
Typha lat. 'Variegata'
Typha latifolia "Variegata", in Dutch called "variegated cattail", is an indigenous aquatic plant that is mainly found in acidic and nutrient-poor water. This perennial has a high upright and wide spreading habit. It easily proliferates through rhizomes, so lock it up in a good pond basket is the message. The leaves are narrow, linear and green-white. Variegated cattail blooms from June to September with double cigar-shaped spikes. The male spikes are at the top, the female a few centimeters lower. After wind fertilization, the female flowers form the characteristic spindle-shaped "cigars". Typha latifolia "Variegata" prefers a sunny position and a swampy soil with a water depth of 15 to 35 cm.
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Typha latifolia
Typha latifolia, in Dutch called "bulrush", is an indigenous aquatic plant that is mainly found in acidic and nutrient-poor water. This perennial has a high upright and wide spreading habit. It easily proliferates through rhizomes, so lock it up in a good pond basket is the message. The leaves are broad, linear and blue-green colored. Cattail blooms from June to September with double, cigar-shaped spikes. The male spikes are at the top, the female directly below. After wind fertilization, the female flowers form the characteristic spindle-shaped "cigars". Typha latifolia prefers a sunny position and a swampy soil with a water depth of 15 to 35 cm. The plant is hardy, tolerates sea wind, air pollution and is disease-free.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Typha laxmannii
Typha laxmannii, in Dutch called "cattail", is a perennial water plant that is mainly found in acidic and nutrient-poor water. This perennial has a high upright habit. It easily proliferates through rhizomes, so lock it up in a good pond basket is the message. The leaves are narrow, sword-shaped and colored blue-green. This cattail blooms from June to October with double cigar-shaped spikes. The male spikes are at the top, the female ones below with a gap of 5cm. After wind fertilization, the female flowers form the characteristic spindle-shaped "cigars". Typha laxmannii likes a sunny position and a swampy soil with a water depth of 15 to 25 cm.
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Typha minima
Typha minima, in English called "dwarf slid", is a perennial aquatic plant that is mainly found in acidic and nutrient-poor water. This perennial has a compact upright habit and is the suitable bulrush for the small and medium-sized pond. The leaves are narrow, sword-shaped and colored blue-green. This pygmy cattail blooms from June to October with double cigar-shaped spikes. The yellow male spikes are at the top, the green female a little lower. After wind fertilization, the female flowers form the characteristic spindle-shaped "cigars". Typha minima likes a sunny location and a swampy soil with a water depth of 10 to 30 cm. The plant is hardy, tolerates sea wind, air pollution, is pest and disease free and has a beautiful winter silhouette.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Vallisneria gigantea
Vallisneria gigantea, in English called "giant valisneria", is an aquatic plant with long, thin, linear, hidden bright green leaves. The plant is dioecious, which means that male and female flowers are on different plants. The white female flowers float to the surface. The males sit at the base of the plant, then come loose and float to the surface. Giant Vallisneria likes a warm and sunny location, iron-rich water and a temperature of 20-30 ° C. The plant is not hardy, tolerates light brackish water and can be used as an oxygen plant, especially in large aquariums.
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Vallisneria spiralis
Vallisneria spiralis is an aquarium plant that floats just below the surface of the water.
The bright green leaves are 30-50cm long and 1-2cm wide.
Rapid shoots and is suitable for medium sized aquariums.
Vallisneria is an oxygen plant, does not require too soft water (pH6-8).
Temperature: 15 - 30 degrees.
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Veronica beccabunga
Veronica beccabunga, called "beekpunge" in Dutch, is still very common in the Netherlands and Belgium as a bank and marsh plant. This ground-covering, evergreen to semi-evergreen shoreline plant has succulent-like, shiny leaves with an almost round to elliptical leaf blade and short stems. Brookpunge blooms from May to September with axillary clusters of small blue flowers. Veronica beccabunga prefers a position in full sun or partial shade and in moist to wet soil. This plant is hardy, semi-evergreen, attracts bees, bumblebees and butterflies. It tolerates sea breezes, air pollution and even slightly brackish water well. Beekpunge is hardly bothered by vermin.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia aethiopica, in English called white arum, is a high-upright, clump-forming root vegetable. The leaves are basic, fleshy, dark green colored and arrow-shaped, they usually stand on stems 40 to 60 cm long. Not only the foliage attracts attention, Zantedeschia aethiopica blooms from June to September with softly scented, white arum-like flowers, which actually consist of a white flower sheath surrounding a yellow spadix, followed later in the season by striking yellow fruits. White arum likes a position in partial shade or shade and moist to wet, neutral soil. The plant is moderately hardy and a good protective layer with mulch, wood or straw is recommended in winter.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Acanthus 'Morning's Candle'
Acanthus 'Mornings Candle' is a stately perennial with great ornamental value that provides structure in the garden with its large leaves and spike-shaped flowers.
This variety develops large deeply serrated, glossy dark green leaves and has a longer flowering period from June to October.
The tall spikes bloom in summer with pink flowers and spiky, violet-purple bracts, after flowering they remain decorative until autumn.

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Acanthus 'White Water'
Acanthus mollis 'Whitewater' is a stately perennial with great ornamental value that provides structure in the garden with its large leaves and spike-shaped flowers.
This variety is a very original one with its white flowers and pinkish white bracts! beautiful with the deeply incised dark green leaves, splashed with creamy white spots.
Flowering, they remain decorative until autumn.

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Price is for 4 pieces.
Achillea hybr. 'Taygetea'
Achillea 'Taygetea' is an upright, compact plant with beautiful, feathery, silver-grey foliage and dense umbels of sulfur-yellow to pale lemon-yellow flowers.
Hardy and resistant to summer drought, it requires sun and well-drained soil.
Tolerates stony and calcareous soils.

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Price is for 4 pieces.
Achillea hybr. 'Velour'
A nice thing about this plant is the fact that the flowers change color as they bloom, resulting in different shades from purple lilac to dark purple.
The bright green feathery leaves have a strong aromatic scent and can be used fresh in salads.
Requires permeable, not too dry to normal soil in a sunny location.
Propagate by splitting in spring or fall.

Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.