
Campsis summer jazz 'Fire Trumpet'
'Campsis Summer Jazz Fire Trumpet' is a hardy trumpet climber which blooms exuberantly and for longer with plenty of sun. The red-flowered Campsis grows more compact than other varieties from the Summer Jazz series, with a maximum height of 3 meters. The late summer bloomer tends to form a shrub. If you want to let the Campsis climb, it is useful to support it with, for example, a climbing frame at the beginning of its growth. This Campsis is a self-adhesive climbing plant, which means that small adhesive roots are formed from the branches. These suture roots will attach themselves along the wall or fence. In August and September you can expect the exotic bloom which gives your outdoor space a Mediterranean atmosphere.
Campsis summer jazz 'Gold Trumpet'
'Campsis Summer Jazz Fire Trumpet' is a hardy trumpet climber which blooms exuberantly and for longer with plenty of sun. The red-flowered Campsis grows more compact than other varieties from the Summer Jazz series, with a maximum height of 3 meters. The late summer bloomer tends to form a shrub. If you want to let the Campsis climb, it is useful to support it with, for example, a climbing frame at the beginning of its growth. This Campsis is a self-adhesive climbing plant, which means that small adhesive roots are formed from the branches. These suture roots will attach themselves along the wall or fence. In August and September you can expect the exotic bloom which gives your outdoor space a Mediterranean atmosphere.
Celastrus orbiculatus
Celastrus orbiculatus, called tree strangler in Dutch, is a tall, right-winding climbing vine with light green, ovate, serrated and often intertwined leaves. This lovely tree strangler flowers in April and May with yellow-green to cream-coloured, five-lobed flowers. In the case of female plants, if a male pollinator is nearby, an invasion of attractive vermilion red fruits follows in late summer. Celastrus orbiculatus likes a position in partial shade or full sun and a well-drained, slightly moist soil, it is hardy, fairly drought tolerant, attracts bees and butterflies and also tolerates sea wind and air pollution well. The tree strangler also has few problems with diseases or vermin.
Clematis alpina
Clematis alpina, also called forest vine in Dutch, is a deciduous climbing plant with a vigorous upright growth. The leaves are medium green in color, lanceolate, toothed and triple. This woodland vine blooms in April and May with blue to mauve nodding flowers with creamy white stamens. Clematis alpina likes a position in partial shade or full sun and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This plant is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Clematis armand. 'Apple Blossom'
Clematis armandii 'Apple Blossom', also called forest vine in Dutch, is an evergreen climbing plant with a vigorous upright growth. The leaves are leathery, first bronze-red, later evolving to dark green. This woodland vine flowers from March to May with light pink flowers with a lovely vanilla scent with yellow-white stamens, the end of the bloom is white. Clematis armandii 'Apple Blossom' likes a position sheltered from the wind in partial shade or full sun and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This plant is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Clematis armandii
Clematis armandii, also called bos vine in Dutch, is an evergreen climbing plant with a vigorous upright growth. The leaves are leathery, first bronze-red, later evolving to dark green. This forest vine flowers from March to May with fragrant white to creamy white flowers with sometimes a hint of pink and yellow-white stamens, the end of bloom is white. Clematis armandii likes a position sheltered from wind in partial shade or full sun and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This plant is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Clematis 'Avalanche'
Clematis 'Avalanche' is an early flowering clematis variety. Clematis 'Avalanche' blooms fairly small white flowers in March and April.
The Clematis 'Avalanche' is a fast-growing and evergreen clematis.
Clematis 'Dr. Ruppel'
Clematis 'doctor ruppel', also called bos rank in Dutch, is a deciduous climbing plant with a strong upright growth. The leaves are composed of lanceolate medium green leaflets. This woodland vine flowers from May to June with large dark pink flowers with a pink - red center stripe and creamy - white stamens . Clematis 'dr.ruppel' likes a position sheltered from wind in partial shade or full sun and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This late-flowering clematis is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Clematis 'Ernest Markham'
Clematis 'Ernest Markham' is a clematis of the jackmanii group and grows to a height of 250 cm.
The large flowers are purple-red with deep veins.
Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid'
Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid', syn. 'pink chiffon, also called bosrank in Dutch, is a large-flowered, deciduous climbing plant with a strong upright growth. The leaves are composed of ovate medium green leaflets. This woodland vine flowers from July to September with large pink to lilac - pink flowers with a usually slightly darker center stripe and red - purple stamens . Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid' likes a position sheltered from wind in partial shade or full sun and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This late-flowering clematis is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Clematis 'Jackmanii'
Clematis 'jacmanii', also called bos rank in Dutch, is a large-flowered, very popular, deciduous climbing plant with a strong upright growth. The leaves are composed of lanceolate medium green leaflets. This forest vine flowers from July to September with large deep purple flowers with a usually slightly lighter center stripe and creamy white stamens. Clematis 'Jackmanii' likes a position sheltered from wind in partial shade or full sun and requires a neutral to calcareous, well-drained soil. This late-flowering clematis is good to very hardy, attracts butterflies and bees and is suitable for wall planting, trellis or pergola vegetation.
Clematis 'Justa'
The low-growing Clematis viticella 'Justa' flowers lilac-blue with soft yellow stamens.
Prune lightly after winter.