
Ranunculus flammula
Ranunculus flammula, in Dutch called hedgehog buttercup, is a deciduous swamp plant that attracts a lot of attention because of its abundant inflorescence. The upper leaves are narrow, lanceolate, smooth-edged and non-stalked, the lower leaves are more elliptical and more serrated. ranunculus flammula blooms from June to October with small bright yellow flowers on reddish, hollow stems. Hedgehog buttercups prefer a position in full sun or light shade, in moist to wet, not too limy soil. this plant is hardy, tolerant to sea wind, also tolerates light brackish water and air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies, has few problems with pests but can be sporadically affected by powdery mildew.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Ranunculus lingua
Ranunculus lingua, in Dutch called large buttercup, is a deciduous swamp plant that attracts a lot of attention because of its large inflorescence for a buttercup. The long blue-green leaves are lanceolate, non-stalked and grow on hollow stems growing red. Ranunculus lingua blooms from June to October with large golden yellow flowers. The large buttercup likes a position in full sun or light shade, in moist to wet, not too limy soil. this plant is hardy, tolerant to sea wind, tolerates reasonable air pollution, attracts bees and butterflies, has few problems with pests but can be sporadically affected by powdery mildew.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rotala indica
Rotala indica (syn. Ammania sp. Bonsai) is a beautiful water plant for the tropical aquarium, suitable for the foreground or middle plan. It is all too often confused with rotala rotundifolia, which grows much stronger and, however strange it may sound, only has round leaves above the surface of the water, but develops more elongated leaves under water. The true Rotala indica has small, round, green to green-red tinted leaves above and below water on sturdy, stiff stems and blooms with solitary pink flowers, in contrast to the rotala rotundifolia, where the pink flowers are grouped in clusters. Rotala indica is a slower grower and absolutely needs a lot of light. He likes an acidity between pH 8 and a temperature between 18 and 30 ° C.
P9 and P11 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rotala rot. 'Green'
Rotala rotundifolia "Green" is a fast growing water plant, suitable for the tropical aquarium. In contrast to the regular rotundifolia, the plant does not have a red tint in the leaves. The leaves on the surface are always round in shape, under water they are more elongated. This plant needs a lot of light to develop properly and likes an acidity pH 5-8. Topping regularly to maintain a bushy shape is important.
P9 and P11 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Rumex sanguineus
Rumex sanguineus, also called sorrel or dragon's blood, is a deciduous, herbaceous perennial with a clump-forming habit and thick, elongated, medium-green, thick purple-red veined leaves. Blood sorrel blooms in June and July first with light green, later with reddish-brown, flowers on slender spikes, followed by brown-red seed fruits. The plant prefers a position in partial shade and a well-drained soil with an acidic to neutral pH. Rumex sanguineus is very hardy, tolerates sea breeze and air pollution and usually does not suffer from diseases.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Sagittaria graminea
Sagittaria graminea, also called grass-leaved arrowwort, is an evergreen aquatic plant for stagnant or lightly flowing water. The plant has elongated, grassy, dark green leaves below the surface of the water and a more lanceolate to oval leaf above water. Arrowwort blooms from May to September with small, white flowers that are grouped in clusters of 3. Sagittaria graminea prefers a position in full sun or partial shade, moist to wet soil and a water depth of 0 to 40 cm. This water plant is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees, is resistant to disease and has few pests.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Sagittaria latifolia
Sagittaria latifolia, also called broadleaf arrowwort, is an evergreen aquatic plant for stagnant or gently flowing water. The plant has large, broad arrow-shaped, dark green leaves. Arrowwort blooms from May to September with small, pink flowers that are grouped in clusters. Sagittaria latifolia prefers a position in full sun or partial shade, moist to wet soil and a water depth of 0 to 40 cm. This water plant is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees, is resistant to disease and has few pests.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Sagittaria sagittifolia
Sagittaria sagittifolia in Dutch called arrowwort, is an evergreen water plant for still or lightly flowing water. The plant has linear to arrow-shaped leaves that can be very different in shape, the underwater leaf is rather linear and the upper water leaf is arrow-shaped. Arrowwort blooms from June to August with small white flowers that are grouped in wreaths around the triangular stems. Sagittaria sagittifolia 'likes a position in full sun or partial shade, moist to wet soil and a water depth of 0 to 40cm. This water plant is hardy, tolerates sea wind and air pollution, attracts bees, is resistant to disease and has few pests.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Sarracenia farnhamii
Sarracenia x farnhamii, also called pitcher plant, is an attractive carnivorous plant with a pol-forming habit. The plant blooms very early in the spring with large, scented, red flowers, which are mainly fertilized by bees. Once reproduction is guaranteed, the special leaves of the plant appear. These funnel-shaped cups are colored green with red-brown veins. The funnel lid and funnel neck are also fitted with yellow-white windows. The tube rim is very slippery and thanks to the strong scent of the nectar, insects are attracted, the funnel lid prevents escape and the highly digesting enzymes in the cup liquid ensure that the insects can be absorbed as food. Sarracenia prefers a position in full sun.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Sarracenia leucophylla
Sarracenia leucophylla, also called pitcher plant, is an attractive carnivorous plant with a pol-forming habit. The plant blooms very early in the spring with large, scented, red flowers, which are mainly fertilized by bees. Once reproduction is guaranteed, the special leaves of the plant appear. These funnel-shaped cups are narrow and green at the base, higher up they are wider and have reddish brown veins, the funnel lid and funnel neck are white with red veins. The tube rim is very slippery and thanks to the strong scent of the nectar, insects are attracted, the lid prevents escape and the digestive enzymes in the cup liquid ensure that the insects can be absorbed as food. Sarracenia prefers a position in full sun.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Saururus cernuus
Saururus cernuus is a swamp plant native to North and Central America and has rough, bright green leaves that grow from rhizomes.
The long, soft yellow, fragrant flower spikes bloom on a stem.
They can also grow in shallow water along the water's edges.
Plant them in a pond basket because they tend to proliferate.
The Leiden plant can also be kept in an aquarium.
P9 are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.
Schizostylis cocc. 'Alba'
Schizostylis coccinea "Alba", also called white kaffir lily or swamp gladiolus, is a perennial plant from South Africa. It grows in swamps in the east of the Cape Province. White Kaffir Lily is clump-forming and spreads via the rhizome. The leaves are sword-shaped, grassy, narrow, bright green and about 35 cm long. Flowering takes place from August to October with pure white, star-shaped flowers. Schizostylis coccinea "Alba" likes a sheltered and sunny place in a moist but good permeable soil The plant is not very hardy, growing in pots and digging in at the edge of the pond is a reliable solution This plant remains semi-evergreen, tolerates sea wind and is disease resistant.
Are sold per 4.
Price is for 4 pieces.