'
Lavatera 'Candy Floss', syn. L. X clementii 'candy floss', in Dutch called shrub malva or malva shrub, is a powerful and large semi-evergreen shrub with a bushy upright shape and hairy, palmate lobed gray-green leaves. From June to early October it blooms with large light pink funnel-shaped flowers on annual wood. This short-lived lavatera likes a sunny position and light, well-drained, calcareous soil. Every year after the worst frost, the shrub can be pruned back considerably in March or April to promote bushy growth from below. This lavatera is only moderately hardy and there is a risk of freezing branches that are not completely hardened.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lavatera 'Frederique'
A semi-shrub that freezes deeply every year, but sprouts again in the spring and branches strongly. It is best to prune in the spring when the plants are already sprouting well.
No wet soil in winter and no strong wind.
Has a lobed velvet leaf.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Lavatera 'Rosea'
Lavatera 'Rosea', in Dutch called shrub malva or malva shrub, is a powerful and large semi-evergreen shrub with bushy upright shape and hairy, palmate lobed gray-green leaves. From June to October it blooms with large pink funnel-shaped flowers on annual wood. This short-lived lavatera likes a sunny position and light, well-drained, calcareous soil. Every year after the worst frost, the shrub can be pruned back considerably in March or April to promote bushy growth from below. This lavatera is only moderately hardy and there is a risk of freezing branches that are not completely hardened.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.